[Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley

Rann held her breath, struggling to avoid considering how she would next try to find her quarry if this didn’t pan out. Mallory hadn’t been seen since she had opened a small cafe in Boralus. One day, she simply stopped showing up. The cafe had eventually closed, repossessed by Kul Tiras and reopened under a […]

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A glimpse into the Underworld

(reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task for the apprentice, as Argus sets a record on the player. A musical collection of one of his favorite stories, of […]

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Prodigal Father

The smell of this island, the sweet fruit, the salt spray, the clear air…to outsiders it was intoxicating. To a sixteen year old boy who has never left it, it was a very pretty prison, only taking occasional trips to the mainland of the Crystal desert once a year. But something was different today, he […]

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Silverware, chopsticks, buttons, writing quills…still needs improving…but a gun… Argus fires at the target, hitting just left of dead center “Better…” He makes some adjustments, the floating, moving parts of his Jeiidtech arm adjust and recalibrate. As a prototype went, it was functional, weighty, and the energy circulation system functioned wonderfully. It would need some […]

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Does it hurt? Yes. He writhes. He hums with a new feeling, a new sense to him. She watches him melt, and renew himself upon these hidden sands, deep in the back of a skull too often cracked upon pavement and stone and clay. His chest bubbles and boils. His head sears with a blinding, […]

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bargaining ; anger

Again. She demands his attention. She demands his strength. His cunning. His sacrifice. She demands the facets of himself he’s honed to spearpoints, as he chases Her through the brush and wilds. This is something else now, something new and terrifying, but She will not leave him be, content to watch himself fling his soul […]

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There is no immediacy here. There’s not a fractured, hollow ringing in his ears when the blow comes. There is only the moment. And then there is a beach. When he opens his eyes once more, the shade has gone, and the white sand warms his back and the waters cool his feet. The soul […]

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Mission successful Argus slumps against the wall, eventually dragged over to a bed in the infirmary, beads of sweat running down his face. While it was no longer bleeding, there was a indiscruabable pain where his arm once was. His arm was gone, gone… He could still feel it, it still felt like it was […]

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The breathing of waves. Sea air. Has he always felt this way? That the expanse of a mortal body was one that was unbound by the want and need for something more? This vastness brought on by a near limitless interior, the breadth of a soul and yet the absence? Opening his eyes has done […]

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[Pathfinder] Facing Destiny

Her rapier was drawn, and her eyes barely left Urvine as he stood casually in the hallway, as if he was talking about the weather. She took a few moments glance about the room. This hardly seemed enough space to fight in… not to mention the cramped hallway where he stood. The little rec room […]

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Deal With The Enma [GW2]

((Rp log with minor edits. Argus accidentally acquires a child.))   Gomi hates New Kianeng.   Too close. Too much. But the Echovald was death and wilds, and so she was stuck camped cheek by jowl in the shiny new crowded city built on the rotting corpse of the old. It was a graveyard. One […]

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First Blood

Thunderous beats of hammer to steel, ring like church bells as the Wintersday season returns. Argus sits, leg cocked up on the chair, watching a smith work. He drew the designs himself, while the recipient wouldn’t be ready for them by Wintersday, it would be good to make them now… The steady beat of the […]

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A Turn of Events

Niklas was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he was startled when a Seraph stopped him as he rounded the corner for home. There was a small flurry of activity outside the front door, and his heart sank. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to take another route.” “I’m afraid I can’t, as […]

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Grave Rat

Argus sits in his little nook, a small room within the guild hall, tucked away along the water level. Maybe it was the calm waters, or the damp smell of the rocks, but he found this place most at home. He finishes cleaning his pistol, beginning to reassemble it, A trickling memory of a much […]

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Ground Work

The familiar smells and sounds of the Mad King’s festival was in the air, enough pumpkin scents to choke someone to death. The number of masked party goers made slipping into Divinity’s Reach all too simple, and finding the right party was even simpler. Argus slipped into the mansion practically undetected, slipping passed security and […]

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[Larch] A New Scar

Larch checked everything one last time.    She was as ready as she was going to get to go home.    To Numeria.    Are they safe? Are they well? Did they seek the Ghost Wolves, join them? Or did they strike out on their own to rebuild from scratch? Have they found a shaman […]

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Kindness [Chitterly]

He recalled kind hands. Gentle. Precise. Living. In his reverie, the masked face of the Necromancer caresses the periosteum of his right humerus, knitting and weaving the necromantic energy tightly up through the calcified articular cartilage and into his clavicle before replacing the frayed robe that covers his bones. He could feel. He knew he […]

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[Larch] Fierce Blossom

She sat in the wagon in silence for almost five minutes.   He. He just.   He reaches for her, with the hands that kill so very easily, and there is that old feeling again and Larch does not do touching she doesn’t like contact and-    -And he is warm. So warm, just like […]

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Workshop Notes

PROJECT DRAFT: P-CSSAR-0.1 Sloppy shorthand covers the page; the rapid pace of the writer warped the letters to the point of near hieroglyphics. Who needed codes and secondary encryption when the best security one could rely on was to keep documents on paper and nearly unreadable? Nukkal’s chaotic note-taking was a point of pride for […]

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[Pathfinder] Petrified with Fear

Mallory stood completely still, staring blankly down the hallway, her mind swimming with thoughts. A loud rattling at her side jolted her to awareness, and she looked down, realizing the sound was her gloved hand shaking against the hilt of her rapier. She forced herself to shake out the tension, though it did nothing to […]

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Grim Recovery

  In the depths of the guild hall, tucked away in a small corner, the serene silence is broken with a fit of hoarse, gnarled coughing. A horrid relching follows as a figure turns over the side of his bed, heaving a sample of rather chunky red viscera. The man pants, sheets covering his lower […]

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Test Warcraft Journal

Posting this for testing purposes under the World of Warcraft game label.

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             In the deeper corner of Lions Arch, away from the lights and noises of crowds and their celebrations, upon ragged and drenched rocks, sat a griffon. His darker plumage blended with the shadows caused by the high cliff sides, and assisted in hiding him from prying eyes of Lionsguard […]

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[Larch] When Is A Monster Not A Monster?

Larch finds a small note inside her vodka bottle. It reads: Just ask him out. Guys are too dumb to notice. ~CC Really, it was all that damn god’s fault. Without him, she’d still be in blissful ignorance. But the note on her vodka bottle sent her bone pale then puce with rage, and she […]

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[Pathfinder] Girl Talk

“The Doctor… implied that he and I are… friends.” Larch looked down, not looking at Mallory. In fact, she seemed to not know where to look. “Eh, you two have been friends for a while, you’re just now realizing it.” Mallory chuckled, making light of it and trying to encourage Larch that she was likely […]

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