The Warden’s Secret

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> Mallory slung her pack over her shoulder and looked over at her sister. Emma had recovered marvelously from her wounds, but still had a limp in her walk and had not yet donned full plate armor, only lighter mail. She was eager, however, to carry her […]

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Nights Hunt (Amaer)

Amaer woke as dusk settled into night. The rest of the nightsabers had returned and she found herself curled against one of the older females with her fingers tangled in her greying fur. She yawned and stretched against the other panther kicking the rest of the fur blanket off of her legs. The feline lazily […]

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Draenei Feels (Taeriix)

Taeriix chuckled as he took the other Vindicator off his feet again. "Come on Zaanthe, you're better than that. You're relying on your size too much." He smiled and let the other right himself again. "That's why you're here you know?" "Why?" Zaanthe asked, his temper starting to show after meeting with the floor for […]

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Banished to the Nether

[below are completely canon things that should be considered completely canon. jk]        With the excursion to Ulduar on at least a temporary hiatus, the long days in the Jade Forest had been rather tranquil. Zaanthe had little reason to travel far from the hut that Mosur called his home, and with the […]

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Morning Prowl (Amaer)

The early morning had been spent prowling the cliffs above the Grimtotem encampment that rested just outside of Dire Maul. The beast had paced back and forth on the ledges above the camp hidden by the dense undergrowth. There was nothing of any real notice that might have kept the creature’s interest while it surveyed […]

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The Missing Mage

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> As Mallory walked the streets of Darnassus, her eyes landed on a tall night elf druid walking purposely her way. "Mallory Everley?" he asked.   "That's…me," she answered hesitantly.    "Your presence is requested in the Moonglade," he said, handing her an envelope. Looking down at […]

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Rainfall on a Clear Day

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> As Ærtemis walked, she heard Mallory approaching from behind.  “Hey.” Ærtemis turned, her eyes glowing from under her hood, her frost-designed cloak   almost around her instead of simply down her back. “…Well, I finished showing Robin around… I still can’t believe you really saw that […]

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Mosur swung the hammer again, a loud clang sound echoed throughout the Tian Monastery and metal gave way to the force of the blow. He breathed deep as he pulled the hammer back and exhaled as he swung again further shaping the metal. Shaping was easy and not nearly as time consuming as decorating, but […]

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<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> It was over. Since Emma and Mallory had stepped back out of obscurity and into the Templars’ ranks, each day had been an exhausting blur of combat, searing physical pain in Emma’s case, emotional trauma in Mallory’s case, and extraordinary tension. Even the level-headed Mallory had […]

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It’s Not Murder, It’s justice

Ash swirled around Robin’s feet as she trudged through the portion of Mount Hyjal that was still marked by flame. The armor she’d managed to put together before her first real battle was tarnished and scorched, and so was she. Her feet ached and though Mallory had healed her during the fight the flame wave […]

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Cause and Effect (D’Arsano)

((This was actually written at the very beginning of the ashes plot, but I'm reposting it as a journal to keep them all together outside of the storyline. But I think reposting it now that everything is all over kinda makes it resonate with an even more somber tune.))   Cause and Effect   “Kill him.” […]

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Meanwhile: Part 3 (D’Arsano, Chrissinne)

(Part 3)   D'Arsano's chest was on fire. It was a pain that had been searing since the last seed withered and died in Resheph’s chest after all essence had been removed. The moment the embers in the younger druid had been snuffed, the spark had ignited against his own heart once more. It was smoldering […]

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Meeting of three paths. (Pending possible future revision.)

“Mr. Fateshifter is the lab down the hall fifth door on the left.  Good timing he just got back from Moonglade.  I’ve already let him know you’re coming.”   The tall grey elf nods smiles and thanking the receptionist for her help.  He makes his way down the hall way dodging and shifting around various […]

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Walking in Shadows

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> Mallory plodded along the road towards Nighthaven in Moonglade, cursing under her breath as she went. At the sound of one particularly crude utterance, a nearby nightsaber flattened its ears and groaned at her. She looked and realized it was one of the druid guardians of […]

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Worst Sort of Wrong

Robin sat under the giant trees of Ashenvale and briefly wondered if it was the elves whom made the trees this way, or if they were simply drawn to this type of foilage. Calithos and his other gnomish friend were probably nearby, ready to go dig next to a volcano, but after the events that […]

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Meanwhile: Part 2 (Chrissinne, D’Arsano)

She knew.   And he knew she knew.   How carefully and meticulously he’d managed to hide it from everyone else. How dutifully he’d managed to keep his symptoms in check. The seed’s growth had been stalled, leaving the tendril roots to merely hug his heart gently. It was almost like a lover’s embrace in […]

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A Letter for the Vindicator

There was something about the sound of rain that always helped ease Zaanthe's mood. At some point, some many decades ago, the vindicator had decided it was something about the predictability of it. The rain never lasted too long, it came with at least a degree of frequency, and unless he happened to find himself […]

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Meanwhile: Part 1 (D’Arsano)

(Immediately following the showdown with Bairne last week.) Meanwhile (Part 1)   “How are you holding up?” Eithelena made no effort to mask the concern in her voice.  Her gaze continued to drift upward to remain on the larger druid’s face as he grew closer.   “Aside from the fact everything has a bit of […]

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Searching For Answers

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> Mallory paced quietly back and forth in a dark station, the distant hum and occasional clicking and clacking of gnomish machinery providing the soundtrack to her thoughts. A seed and a fire. Separate but united through some twisted magic. That terrifying thing in the case…there was […]

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Seeds and Coffins

Books littered the floor, some opened, and others closed with papers sticking out of them. Robin leaned down and placed her fingers between two of the floorboards and pulled. There was a barely audible clicking sound and Robin shouted. “ROBIN GYROSHOCK!” The clicking noise faded into gears turning…and she’d avoided Ciera’s defense system killing and, […]

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Inside Out

At an hour so late that the moon had nearly completed its travel and sagged heavily on the far end of the sky, Anarial finally returned to Moonglade. Her wings flapped furiously, feathers drifting in her wake, the druidess not heeding the damage she wrought to her normally sleek, feathery plume. She flew against the wind, not […]

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The Old Hut

“Yah. Dat one be able tah pull tha forces of tha very eart' below, an' bind yah enemies to tha ground.”   Zul'Rajas sat on a wooden stool, his knees brought high as his thick toes settles on one of the rungs, his elbows resting against his thighs. He palmed a few miniature sculptures that […]

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It has been so long, the figure brooded, I will never return to Azeroth.The figure had no colour left, he looked frail, fragile. His shape remained unchanged, but the eyes showed the true measure of the soul. This one was on the edge of defeat. He had spent much of his time reliving old memories […]

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Rubbing It In

The guildstone clicked to life in Mosur's hand. He stared down at it in his left hand and glanced to his left, the book laid on his bedside table. The book he'd been looking for, the one Zaanthe had said would just be trouble. It was old, gold leaf flaked off the stiff leather cover. […]

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(Saashenka) A letter to Zaanthe

The letter is penned in a crisp and even script, so automatic it seems to have been written by an enchanted pen, or spell itself rather than by hand.   Things are growing worse, and I don't know to who else to turn. I have things managed for now, but I cannot say for how […]

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