[Larch][Pathfinder] Data Analysis Malfunction

It was impossible. Reprehensible. Absolutely one hundred percent straight fucked up.   Larch regarded her list with the air of someone regarding the time and date of thier execution.   This should not be. I still have dreams at night of the research room. My scars ache when the weather changes. And this- it is […]

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[Pathfinder] Mallory’s Letter

Dear Mom and Dad, It feels weird to be writing to you like this. I’ve thought of writing to you before as a form of coping with grief, but in this case, I know this paper will actually find its way into your hands. Where do I begin? I miss you both so, so much. […]

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Roots [Larch][Pathfinder]

Larch nearly slipped off the branch of the tree and somehow, didn’t fall. Flower, next to her, laughed in cat fashion with a little mrrp, amused eyes watching her. They remained the same purple as all those years ago, when they were both young, and Flower just a sprout with a tiny amethyst bloom.    […]

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A Doctor’s Nightmare

Mild Content Warning: Horrific imagery   The woods were dark, and the mist was thick.   Looking for these hags was difficult, even with his enhanced vision. For some reason, everyone had split up. Then the mist had rolled in, and he’d any hope of tracking the team without some kind of noise or aid. […]

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An aged figure steps into a postal office, a package and letter in hand. Leaning heavily on his staff, he sets the items on the counter, as well as some gold, with a soft smile. He sends off his packages, and drifts off into the evening sun, carefully climbing onto a dark feathered gryphon, the […]

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The Spark

(Content warning, body modification/light horror/self harm) It happened on the trip back, after dealing with the Tatzelwurm. Something clicked on in Doc’s mind, a rush of information, things falling together.   He’d been doing things all wrong, things weren’t quite meshing as well as they should be. He started scribbling furiously in his notes, new […]

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[Pathfinder] When the Meat Grinder was the Right Place

Lenard gave Mallory a half-smile, which she felt was already the highlight of her day.   “I appreciate you bringing these papers in. I just… needed to know,” he said with a deep exhale. He looked like an enormous weight had just been lifted from his shoulders.   “What did you need to know?” Mallory […]

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Bedside Manner

((Content Warning: Alluding to the vivisection of a creature. Proceed only if you feel comfortable with dark content.))   “Ah, you’re awake. That chitinous hide of yours certainly is tough.”   Helen’s multifaceted eyes looked about, as her neck strained to move. She focused blearily on Doc, who was just selecting the next scalpel for […]

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[Pathfinder] Ravidras & Hippocras

“I don’t know what in the hells happened out there, but you look like you need somethin’ strong,” Jim said with a worried look.   Mallory was sure she looked like the most mopey girl in the Inner Sea right now. Hitting the Right Place for the second time in a row, and she wasn’t even […]

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It’s fine!

Kynkra hates the city. It’s too tall, it’s too noisy, it’s too much. He hates it. The Vanguard kind of loves it, he thinks. But it’s SO MUCH. The people here are good, they’re kind, they look at him like he’s the Vanguard’s pet. They never really saw charr before. He hates it. Also, the […]

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[Pathfinder] The Kind of Person She Was

A million things whirled through Mallory’s mind in milliseconds.   Is this a dream? Nightmare?   No, it’s real. THAT THING is real. Heavens help me, it’s real!   As the battle spun into full frenzy around her, she found herself staring in silent horror at the massive… were-wasp? Were-hornet? She blinked, and blinked again. […]

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Ethics are Hard

He was about to close up for the night, when one last patient walked in. Well, stumbled. Holding her side and back, she was sweating and pale, and her hands were stained red with her own blood.    A human. Oh well. Not unique, but always good to have the practice.    “No questions asked?” […]

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[Pathfinder] Mallory Second Guesses Everything!

Mallory slipped into the kitchen and peered around for whatever side room would give her the privacy to change. She spied a storeroom and headed for a corner of it, pulling a large crate of produce against the wall to conceal herself. Not ideal but it would do. She had changed clothes with far less […]

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Lone Wolf, Redux

The guild mostly learned of Tove’s return when they heard her voice echo through the guild hall, although she declined to show herself at first. The hall was a strange place, acoustically, and one walking through the gilded ways would catch only snippets of the song. But we bent and we broke and I meant […]

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Emergency Response: Gloomweaver

  Between States, Nowhere, USA   “Hey! Open up, please!”  Alain Mormont blinked then looked at the side of her RV with the door with confusion. Out the window and by the door was a woman running alongside her RV. Which wouldn’t be a surprise if she was going maybe 10 mph, but she’d been […]

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Kismet vs a ‘Team’

Kismet laughed. Okay, yeah, the Magmarian underground world didn’t look like a huge payday, but the threads of fate told her different. A bad eruption, a possible few homeless Magmarians, and several million in uncut diamonds, magma crystals, and other gems deep in the earth.   Maybe a few people would get hurt, homes destroyed, […]

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(Gw2) Phantom

The wind carried the scent of the sea, mixing with the smell of the hot cup of tea before the pale haired man. He brings the piping hot brew to his lips, and takes a gentle sip, sighing contently as he relaxes. He glances to the side, watching a group of kids, by the looks […]

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What’s in a Name?

This is a brand new land.  Or a real old one.  Or an old one making itself newer than new.  It’s all new to me, that’s for sure.  Though people are people everywhere when you boil them down.  Ok, pausing a moment, because I know if I said that out loud I’d get funny looks, […]

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Lone Wolf

Tove walked slowly through the snow. Her strides were short and methodical, shoving through snow and tamping it down, making space for the steps of the wolf behind her. Once, it had been the other way around, Randulfr leaping ahead and plunging through snow drifts, waiting for Tove to catch up. Now– Tove could heal […]

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Maya’s New Book – Day 1

*The first entry in a blank book left for Maya by the Commander … I have to admit,  in the grand scheme of things, boredom is a welcome problem to have.  By all rights, by every possible standard, I should be among the deceased, but given that I am reasonably certain I’m not, I retain […]

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Season of Scars

Rikvi Farseer made her way to the infirmary. Every so often she had to stop and wait for the visions to stop crowding so close, or for Raven’s wings to part enough that she knew where she was putting one foot in front of the other. It was mostly okay, as long as she kept […]

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Shadow’s Fall: Mary Meeting Macklins

The Vanguard infirmary, massively grown to handle the influx of hundreds of casualties, bustled with purpose.  Healers circulated constantly.  Supplies were hauled in by volunteers, distributed, used up almost immediately.  Organizers had set up shifts, inventories, everything needed, but still the efficiency ebbed and flowed as staff that hadn’t been working together for long had […]

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sunset ;

The world has shifted, and yet again he feels himself being left quiet and behind. How many more lives must he lead? How many more can he mold? What of worth could he leave behind in the wake of this pain, and suffering?   High in the hollow, where the air grows thinner than the […]

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Warning: this story takes place during the Icebrood Saga episode “Champions”. It contains spoilers for the attack on Lake Doric.   The visual static breaks after a few seconds, allowing you to see, on the screen, a professional-looking Asura: she’s tall, has big bright green eyes, and she’s standing at attention for the camera. She’s […]

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The Veteran and the Gravedigger

Warning: this story takes place during the Icebrood Saga episode “No Quarters”. It is also somewhat linked to another journal story: “Clearing Bones from Heaven.”   The plan was simple: there’s a lot of dead charr, they’re good folks that deserve a proper burial. The two of them were going to find a neat place […]

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