Security upgrade proposal

Security upgrade proposal   Secrecy level: High TOTR leadership only.   Purpose: Provide Fort Kickass and Westguard security personal with new tools, technology and training to better counter threats facing the Templars of the Rose.   Summary: The types of threats our security personal face can no longer countered by everyday guardsmen. In order to […]

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[Snapped] Sealed

((Part of Sielic’s Snapped campaign.))    “Morning mail,” the courier announced as he strode into the room, the door closing behind him. A young man with a clean-shaven face, he carried himself with an assured gait of youth.   “Thank you, Alphonse.” Arialynn did not rise from her desk but greeted the courier with a nod. Atop […]

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[Plasmawrench] The Painful Start of Training

“Eleven! Twelve!”   Tock continued his attacks on the training dummy, mentally checking his stance and posture as he did so. It felt awkward… The stance Robin had guided him into felt unnatural, his legs stretched at odd angles. He felt off balance, but did his best to keep it all straight.   “There!” Oxplow […]

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The Book

Robin sat staring at the book on the table—the book that had ruined everything. The book that could never be destroyed—never be erased. The fear…the lies…so many lies.   ——————————————————-   Snow and frigid air blew into Ceera’s toasty lab as she threw the metal door open. She paused, staring at the white-haired gnome man […]

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[Plasmawrench] The Peak of Serenity

“Welcome to the Peak of Serenity!” Tock’s new gnome friend said, holding her arms out to her sides.   Tock spun around, marveling. They stood within a building that must have been incredibly ancient, and yet incredibly sturdy. There were signs of stress and age in the smooth, worn stones that made up the floor […]

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[Letter] A Sealed Response to Naevis Moonwhisper

To Warden-Commander Naevis Moonwhisper,   You are invited to the Templars of the Rose compound on Old Draenor to discuss this matter in the evening of the 15th. You will be guided to our location by a scout bearing a maltese cross.    Signed, Lightbearer Arialynn Dawnfield Justicar, Templars of the Rose

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[Story] Penning the Draft

The fire in the hearth cast long shadows against the walls of Arialynn’s quarters. A single candle lit the table where the lady knight stooped over, several books open and surrounding a single blank parchment. Dipping her pen into the ink well, Arialynn set the tip to paper. A few lines later, her pen struck a few […]

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[Plasmawrench] Intellectual Curiosity

Tock grumbled to himself as he studied his notes. He had come to Stormwind feeling sure that something would inspire him, but so far he had nothing worthwhile. He’d never make it on his own as an inventor if he didn’t find something. Ninety-nine years in Dun Morogh had worked his creativity into a rut… […]

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Interrogation report: Silvergear

Interrogation report   Subject: Featherlance ‘Silvergear’   Date: April 8th   Synopsis of findings: Attempts to track down any of the prisoner’s family relations proved unsuccessful.       The family name ‘Featherlance’ is extremely common. Investigations into the reputation of the ‘Silvergear’ identity has confirmed many of the prisoner’s claims. Silvergear is a class […]

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Draenor Horror Story: Elekk Plushie Edition 2

I’m starting to get really upset at Zen. I know he won’t admit to moving my plushie all over the place, but he keeps putting it under tables and on railings. Someone is going to mess it up and it’s SO cute. And it squeaks! The most adorable squeak!    And today I find it […]

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Draenor Horror Story: Elekk Plushie Edition 3

….okay. So…uhm. Either Zen is right or he’s being really mean. It…it…it showed up at Star’s house! I left it on Draenor. Is he following me? That must be it…he was here, too, last night.    I could’ve sworn I heard it squeak by itself. IS HE IN THE HOUSE? OH NO, NO. He wouldn’t […]

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[Mallory] The Priestess’ Trap

"I hope you're right about this."   Mallory's lips spread into a smirk in the flickering candlelight at Aertemis' words. "You're only saying that because you know I'm right. You hope I'm wrong," she pointed out in a breath, barely even a whisper.   Aertemis shook her head from the far corner of the room, shrouded […]

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The Draenor Horror Story: Elekk Plushie Edition

It's been a few days since all that Nether insanity. And I've been spending a lot of time studying and on engineering. It feels nice to relax. I really love the plushie that Sage gave me. It's really nice to cuddle at night when I'm sad and missing Romind and home. But someone keeps moving […]

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Letter to Zen

Zen,  This is Robin. There was some influence in Ida, but it was inactive and I got rid of it. There isn't a need for a blood sample, but some weird things did happen. Tell you later…   Your fr–*scribbles* fellow Templar, Robin

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A Balanced Pillar

Robin stared at the woman in red standing in the center of the room. She felt hatred surge through her more strongly than she had felt for some time. Before her stood a person whom took lives and played games with them. The red woman had taken souls from people until they had faded away […]

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[Rann] The Book is Closed

Rann shook, still staring blankly at the ceiling, still unaware of how she had gotten to bed. The last thing she remembered was stepping through Kageseji's portal from Claret's school in the Twisting Nether, and setting down the unconscious Idella inside the Templars' mage tower in Draenor. She remembered feeling nauseous, and collapsing from exhaustion […]

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[Jamethera] Explanations

Jamethera dragged herself back to the camp–since neither Illyana nor her sister were Templars, and the mood was still rather paranoid, she was out of the walls more often than not.  "Jam. What happened?" The warrior looked up from the fire. The hunter stopped, her brain too fuzzed to think much. She wanted sleep more […]

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Battle Scarred Journal: Draenor, and What is to come.

            Recently I have had more time to take notice of this world, Draenor. I had mostly ignored it while fighting my way through the Iron Horde. However now that I stop to look at this world I find myself enjoying it. Something about it, and it’s still mostly wild […]

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[Mallory, Emma, Aertemis] Sword and Dagger

NOTE: This is how Sage and I RP outside of the game. With just minor corrections and fixed typos, and consistency applied to tense (we slip back and forth between present and past tense), this is practically a copy-and-paste from one of our RP sessions on Google Hangouts that we just bounce back and forth […]

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[Rann] Trials of the Archmage, Part 2

Rann turned over the letter in her hands again, hardly able to believe it. She wasn't sure whether to be happy, furious, or just plain relieved.   Tonight, you showed remarkable restraint. While some on the Council may worry that you lack the power necessary for Archmageship, the most important facet is when that power […]

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[Doradrassil] The Pattern Emerges

Doradrassil frowned, surveying the fortress' main courtyard for what must have been the trillionth time. She didn't like this stalemate one bit… The lockdown was so tight that they knew they had trapped Silvergear within Fort Kickass after the attack on Rann. Peter had done well in keeping a close guard on Mallory, and making […]

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Crumbling World

The two gnomes sat across the table from one another in complete silence. The two older mages never returned and an hour ticked away with Star and Robin sitting uncomfortably separated by only a table set with a plate of now very, very cold muffins.   Robin still had that blank, unbelieving expression. Star sighed, […]

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Muffins and Monks

Voices came from the inside of her sister’s house as Robin opened the door and stepped inside. She sat her staff by the door, noting a wonderful smell wafting through the house. It smelled like fresh baked cranberry muffins. She hadn’t eaten in over a day. The shock of the rune and the training with […]

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[Rann] Initial Evaluation

A NOTE ABOUT THIS SERIES OF JOURNALS: Rann is about to go through a trial to become an Archmage, and the way I imagine it, given her history with the Kirin Tor, she would need to be confirmed by the Council of Six. The characters who make up the Council of Six will appear in […]

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[Rann] Rann vs. Pillow

Rann collapsed on the soft bed, rented from one of the luxurious inns in Dalaran, and buried her face in the pillow. She hit her face against it several times.   "What was I thinking?" she groaned into it.    Awakening from her ordeal at the hands of an assassin in the garrison, Rann had […]

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