Letter to Arialynn – Official

Miss Arialynn Dawnfield, of the Templars of the Rose, While we have had our differences over the influence Templars have had on orphans in the past years, we were pleased that Templars wished to take a small class on a short field trip. They get to travel so rarely outside of the primary adoption season […]

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{WOW} Another New Beginning

Maelstrome sat on top of the ruined tower, feet dangling over the crumbled parapet, eyes gazing over the abandoned remains of the town. Built by the combined effort of members of both the Alliance and Horde, Tranquility’s Watch had been meant to be a symbol of what could be, what peace would look like. It […]

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{SWTOR} Peese is a lye

Theengs have ben going veree well, so I supose it shoodntt be a surprize that the end seemz neer. Vessa has ben teeching me and I have lerned so much from her. She taut me to fite with a vibro blade and promised we wood start using too of them at a time soon. But […]

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SWTOR: Thoughts and a Price, Bedisa’s Journal

I must begin making my plans. I suppose that when I started all this, when I first left Tython, when I decided to come to Coruscant to begin my training and research, that I didn’t imagine my path would lie in this direction. No, I *know* I had no thoughts of what has happened so […]

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Tooth and Claw

She visited the night elves, in Darnassus, alone. It was something she felt had to be done by herself, though the death knight’s offer was kind indeed. Under the great sprawling boughs of a tree bigger than she could have possibly imagined but for seeing it herself, a whole civilization bloomed and thrived. One corner […]

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Aunne: A Simple Cup of Tea (Story)

(Auth. Note:  This is a bit of navelgazing, and for that I apologize.  When I set out to write this thing, I had other ideas – flashes of a different kind of action, different moments – but these seemed more appropriate, and the tone drifted quite a bit.  That said? It sort of had to […]

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Wallaroo: Aftermath

Wallaroo fell into the bed in the Templar’s Stormwind quarters, tired to a point she hadn’t been for…months.  Healing wasn’t her forte, but she knew the basics, she knew how to keep people alive. She’d had to keep Kanta alive. And, she thought, she’d just managed to do that, thank the spirits.  The realization slowly […]

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Travels of the Four, Part III: The Bulwark

Prelude to Part III: Travels of the Four, Part I: Displacement Travels of the Four, Part II: No Mercy ————- (Written by Jarrick) “Shields up, arrows!” Jarrick shouted over the roar of the marching outside the gate. Arrows rain down from somewhere unseen deep in the marsh, splintering wooden shafts and skewing steel tips down […]

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Republic Fugitive/Wanted Listing

((Sian isn’t important enough to have a fancy Republic Dossier, but this came over the Cortex recently ~ and drunkenness.  Reward: CR 150 LEVEL 3 – MODERATE  Antilles “Angel” Drash Male Zabrak 6′ 7″ Red/Black Wanted for thievery, wanton destruction of public property, and resisting arrest. Considered somewhat dangerous.  Reward: CR 1500 Sian’li Sunscryer Female […]

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Republic Strategic Information Service Dossier #17493

Name: Drex Corvos Moontear   Nicknames/Aliases: The Raven of Tattoine, The Crimson gunslinger, Captain (Possible Alias- Xin Geda) Age: 38 Height: 6ft 2in Weight: 165lbs Hair:deep red Eyes:Yellow Notable marks or scars: Numerous tattoos, an Imperial brand on his left hand, And a Cross shaped Scar over his right eye. Jedi status: None Alliance: Former […]

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Travels of the Four, Part II: No Mercy

Prelude to Part II: Travels of the Four, Part I: Displacement —————- (Written by Sigmar) �No quarter! None!� The words were lost as blazing rock soared over Sigmar�s head � close enough to singe his scalp, he swore � and smashed into the torn grounds within Theramore�s walls. The earth shook, and the sky glowed […]

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Travels of the Four, Part I: Displacement

(Written by Sielic) The walls were lined with soldiers, the Alliance represented across the board. Night Elves drew their famous bows alongside Dwarves with their rifles. Gnomes hastily constructed contraptions of war while Draenei meditated and walked along the lines, blessing the Alliance soldiers in the name of the Naaru. Worgen and humans milled about, […]

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A Taste of Blood, Or What Is To Come

Fors woke up and stared at the ceiling. He had found temporary housing within Stormwind. He still did not have his answers, however. He sighed and his eyes shut again, images flashing across his awareness. He saw forests, cities, oceans, and more but he saw blood the most. Blood dripped at the corners of every […]

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Dented or Forged?

The bath houses of Westguard were both a luxury and a necessity. Fighting the vrykul and undead that roamed the area -and more recently, demons and their masters- left a certain odor behind, and for the sanity of all involved, it was really better to have a place where one could cleanse the grime of […]

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Aunne: The Box (Vignette)

The box was wooden, roughly crafted – perhaps a foot on a side, give or take an inch or two in each dimension.  Its inside was painstakingly padded with rather sumptuous (if a little stained and ragged) fabric and brown fur.  All-in-all, it was certainly a labor of love, and not much else, with exposed […]

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{SWTOR} nite jedi and paddy wan

We are at Jakilin’s hawse. I think its Jakilin’s haws. its veree big evin biger than the brathol my old mastr put me in to trayn. Today i lerned abowt nite jedi and paddy wans. Miss Bedeesa is a nite jedi wich meens she uses the forse to to akualy im not shur wat a […]

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World of warcraft- Scond.

A large raven flies into the Templar office, setting dropping a file on the Justicar’s desk, the file is sealed in wax, and O’Riely crest visible in the wax, a Raven with outstretched wings, a pistol in one talon and a rose in the other. The bird swoops out once the delivery is made, awaiting […]

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[WoW] The Silver Soldiers

It was grim work. Within the depths of Westguard Keep, patrolmen carried the lifeless into a torch-lit morgue. Rotted flesh melted from bone and meshed into the joints of the soldiers' armored hands. The collected dead were of souls long departed but bodies reanimated, their remains now mangled, with clothing tattered and limbs weathered away. […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Letter

The letter is left lying in the Nar Shadaa flat, on a simple generic datapad, although a small paper card is left beside it signed “Bedisa” in a neat, flowing hand.  Dear sir, I suppose I shall be clear from the beginning, as I have tried to be in our interactions together so far. I […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 402

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. This is a quick and dirty journal to keep up with recent action. )) The holovid opens with Jacqueline in relaxed garb, her coat hanging on the swiveling captain’s chair behind her. Her legs crossed, an elbow is […]

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{SWTOR} Wat I hav lernd

viza sez I yuzed the fors wen I jumt frum the shep. I dint no wat that ment but she xpland it to me and shod me how to mov things with the fors. it is hard. she is so smart and strawng and I am hapee bkuz mis jaklin sez I get to lern […]

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Swtor- Xingeda journal

As the party at Halo’s place dies down, he meets a few new people, a former slave still getting to grips with freedom, let alone becoming a Jedi. A Sith who just wanted to have some fun and drink free booze, and an intriguing woman with no obvious confidence issues. As always Halo was after […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal

How I wish I could bring this before the masters… my head is spinning, and for once I am unsure on how to proceed. My whole life, nearly my whole life, I have been taught that passion, attraction, are things to be moderated and controlled, and that they have no place in the proper procedures […]

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I am sian (swtor)

i am sian’li. i lernd to rite from meggey in the masters howse. i no its not gud but now that i iskape i am goen to rite alotz to git beter. i iskaped by jumpen out of the shep. first i keeled the gard guy. he was rapen meggey and wasent payen atenshun to […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal

What is the nature of the Force? Of all things, I did not imagine that a Sith would be the one to spur on my studies after leaving Tython. That I was going to was a certainty, of course, but with the galaxy ahead of me I was planning on taking some time to enjoy […]

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