A Grisly Assignment

Peter let out a breath and gasped in another, coughing and feeling his gut wrenching up as he struggled to control his breathing. He must have sounded like he had just come up from a dangerously long dive, and that was indeed how he felt…except that his "dive" had been into the most foul-smelling cellar […]

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The Invasion Begins

A Templar captured in the Gorian capitol of Highmaul, a shredded Templar tabard with the name of a woman who hadn’t been seen in over a year, and a body mutilated beyond recognition. These were the heavy thoughts that plagued Mallory as she walked the road to Shattrath. Night had fallen in Talador, and she […]

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The Traitor

"Venallus, where were you during the attack? We could have used your magic."   Venallus looked up from his book and turned a nonchalant eye towards the paladin Raluun. The exhausted vindicator leaned heavily on the nearby support column, his hammer resting on the ground and held only loosely in his right hand. It had […]

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(OOC) Villains

khanaa-runestrider: (“Night on Bald Mountain” by InternetGhostPig) I love writing villains. In many stories the bad guy is my favorite character because they tend to drive the plot forward and have the most compelling aesthetics and ideas. In RP, I put a lot of time into creating a worthwhile villain, and have a few basic suggestions […]

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Shattrath the Majestic

Emma laughed. The sights of Talador were breathtaking, but it was Mallory’s gaze of wonder that kept drawing her attention. She wondered how her twin kept from getting dizzy, constantly turning to look this way and that as they walked the picturesque road toward Shattrath.    Signs of conflict dotted the landscape, but unlike the […]

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Family Matters

Mallory awoke with a start, her foot kicking at something. Realizing she had been dreaming, she looked around. The barracks was silent and still, her fellow templars sound asleep. She laid her head back down and stared at the ceiling.   The nightmares had started up again since coming to Draenor, but she didn’t want […]

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Sealed letter to Arialynn

The letter is marked "Urgent" neatly beneath Arialynn’s name. The envelope is sealed not with wax, but with a faintly pulsing rune in the familiar shape of the Eye of the Kirin Tor. Dear Justicar: I am to convey that your presence has been requested in the Caverns of Time. Shadowsage Hopesong will meet you […]

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Zuught Buxes

It was working! The plan was working! The Light-infused weapons were doing their job, and the army was cutting through the heart of the Burning Legion's last lines of defense like butter. The tactical advantage gained by swapping bodies with a top draenei engineer was clear. It had been the best idea since the computer-simulation […]

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[Chat Log] Shadows Gather, Part 2

As Aertemis and Doradrassil discuss the situation, Chrissinne enters with a ridiculously adorable yak!   Doradrassil stares at…the…yak… Aertemis: You are sure this really is a good idea, including me as a Warden, little shadow? Doradrassil: …including….um… *looks very distracted* …a YAK. Aertemis: ….I've seen stranger. Doradrassil: But yes, I think now is as good […]

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[Chat Log] Shadows Gather

Doradrassil: Ah. Thank you for coming.   Naevis: Longshadow. Frostsong.   Aertemis fades in at her surname and nods.   Doradrassil: It's been a while.   Naevis: The world's been busy. As have I.   Naevis: As have you.   Doradrassil: Then I'll be brief.   Doradrassil: I have with me…   Doradrassil pats the […]

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The Book Changes Hands

"Hello, Rann."   Rann looked up at the Warden towering over her as she ate a conjured muffin. Doradrassil held in her hands the tightly-wrapped spell tome Rann had entrusted to her while Rann had gone to visit Karabor upon her arrival. "Hey, Doradrassil. Thanks for taking care of that. Can we talk?"   "Of […]

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Battle Scarred Journal: A New Portal

((This entry would have been written after the Templars opened their portal.))   I have finally reconnected with everyone. They have set up a decent staging area for our future plans but it will not be enough if the Iron Horde should come at us directly. With that thought we have managed to reconnect with […]

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The Gnome and the Botani Heretic

Auris was very sick of being referred to as a botani heretic, sympathizer, or otherwise. This. This was why she lived in in the wilderness. Animals and plants were much preferable to the company of ignorant people. She’d never thought of draenei as ignorant before.   Still, perhaps, they could be taught here as well […]

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Final Preparations

"Are you sure, ma'am?"   Mallory allowed herself a small smile as she set down her pen. Peter Alabaster's Gilnean accent made the word "ma'am" sound like "mom," which always amused her since he was five years her senior. "Of course I'm sure," she answered, sealing an envelope and handing it to him. "Are you […]

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Battle Scarred Journal: Through The Portal

((This would be written at the first wave through the Portal, I just haven't had the time to type anything up prior)) The Portal was in front of and we had our mission. I just wonder how many died in that initial push. But yet it would seem that I'll just keep living this cursed […]

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A Game of Thorns

**NOTE: The following journal contains spoilers for a level 91 quest in Shadowmoon Valley. This quest becomes available relatively early. This quest chain hit me in the feels so I wanted to write something about it.**   Doradrassil drew in a deep breath and pulled a small stone from her pack. She never got tired […]

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Warlords of Draenor Portals

tevruden: lynmars79: Comments from Dave Kosak on the portals to and from Draenor: Q: … Or if they are simply a convenience thing. Please answer! Us roleplayers would love to know! A: In lore those portals probably aren’t running 24/7. But a garrison commander could certainly order them opened. (DaveKosak) In game, NPCs are acknowledging […]

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Setting the Chessboard

Rann turned a slow circle in place, a pen in one hand and two stacks of notes in the other — a small stack of blue papers and a small stack of red. A veritable tower of the red notes, with various scrawlings all over them, encased her within it as the tiny sheets hovered […]

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Into the Portal

"Ciera, I can't bring a baby cloud serpent to a warzone. It'll get hurt."   Star laughed and shook her head and just kept walking away from the mixture of Alliance and Horde gathered by the portal, leaving the crimson serpent coiled around Robin. "You'll need some motivation!"   Before Robin could protest her little […]

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Mosur is holding a single stem white rose.

Give me something completely “out of character” for my muse and I’ll tell you what feasible situation they would have to be in to do it. He half smirked down at the small white rose, it hadn’t even bloomed yet, but perhaps that added to the symbology. Turning his head only a few degrees and glanced […]

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Rann on Ley Lines and Brainstorming Plans

Rann stared at an arcane-sensitive whiteboard in her living room, set up hastily and leaned against the wall. She paced back and forth at a brisk pace, formulating plans. Twirling her fingers in the air, tracing the lines of an unseen map in her mind, the lines appeared on the board in glowing violet. Hardly […]

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Mallory’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light of the tea room she had just stepped into. Peering around to find the darkest corner of the establishment, the young priestess found Aertemis seated alone at a table, tapping her fingers on a leatherbound book in front of her and grasping a cup […]

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[Story] Came Down Beside Her

Part of the ongoing Mirror, Mirror storyline. Meanwhile, in Darnassus… ))   Her breath caught in her throat a third time. Frustrated, Ida balled her fist and and let out an exasperated sigh. She eyed the hourglass set upon the nightstand, her glance catching the final grains of sand slipping through its slimmed center. Wincing, […]

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[Journal] First Night

This journal entry is written shortly after the fast-paced events of Tanaan Jungle. This Tuesday, the Vanguard will regroup after the events of Tanaan. This journal is her writing her thoughts during a moment of respite aboard the ships that carry troops from the insanity of Tanaan to safety. I would have posted this on Tuesday just before the […]

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[Story] The Red War

Didn’t have the time to write this before WoD launch day. Here’s a snippet of what my paladin was considering before she delved into the Dark Portal. ))   Tick, tick, tick. The mantel clock kept time above the hearth. The fire flickered from embers, clutching to the remnants of the wood in the fireplace. The […]

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