[Larch] When Is A Monster Not A Monster?

Larch finds a small note inside her vodka bottle. It reads: Just ask him out. Guys are too dumb to notice. ~CC Really, it was all that damn god’s fault. Without him, she’d still be in blissful ignorance. But the note on her vodka bottle sent her bone pale then puce with rage, and she […]

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[Pathfinder] Girl Talk

“The Doctor… implied that he and I are… friends.” Larch looked down, not looking at Mallory. In fact, she seemed to not know where to look. “Eh, you two have been friends for a while, you’re just now realizing it.” Mallory chuckled, making light of it and trying to encourage Larch that she was likely […]

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[Larch] Thorngrasp

Thorngrasp.   A grasp of thorns. A thorny grasp. Black walnut  rootlike vines with cedar ruddy thorns, grabbing the enemy.   “I think it fits you, in more ways than one.” It was hard to tell with the monotone, but perhaps he was… friendly? Smiling? Or was that sardonic? Even sarcastic?   Had that been […]

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[GW2] The Ravens

“Name of the guild?”   Oh fuck.   The name. He didn’t think of a freaking name. Why was picking the name always the worst thing about starting something new?! Fiel stammers. He has to find something. The registrar lifts her gaze from the paperwork to stare expectantly at Fiel from above the rim of […]

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[Larch] A Name For It

Kellid names are as brusque and percussive as their Hallit language, and most use two or fewer syllables. Second names are rare and typically limited to those who distinguish themselves through some great deed or draw from an especially significant lineage, though Kellid clan members hold their clan’s name in even higher regard than their […]

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Broadsword 19

Ivran Chronicler looks out the window of his carriage. The city of Lastwall has finally come into view. The ride was peaceful but frightfully dull. All he could do was review his notes and check his old scars. The last time he did a psychometric reading, he was maimed and burned by the memories of […]

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[Pathfinder] Fear, and Calm

That thing should not exist. As much as Mallory wanted to forget, she couldn’t shake the sight of the aboleth from her mind. As she lay on the floor in the interior of Miri’s boat during the journey back to Heibarr, Mallory curled up in her soft pajamas, clutching at the fabric, slamming her eyes […]

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What Takes

“….and that’s – that’s all I remember. Uhm. Ma’am” She stares across the table at him, the sniveling excuse that the Initiative had been able to send over for as a secretary on a semi-short notice and on a semi-regular basis. It was beyond her how this clerical work could be so daunting a task […]

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The Right People for the Job

The Wraith’s Lair, 1:37 AM EST Wraith sighed as the reports kept scrolling down the monitor. In Rook City, crime was everywhere, and just keeping track of it took a mega computer. She specialized in more down to Earth crime, like the Chairman’s Network, but sometimes she wished for a little bit of a break, […]

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[Larch] Heart Attack

Tymon.    She had faith- complete faith- in him. She knew he was going to win. Larch dropped five hundred gold on him without a thought, and the only reason she didn’t drop more was that she didn’t want to see hungry for money in front of the others. She was, but still, it wouldn’t […]

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A Doctor’s Journal: Arena

Doc Sharpe waited in the Arena holding room, a place where a number of gladiators were preparing themselves for their next bouts. The alchemist stretched, and bounced up and down on his toes, keeping himself loose. A group of four gladiators were further down the hall, practicing on the training dummies, keeping themselves ready. Nice […]

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Interlude — Bones and Seeds

This hospital has good bones, Larch thinks. She traces the grains of wood with callused fingers, the whorls and patterns. Old bones, but good- the solid dark wood is somber but goes well with the walls and interior he has furnished. The Doctor’s style was simple, functional, almost spartan: everything had a place and was […]

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Interlude — Colleagues? [Larch]

Happiness buzzes under her skin like friendly bees as Larch carefully tends the Firework Snapdragons in her wagon. They are a culmination, proof of concept, solid evidence that she can do it, that she was strong enough, smart enough to do on purpose what she had done once before, filled with rage and wild power […]

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Interlude — Spring Flowers [Larch]

She doesn’t tell them what she’s doing. If Larch did that, she’d have to explain, and she honestly doesn’t know if she could. They aren’t her tribe. This isn’t her home.   The shaman reminds herself of that, ineffectively, as she carefully plants seeds around one abandoned house in particular. It’s lost a corner, and […]

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The Edge of a Knife [Larch]

In the aftermath, Larch worked.   She used her spells, first, repairing flesh and wood alike where fire had charred and blades had cut. This was the first raid she’d dealt with in a long time; the last she could remember had been when she was… nine? Something like that. But the principles remained. First, […]

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Corpse in an Alley, Skull in the Garden, Skeletons in the Closet [Larch]

“…Why did you even tell me that?”   “Don’t whine. It’s not becoming. One or another, however you decide, you should know what he is. Informed decisions are the basis of smart plans,” Flower said, both ruthless and kind. She licked a paw and groomed her left ear.   Larch laid her head on the […]

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[Pathfinder] Revenge And Justice

Mallory Jane Everley stood over her parents’ grave—and her own—once more. Morning dew glistened on the headstones in the dim pre-dawn.  The twitching remains of a ghoul lay not twenty feet away.   It was finally over… she hoped. She finally knew for sure who had ordered the hit, and why. Maybe now… now she […]

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Dark Thoughts, Dark Deeds

Isarn smelled of blood. Old rotted blood and fresh spray both, he could smell it even through his mask. It was the kind of place that had predators and prey, victims and victimizers. So many opportunities were here, but one should stay focused. There was a goal rather than just the work, the work could […]

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[Pathfinder] Mind Vs Spirit

Smash his face with a wine bottle. No… smash his face into a door until his head is stuck partway through it, then watch as his pants turn brown before Bolke obliterates the door, and him along with it.  No… pour all his best wine and hippocras into the wash basin and drown him in […]

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[Cael][GW2] Red Dawn

((TW: self harm, suicide idealization, implied cannibalism, mindfuck)) Pain. Burning, itching- claws red, claws wet, claw herself claw herself she’s burning she’s cold she’s so cold why can’t she get warm where it is warm?   Fire. Fire warm. Make fire.   Flames eating consuming hungry she’s hungry hungry hungry hUNGRY   Later. Wet and […]

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Lost(?) sheep (?)

Elli glanced at the soaring spires of Valdrakken as she walked through the capital city of the Aspects and gave a small smile.  “It’s good to see something that’s lasted,” she murmured before turning to face an approaching younger elf.  Her face set into her normal scowl at anyone from the Cenarion Circle, causing the […]

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[Larch][Pathfinder] What Grows In The Garden

Larch sat on the bed, feeling bone deep weariness in every line of her. The baths had been nerve wracking. Hot water to soak in was a balm to body, mind, and soul, but sharing them…   She was not body shy on any sexual level. Her body was just a body, a meat shell […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Balance

Ice and pines give way to rocky trails leading down the mountain. They descend from the Shiverpeaks and the Pass, working south then north agian, to the great bustling chaotic metropolis of Lion’s Arch. There, they stay a few days. Rain insisted Chiro rest; thier route down had been dogged by one heavy snowstorm after […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Breathing

They traveled slowly from the foothills of the norn homeland to Heolbrak and then Lornar’s Pass. The two were an odd pair, bear-sized red headed norn woman and tiny, energetic blonde asura girl, neither dressed or acting typically for their species. Chiro didn’t notice the looks when they drew them, and any lingering stares were […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Woodcutting

The weather in the foothills of Hoelbrak is brisk and cool and damp, the rain from the night before and the temperature now coming together to necessitate scarves for both Norn and Asura. Rain, a towering norn wall of red headed muscle and cool eyes, makes the small blonde asura look even smaller next to […]

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