The Forgotten Assassin

Ailke hung limply from the ceiling. Her wrists were long since rubbed raw. Occasionally, her captor would provide healing salves that seemed oddly druidic in nature. The only clothing she�d been allowed was a gaudy, awful, and now blood-stained bright orange cloth gown. Well, more a tattered piece of cloth than a gown, but it […]

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[Story] Fear

Idella’s head swam as her feet floated and stumbled over the cobblestone pavement. The arms that held her books clutched them to her chest in a vice grip — one nearly as tight as the invisible grip that hitched her breath and clenched her heart. She felt lightheaded yet rushed, like a person knowingly dizzy […]

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[SWTOR – Story] Tip

The swing tunes of the cantina floated down the lift all the way to the hanger bay. Jackie’s smirk lingered just as long. Toggling her comm, she grinned: “Ship shape, Corso. Captain’s heading back for invent –“ A swift movement from the corner of her eye cut her words short. She drew and leveled her […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts

(( I figure I might as well makes this a place for her short stories/RP things to keep it organized, as well as actual journal entries, if that’s ok)) RP/STORY Wallaroo turned over on her bed so she could face the little guildstone resting on the little table by her pillow. A smile not often […]

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[Journal] Stormwind

The following is written in a leather-bound book and is normally kept securely in Arialynn’s Old Draenor study. The paper is blank and without lines, yet the script is neat and perfectly straight. For this entry, the journal is in present-day Azeroth, specifically Stormwind. I completed a physical and mental evaluation at Grand Marshal Acele […]

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[Story] Training

“Okay,” Idella spoke aloud. The room was filled with no one. “Okay.” Turning the pages for the fiftieth time, Idella poured over the text, diagrams, and numbers. Her throat hitched as she bated her breath, and she felt a nervous heartbeat thumping in her chest. Turning the pages for the fifty-first time, Idella finally closed […]

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[Journal] The Rose’s Wrath

The following is written in a leather-bound book and is normally kept securely in Arialynn’s Old Draenor study. The paper is blank and without lines, yet the script is neat and perfectly straight. For this entry, it traveled through the portal from Draenor to present-day Azeroth, specifically Westguard. My words will be brief tonight. The […]

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[Journal] Ripple

The following is written in a leather-bound book and is normally kept securely in Arialynn’s Old Draenor study. The paper is blank and without lines, yet the script is neat and perfectly straight. For this entry, it traveled through the portal from Draenor to present-day Azeroth. The Watch prepares. On every night before battle, I […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 379

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees following the recent in-game RP. This is a holo captain�s log. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline pensively swirling a glass of whiskey in one hand. She’s sitting in her quintessential captain’s chair, her eyes trained on the swirl of liquid in the […]

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[Journal] Journey to Hell

The following is written in a leather-bound book and is kept securely in Arialynn’s Draenor study. The paper is blank and without lines, yet the script is neat and perfectly straight.  We retrieved a captive Templar tonight. Draenor has proven to be a harsh, unforgiving place. Though not as broken or torn as Outlands, it […]

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Writing Prompt: Happiness

For Lilya’s writing prompt on the ERRC — Happiness was an emotion that was scarce in the Marksman��_s life. For thousands of years, Kanta Wildsabre had dealt with the pain of losing his family, his closest companion, friends, allies, loved ones and those he trusted most. He had watched his mother and father slaughtered before […]

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[Story] Blurred Lines: Hidden

Related: Homebound The pair worked silently on their way through the jungle, the barest of glances acting as a guiding thread between them. As they arrived at their destination, their work was as decidedly swift: an arrow through the brush caught the orc’s attention and the Marksman continued his charade as a scout who clumsily […]

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Some weeks had passed since the discovery of the body of the Sin��_dorei. The guildstone had blown up about the discovery of Sage��_s daughter. The body massacred and unable to be revived due to the way bone had been carved and cut out from the middle of the body��_s arm. Kanta and Anarial had ditched […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 378

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Mandalorian Raiders run. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jackie casually holding a blaster and running a cleaning cloth along the barrel. The power pack is removed.   “Working as a legal privateer for […]

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[Data Sheet] Thach Vexton – Engineer

Name: Thach Vexton Profession: Engineer Class: Gunslinger Species: Corellian Bounty: 15,000 Credits – Tatooine – Public Drunkenness, Lewd Conduct Aliases: None Last Known Location: Nar Shadda  

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[Rann] Judgment

Rann groaned, a stab of pain shooting through her body. Everything hurt… Her eyes fluttered sleepily open. Where was she?   A slender high elf leaned over her, her robes marking her as a priestess, the Kirin Tor crest emblazoned on a short stole hanging from her shoulder. "Ah, you're awake," she observed.   Rann realized she […]

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[Rann] Archmage Ascendant

Rann released a shuddering breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Her mind was divided, split, spread out over what felt like everywhere and everything — her impending final test to become a fully fledged Archmage, the recent death of Shadowsage’s youngest daughter, Zahsheena, her own inability to console her friend in the face […]

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No Guilt, No Remorse

It had been a day or two since Kanta’s encounter with the Sin’dorei Paladin, and the woman had put up a hell of a fighter.   Bruises lined Kanta’s ribs from her attacks, and the side of his face showed of battle too. His right eye was bruised and blackened, causing a slight dull in […]

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Back in the Box

Star trailed after Robin. No matter how much of a rogue Robin could be. She still wasn’t good enough to notice being tailed. The two gnomes were high above, the twilight drake they rode obscured by clouds. Min was hugging Star’s waist, trusting her to drive. He always trusted her to do so. He was […]

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[Story] Lines Drawn II

(( Related to Kanta’s recent journals. Part 1 is here. ))     The end arrived bloodlessly. For all the flesh split open and red spilled on the rotted jungle floor, her adversary ceased moving with a snap of the neck. Hissing between her own kaldorei teeth, Anarial openly cursed at herself.   “Too soon,” she […]

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[Story] Preparation

((The following is related to Alleryn’s Rebirth I roleplay on the ERRC and the aftermath of the Mirror campaign.))   The return to the shop felt long with feet as leaden as hers. To passerbys, Idella smiled cheerfully and gave a passing wave to the fleeting few people she knew. The Mage District was a far kinder […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 377

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Hammer Station and Athiss runs and Log 376. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jacqueline sitting in her captan’s chair, her attire more formal than the previous holo. There’s no trademark glass in her hand. […]

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30 Day CDC: Days 10-15

I’m a little behind, so I’m playing catch up. I also threw formatting to the wind because WHO NEEDS IT. NOT ME.   10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.   Hypolyta: The biggest turning point in Hypolyta’s life would probably be the first episode she ever suffered. […]

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The Mason Blade (Past)

A very brief glimpse into Jarrick’s past…   “Jarrick grasped the handle of the broken blade of his fallen Commander and raised it skyward, facing the unholy onslaught of undeath as it marched forward while the rest of his comrades fled.   Strong and proud, his voice echoed across the fields of battle as he rallied the troops […]

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A Master

Robin walked from the Blue Recluse with a new straw pandaren-style hat on her head. It fit her perfectly, her master…former master had chosen the exact fit. She felt as if her heart had stopped when Temujin Oxplow had lifted the hat from his pack and offered it to her.     Robin, my equal. […]

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