Before the Fall

Sielic’s ponytail waved in the wind coming off the harbor. Morning had brought a cool breeze and clear skies, and Sielic looked towards the horizon. For weeks, he had risen early with the Guards, training and sparring with them. He watched the ten Guards in their sparring matches. He had stepped out this morning.  ‘None […]

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Sielic stood on the hill, looking out from the monastery and across the Jade Forest. Trees covered the landscape, a vibrant green surrounded him. He knew better than to think it was not dangerous. The whispers on the transport down had warned of shadowy beings that fed on emotions. Most laughed this off, but Sielic […]

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A Night Elf Huntress scanned her surroundings, seemingly alone in the wild. The trees kept the land dark, the terrain and murky water all blending together in the shadows of the Wilds. She carried a blade and her bow, with her blade sheathed at the side of her hips and her bow strapped across her […]

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Dead End

To Justicar Dawnfield of The Templars of the Rose,     We regret to inform you that a member of your own was lost in combat today. The men have reported that he perished with valour, disposing of a large explosive device and saving several lives. Attached is a package which is the only possession […]

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A cautionary note from the Stormwind orphan matron

Dear Mr.Fateshifter: Thank you so much for allowing your adopted daughter Zayrala to visit the children of the orphanage. It’s very encouraging to the others to see one of their friends in a happy home. Unfortunately there are some concerns about a story she told during her visit. The tale of ‘Little Blue Riding Hood’ […]

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Boy meets Girl (A story of romance and high powered explosives) part one

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction brought to you by Zen and Raelynna – Some of the events were taken directly from Role Play – some just from many hours of conversations about our characters. We wrote this together as a means of sharing some of the fun we have with these characters with […]

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Boy meets Girl (A story of romance and high powered explosives) part two

Chapter five Typos A few minutes before Raelynna arrived… The bar is much the same as it always has been. Tables, chairs, people dancing – a goblin music machine sat in the corner where people could feed it coin and pick out songs. The bartender looks to be in a rather delightful mood as the […]

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Idella bit her lip in concentration as she delicately pinched the dropper between her fingers. A single drop squeezed from the pipe and plunked into her brewing vat. Smoke swirled and the vat bubbled till it took on a smoldering purple color. Smiling, Idella rubbed her hands together and declared: "Done!" Now came the tricky […]

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