The Longest Night

Wintersday Eve: Tove The ranger flitted about in the early evening, wolf at her heels, dropping presents on doorsteps. The gifts were as varied as their recipients–meat, hides, obscure recipes, carved noisy toys for other people’s children. Books, bowstrings, a tool someone mentioned would be nice three months ago that they promptly forgot about. For […]

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Three Wintersday Eves

A story of three Wintersday eves:     Maritalis Flamewalker: He’d never been much for Wintersday; it all seemed a bit frivolous.  So he’d always taken the extra duty, always stood watch and let the rest of the Warband have their parties and drinking and laughter, always stood watch and made sure.  If you’d asked […]

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[Dasha] King, Kind, and Kindling

[[Dasha meets the other scion of House Bordren. Minor edits for flow, and additional writing at the end.]]   xxxxxxxxxx “…Goodbye. Good luck with your… cabinet or whatever.”   Relieved, Dasha watches Sarabdal go- and only lets her shoulders sag when he is well out of sight, guard guttering a moment like a candle in […]

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[Dasha] Two Truths and a Lie

It can’t be. It cannot be.   Dasha paces, agitated, a caged animal. It makes the guards nervous. She ignores them the same way a lion ignores tomcats. There were bigger concerns, right now, than their feeble attempts to keep watch. If she wanted out, made an effort to get out, they would know it. […]

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch– Er, Divinity’s Reach. Which honestly, was more like a circus than a ranch. At least a ranch has some sort of order and structure, and nothing lost in the disorienting display of politics masquerading as order and structure. Roderik Prendergast had been sent on order, along with an entourage of […]

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Locked in a Lie

Alternative Title: Tadhgn Steals the Declaration of Independence. Transcript of an RP ft @aunne of a trek through the Shadow Realm. banner borrowed from Emkun —————————————————————————— The step through the portal is cold – it pulls at the mind and the body in equal measure, a darkness that touches thought and being. Of course, it’s […]

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(from an exteded arpee with K&K -)   A few weeks after Klarrp and Co had their meeting with Klounni, the Asuran rep of the Vanguard made a return to her lab. Ah, the lab. Klounni’s lab is Lab 17, an abandoned complex at the edge of Metrica Province, left fallow since the early days […]

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Easy lies, hard truths.

(Co-written with Cael!)   Dasha had changed clothes, by the time he came back, though she refused to initially without seeing her old things burned in person. “You have a blood mage,” she said, matter of fact, when they asked. “I’m not interested in giving her any more leverage.” So now she begrudgingly wore a […]

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Pathfinder THP: Lumbering Death

With a heavy thud, Sulfira carved a trench in the gravel beach. Her vision was blurred and her muscles ached. The ringing in her ears was suddenly drowned out by the roar of The Tarrasque. Struggling to get back to her feet, the dragon summoned up all of her might just to stay steady. When […]

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Red Flags (warning: abuse themed)

The last note faded away, drowned out in thunderous applause. Alfrond bowed and gestured to the rest of them. Shae couldn’t restrain her smile as she bowed with the other girls. Her first performance! The rush of it was overwhelming. She tucked her hand drum under her arm and followed the others off the stage, […]

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[Dasha] Ashes of the Past

Dasha staggered just a little as she sat heavily by the small fire. Exhaustion dragged at her in more ways than one, from the fight and the revelation before, and combined with the blood it made her fingers slip on the clasp of her now-ruined cloak.   I overdid it. Damn, she thought, distantly, as […]

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  “I must commend you, I have never seen anything quite like that before.” The investor nodded. “Most entertaining.” “Thank you.” Shae beamed as Dance squeezed her hand under the table. “We’ve worked hard to make something unique. We think it will do well.” “Perhaps.” Shae felt her blood run cold. “Perhaps? I’m sure we…” […]

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  Then the crash so loud ringing in her ears where were they where was he when did the world become so bright and loud and cluttered lights so bright they lit up the universe yet everything was so dark so dark so lost and alone where where they where was he why wouldn’t he […]

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Ill Omens and Storm Racked Skies

A soft scratch could be heard as a few rhythmic notes played out from the small player in the cabin, though before the main rhythm could pick up, the record skipped again back to the opening of the track.   K’aldur sat quietly in the mounting madness of the confined room, wafts of cigarette smoke […]

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Starting Over

“I lost everything. My home, my family. My riches. I miss those most of all.” The Lalafell sighed and downed his mug of ale in one gulp, an impressive feat considering the mug was almost as tall as he. “Why does everyone keep insisting on calling down these primals? No one profits. It’s just not […]

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Shae Lene

  She stumbled through the strange stone streets of the Outsider city. It seemed to be endless – no matter which direction she looked, all she could see was stone buildings, ludicrously large Outsider boats, and the ocean. It was as if all of nature had been eradicated from this land. She may have felt […]

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Second Chance

Music caught her ears. Not that there was anything unusual about music – every corner of Limsa Lominsa seemed to conceal a bard or minstrel or buckster. It would have been far more noteworthy not to hear music of some sort while walking through the city.   But this music…it struck a half-forgotten responsive chord […]

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  “You will be constantly moving through The Dance. There are a number of reasons for this, and the entertainment value is only the smallest of them. The main reason is that, when your rings return, they will be coming back in force. The Dance is timed in such a way that your body will […]

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of Rings

  The dance finished with a flourish as the musicians gave one last triumphant exclamation point to the masterful performance. The dancer posed, twin rings held up, one over her face, the other over her belly. Shae understood now how people might think a person was an avatar of some higher being – the woman […]

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  The Outsider city was dirty and squalid and disgusting, a stain on the otherwise pristine view of wide sandy shores and the heaving sea beyond. She had heard of the endless waters, of course, but she had not really believed the stories. Storytellers were wont to exaggerate, after all, and a tale of a […]

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FF14 Writing Challenge 4, 6, 7

((5 Was a Bonus that I skipped. >.> Content warning on Number 4, abuse)) Baleful A flash of teeth. A smile without mirth. Only cruelty. The pleasure of taking the wings off butterflies.   Raz’as frowned as he let his trainer call up the scenes in his memory. They were sitting, in a plain, dark […]

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Rikvi’s Report

Rikvi’s report is done in her own, crisp hand–but thoroughly notated by her assistant Ceridwen. My apologies for the lateness of this report, Commander. I won’t make excuses–we know how I am by now. I had the….pleasure? Of meeting with Maya in the Reach. It wasn’t entirely a random encounter; Raven tugged at my feet […]

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Transcendent Melody

  Shae wound her way through the ever-increasing crowd with the tray held over her head. She had, up to this point, felt self-conscious of her height compared to the women of most other species that made Limsa Lominsa their home but tonight her extra reach proved to be a boon. Ninimira, her diminutive Lalafell […]

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The Scales of Commerce

“Well, that is a nice trinket, true ‘nuff.” The merchant, a sly-eyed human male (she thought – it was so hard to tell. She assumed breasts (or lack of such) created the defining difference based on the one time she had seen male Viera) held out a hand. “Let’s see it, then.”  She reached forward […]

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Final Fantasy Writing Challenge Day 2, 3

Day 2: Aberrant “Failure!”   The voice rang through his head as he went through his forms. Raz’as slashed to the right, then swept the greatsword up, beginning the flow that he’d been taught, striking the dummy and following through with each hit. The wooden practice dummy wasn’t offering much retaliation, which was something of […]

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