[Journal] House Arrest

Originally written Dec. 17, 2009. Lanria Geroux, a longtime member of the Rose and veteran in our ranks, was placed under house arrest tonight. It came to my attention that she committed several homocides, the most recent of which was witnessed by a knight of the Ebon Blade, and member of the Echelon Militia. Although […]

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[Journal] Military and Politics

Originally written Dec. 20, 2009. A security council was held at the manor of Thalynn Kestavin, wherein several guilds collected to discuss the matter of the Knights and the shards. I have never been in the company of so many bruised egos. I found myself yearning for mindless tavern-chatter in lieu of all the political […]

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[Journal] Honoring a Pact

Originally written Jan. 20, 2010. We have been strangely fortunate and unfortunate as of late. Days after we captured the elusive satyr, Lanria slipped away from her house arrest. We gained one advantage and lost another.   The trail in Duskwood went cold quickly. I await word on where she or Kalren may appear next. […]

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[Journal] All Terms

Originally written Jan. 11, 2010. Lanria and Kalren have been successfully captured, and Harple sends word of a breakthrough with the satyr. I race to meet him in Theramore, and pray that his findings will finally set the end in motion.   I await a report on Lanria's mental state. From the tracks left in […]

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[Journal] Arms Race

Originally written Feb. 2, 2010. It has been a long while since I made an entry. I left this journal in my quarters in Theramore, and left it gather dust. This is my fourth week spent in Stormwind, or somewhere within its provinces.   This is the longest length of time I have spent in […]

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[Journal] Night and Day

Originally written Feb. 4, 2010. I hold little connection to the Cathedral of Light as someone from the north, other than acknowledging it as an important symbol. But I find myself lately wandering its halls at late hours, and by chance I came across another piece of the puzzle in the form of a gnome […]

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[Journal] Time and Place

Originally written March 20, 2010. I neglect this journal during the most trying times. A great number among the Templars ride swiftly to meet the Knights of the Order head-on, while another handful of our strength clashes with criminal minds in Stormwind. Despite the threatening situation of the former, it is the bureaucracy-laden of the […]

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[Journal] A Decisive Victory

Originally written March 22, 2010. A victory. We obtained a crate of smuggled metal from the Knights' northern shipping line. It was a task to keep it from enemy and ally hands alike, but the metal is safely locked away.   I must make a note to the Theramore guards to immediately note any sight […]

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[Journal] A Templar Falls

Originally written April 1, 2010. We combated Scourge, and the Knights of the Order cult. We fought back hordes of the Burning Legion, and drove away cult radicals from burning homes. We have dedicated life, spell and sword to the survival of Azerothian peoples, and an end to each war that sends soldiers to foreign […]

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[Journal] Each Blessing

Originally written April 6, 2010. We burned Templar Khazoth's body, as was his wish. As more soldiers return home from Northrend, I realize that I have not counted my blessings – no Templar fell in the battles in Northrend. Each returned safely.   Perhaps this is why so many among us raise sword against the […]

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[Journal] Templar Gained, Templar Lost

Originally written April 17, 2010. The Knights lay defeated, and Lanria Geroux has returned to our ranks. She has lost her memory. I can only guess that the shared mind of the Knights affected it, or the brutality of her experience played part. However, at the moment we will simply count this blessing, and more […]

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[Journal] Night and Cowardice

Originally written May 26, 2010. I never write enough, the purpose of this journal is to leave an accurate record of myself, plans and thoughts should I die on the field. But I find myself leaving it for weeks on end, I was never the dedicated writer or scholar. My father would perhaps balk at […]

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[Journal] Trust the Fool and the Reckless

Originally written May 29, 2010. I placed responsibility into the hands of what some would see as our youngest Templar.   Harple Firehand has returned, though it seems he struck a deal with a spirit and its sense of humor. I await his full account on how and why he appeared before Koryander and I, […]

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[Journal] The Lightbringer

Originally written May 29th, 2010. I traveled north without companion today, and rode to the Lightbringer's tomb.   There was rumor among Alliance cities that the Tabard of the Lightbringer was found, and is now held at the tomb by a Knight of the Ebon Blade. The rumors were hushed, when I first heard word, […]

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[Journal] The Tomb’s Solace

Originally written June 2, 2010. I have finished dwelling, I await a chartered boat to Northrend. I have dwelled long enough on decisions, I have spent too long thinking of the past.   I took solace in at the tomb of the Lightbringer one last time. Again, the guardian of the tabard stood vigil. Again, […]

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[Journal] Battle of Venture Bay

Originally written June 10, 2010. It has been one week since the Templars, Tears and allied Alliance forces met in Northrend.   Our forces met at Venture Bay, as our tactician predicted. It is fortunate that the Tears drove northwest instead of east – had they traveled to a Horde port, the Templars' choice would […]

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[Journal] Tournament and Tracking the Enemy

Originally written June 29, 2010. Some time has passed since the Templars and Tears met at Venture Bay, and engaged in combat. The war between us is ongoing, but there is little that can be done aside from wait.   I sent the Marksman out alone to see what can be found among the Tears. […]

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[Journal] Light to the North

Originally written July 28, 2010. Again, I neglect keeping a record of my doings, and much has happened. I will be brief, at present myself and the Templars are readying ourselves for war at any time. Our war with the Tears is still unfinished, I await word from the Marksman and other scouts on whether […]

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[Journal] Resolution

Originally written Aug. 2, 2010. It is done. The Tears of Draenor are free from their betrayers and manipulators, and the Templars no longer have to fight former comrades.   It was the Marksman's last minute intelligence that brought about the end to this plot. The end of this war is both a relief and […]

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[Journal] Tournament, One War to Another

Originally written Aug. 16, 2010. It is not a simple thing, to jump from one war to another. Perhaps the Templars have become specialists in waging war for the goal of peace; it is strange because at one time, our strategy was simply diplomacy. It is safe to say that in two cases in the […]

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[Journal] in the Phoenix’s Wake

Originally written Aug. 30, 2010. A tournament brings a much lighter tone to the ranks, even moreso than the daily bar revelry so many Templars enjoy. I rarely cull their drinking or best-described as frivolity, not unless it affects the swing of their swords. Strangely enough, it never does, or perhaps it is because my […]

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[Journal] The Deepest Rock

Originally written Nov. 2, 2010. I neglected to keep record of much of the last month's events. However, I will not sit idle and write a drawn-out summary, for time is short, and it is clear that there are unseen forces as well as shrinking time that work against the slow stroke of this pen. […]

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[Journal] A Night for Rarity

Originally written Nov. 7, 2010. A brief time for repose this night, if formal attire can be considered so. Three hours were spent celebrating the third year of the Templars of the Rose, but the celebration was marked with an elemental attack at its beginning, and another at its end. Three cultists paid visit as […]

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[Journal] Cult of Comfort

Originally written Dec. 20, 2010. I readily admit to lacking expertise on the elements, I gratefully assign that knowledge to Koryander. When we first came to know one another as low-ranked Templars, I listened to what I considered "babble" about lords, planes and balances. I find myself a careful student now, with late nights spent […]

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[Journal] The Old, Familiar, and Odd

  The passing days have many old memories come to the surface, many I thought lost. The squire whom I once thought lost has returned, her solace ended in Northrend, and soul returned from its dark path. She still refuses her former name, to the point that I see within her the same anger that […]

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