{WOW} Loyal to the Cause (one disturbing scene)

She stood in the shadow of the keep wall and counted down the seconds in her head. Exactly eight minutes after Sielic entered the keep, she nodded to James and he gave the signal. The previously quiet courtyard erupted in chaos as the Loyalists attacked.  She moved around the edges of the battle, keeping to […]

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[WoW] Kanta: Jailbreak

The Marksman coughed heavily, removing his Sentinels tabard from his chest and leaving the bare, under armor of leather and cloth he typically wore underneath his chainmail vest. Smoke had begun to fill the cells of the Westgaurd barracks basement, and this lead to the prisoner Marksman to wait. Typically, Thraeda would have been outside […]

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A Rude Awakening [World of Warcraft]

The sun had begun to set as Sielic approached Westguard. The guards on duty at the gate recognized him. The signal went up and the turncoats acted. The gate was soon open to Sielic and his escort. The first target was the Keep. The action was silent, undiscovered by the loyalists so far. Turncoats led […]

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[SWTOR] Drive (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Control (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Mornings on Tatooine were near overwhelming. The system’s dual suns rose in tandem, lighting the compound with such ferocity that soaring temperature compared to a more temperate planet’s mid-summer afternoon. This made Jacqueline no less cheerful. Still walking […]

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[WoW] Eanne: Chronicle

The halls of Ironforge were as vast as ever, and on a day like today with a blizzard roaring outside, being nearby the massive forge made things even better for the Khaz Modan based populace. A particular Dwarf had been in the old libraries for what seemed like days, perhaps even weeks. The former brew-slinging, […]

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SWTOR Mahv: Business

“Listen, Lord so and so, I don’t much care for what was promised, what I DO care about is my money.” Boots kicked up on the edge of the holoterminal, and a chair leaned back. “You red skinned devil woman….” “Oh, please, go on. DO go on.” A cigar was jammed in the corner of […]

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[SWTOR] Strike (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Taking Flight (Jacqueline). The following follows my SWTOR Smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The bright, surrounding white of hyperspace lit the cockpit. The communications console was silent, unable to receive transmissions at lightspeed. A lone timer ticked down the final minutes till the ship’s destination. The pilot was absent, letting the ship slice through space […]

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[SWTOR] Control (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Strike (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The chorus of beeps inside the med bay were more than enough to keep Jacqueline laying awake if not for Hamett’s potent cocktail of vertigo and pain suppressants. Cracking open her eyes, it was a welcome relief to […]

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Old Habits Die slowly (Swtor journal- Korrinth-Rated R)

Silence, to some it is a sign of calm, a place of peace and serenity where all the answers lie before them, for myself, silence is simply a sign that someone is not on the ship. It is uncommon for a student of the Academy to reside with her future master, but one cannot take […]

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[SWTOR] Taking Flight (Jacqueline)

For long moments after Halonan departed, Jacqueline lingered at balcony bar, her glass empty save for the amber hints of the whiskey that earlier filled it. She stood stooped, leaning atop the lit counter top, her gaze on the passing ships and colorful Nar Shadda skyline.  It was a planet that rarely slept and was […]

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[SWTOR] Strike (Tevaria)

(( The following follows my SWTOR Imperial Agent, Tevaria, or more colloquially known as “Tev.” )) Pushing the final hair clip into place, Tevaria took a quick assessment of herself in the mirror. Cut strands of hair pooled at her bare feet. Braided and pulled back into a swooping bun, her hairstyle augmented her cheek […]

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Ghosts ( swtor journal- Xingeda)*pg-13*

Fire, all consuming, engulfs the small home as the troops March on, Armour black as night, a ravens claw on their shoulders. The smell of burning flesh and sorrow fills the small valley as the bodies of an innocent family are set apon the pyre, the bodies of the soldiers who slew them piled on […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal, Serenity

What joy I have.  Brembal has spoken so deeply and fervently of passion, of how it moves the Force…and I have spoken to him, more then once, of how it is not the one and only motivator.  But oh, I have felt it!  There were waves. Waves upon waves, as we lay together for the […]

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{WOW} The Frozen Heart part 1

The razor-cold air acted as another weapon; the living moved slower, were less eager. Were that much quicker to die. The battle turned into a route which turned into a slaughter. *Kill them all.* The Lich King’s omnipresent voice whispered, slithered, sent its vessel forward on its deathcharger in pursuit of the fleeting figures. *No […]

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[WoW] Sealed Letter to the Blood of the Rose

To the Blood of the Rose, I found a way to contact Zasheena safely through an Ally, Salena Kingston-Sorrowgrave. She has fought the “Doctor” long before the Rose and has been beneficial to better learn the identity and habits of Zasheena’s supposed resurrector and now benefactor. She also has reliable means to contact Zasheena. I […]

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Accountability- Stwor Eirnin ( Explicit, Reader discretion advised)

Eirnin sits in the hold, resting on the railing overlooking the edge of the city, no one really hung out in the lower loft with the hot-tub being on the balcony, a rare moment of peace on a work wracked in violence and decadence. Eirnin casually sharpens his blade, humming softly as he relaxes, his […]

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{SWTOR} A Mishun For an Imp

There is going to be a big mishun sune wen we will dres as imps and atak a reepublik plase to find informashin abowt Mister Salt. I asked him abowt Missus Peper like Mister Halonin told me ro. No one seemed to noe hoo shee is. I think Mister Halonin got the name rong but […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 417

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline in her usual mechanical get up with grease stains to match. She’s sans her usual glass of whiskey. She sits in the chair with a leg draped over one chair arm and […]

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Name: Trolivoc’Scondelamca   Nicknames/Aliases: Core-name Scond, Darth Macar, The Cackling Storm. Age: ?? Height: 5ft 7in Weight: 130lbs Hair:none Eyes:Red Notable marks or scars: Numerous scars across his body, when he is rarely without his mask, deep torture scars can be seen across his face and down his body.  Jedi status:Dark lord of the Sith […]

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{SWTOR} Meditation 1

Waffles.  Waffles are evil.  They burn your mouth.  They’re not as evil as ice cream. Only the mouth gets hurt, not your whole head.  Viessa will be able to fix them, just like she fixed ice cream.  Viesa is the best at everything.  Focus.  Master Sage says to focus on one thing.  Waffles.  Waffles are […]

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(WoW) Sealed Letter to Justicar Arialynn Dawnfield

Justicar, I am reaching out to you to let you know that the Blood will be sending someone to speak with the Marksman. We will be sending Saratega, and I myself will be accompanying her. She will be the least bias in this situation we feel and getting the complete truth is our goal. We […]

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{WOW} Three Card Monte

Mael sat on the edge of the shattered tower and watched the waves roil and heave. A storm slid across the waters, far out but moving closer, grey sheets of rain blending with the grey ocean, creating the illusion of a single mass the color of a rotted corpse. It’s too good to be true, […]

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[WoW] Sealed Letter Letter to the Blood of the Rose

To the Blood of the Rose, Zasheena’s murderer has been found and confessed to the crime. I regret to report that it was a Templar: Marksman Kanta Wildsabre. This is not his first time spilling your blood. The Templars now move to convene a tribunal with all evidence of her murder and the Marksman’s intent. […]

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[WoW] A Series of Internal Missives

To all Templars, Marksman Kanta Wildsabre has confessed to the slaying of a Blood in our sister order, Blood of the Rose, and daughter of Templar Sage. He is interned in Westguard until his tribunal. There are no permitted visits to the Marksman aside from kin, victim, victim’s kin, and Templars and Bloods directly involved […]

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{WOW} A Matter of Leadership

Maelstrome sat on the edge of the ruined tower and stared across the waves at the nothingness beyond. Her thoughts jumped around, as they were wont to do. They were, after all, the thoughts of several.  That went well. It’s good to know we can still trust the Lightbreaker.  Can we? She’s holding back information […]

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