The Path Less Traveled

Test”…W-What a mess,” Cael muttered with a sigh as she looked at the wreck of her armor. The rescue mission she’d volunteered for turned out to be a bit of a doozy, evidenced by her steel gear, now laid on a wooden table in front of her. The young woman herself, now in human form, […]

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Aunne: A Letter from Thaddeus Morne, Commander, to Justicar Arialynn (Vignette)

To: Justicar Arialynn  From: CMDR Thaddeus Mourne, Quartermaster’s Assistant   Justicar:  A certain number of odd requests have been tendered to the Quartermaster since the last guild meeting ,and I would very much like to offer a protest. While I am sure the Draenei woman is worthy of respect (And I use the term loosely- both […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa

She took a deep breath and tried to focus. *Again*.  Bedisa gave a sigh of frustration and stared, for a moment, moodily out the window over the bustling cityscape. She hadn’t returned to Halonan’s apartment, preferring now the quiet coziness of her own modest flat. Small, yes, but as a knight now she had enough […]

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The Demons Fang drifts twards a Spaceport near Tattooine, Another Crate of nigh powerd rifles and priemium Vibroblades headed for the republic, Training blades for the Jedi, rifles and pistols for fresh troops, and a nice looking Ion cannon Battery, Set for delivery on Balmora. Xin strides out of his ship with a glint in […]

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Being Useful

“Take it back! T-Take it back!” shouted the red haired six year old, pummeling the older, larger child with her tiny fists. “You take- you take it back right now or I’ll beat you into the dirt!” Another boy, smaller, thin, pale and almost frail, tried to pull her off. He had a bleeding nose […]

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[WoW] Aunne: The Sunfish

Aboard the Sunfish, a small barque late of Pandaria, now at the outskirts of the Stormwind harbor, Aunne was pensive.  Truth be told, it wasn�t a feeling she enjoyed, classifying it with all of those other uncomfortable feelings that she�d uncovered over the last few years as �inconvenient� or �irritating� or just �not really nice, […]

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Against his better judgment and the orders given, Cosman uses his stone walking staff to limp to the Inn, sneaking into the kitchen is hard enough, let along with a limp and being a large being with hooves. The staff let him be and allow him to set up his Tea set. The brew he […]

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Cael exited the keep and turned, seeking the dark corner with the bench she saw earlier. There it was. Concentrating on keeping her human form, she sat, and closed her eyes to listen, breathing deeply until her heart stopped hammering in her chest and the flush faded from her cheeks. Slowly, the six four ruddy […]

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[WoW] Aunne: Brave (Vignette)

“How did you get so brave?” the tiny pandaran asked. “An angry human killed me,” the Draenei answered, with a smile, “and then I got better.”  She reached out with a heavy gauntlet, rimed in frost, and… booped the little pandaran’s nose. “You are safe now, yes?” The young female looked left.  Right.  The cave […]

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Describin’ my character body types like

�Saashenka is a petite thing. She is just very small. Wide hips though because Draenei, and p sure they�re just built that way because tail and space goat legs.� �Hypolyta is just BIG. Errywhur. TIG OL BITTIES. WIDE HIPS. THUNDER THIGHS. Hour glass figure, but her waist is thicker because lol muscle, so it�s an […]

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winters veil

Cosman sits in his usual thinking spot, a bench in the cemetery, busier than he would have expected, seems the day of gift giving is upon them. He takes out his black leather journal, as well as a pencil, beginning to write as the people pass him, glancing oddly.  “This season is strange to me, […]

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The Dreams Return

Another restless night..even on this world…no..especially on this world…the dead are crying out. I took a stroll around the fort, joining the night crews for the evening, figured i cold be of use while i was not sleeping. Suppose i have always been this way, never wanting to waste time, never taking much time for […]

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Isoldei’s Story: Westgarde.

Issy bit her lip, fussing and worrying. This was…new, new and unpleasant. She didn’t *like* being uncertain. Himself seemed to be in a bad way, had been ever since the news about the girl him and Konse had known, and gods knew the battle hadn’t helped…she thought. And of course he had to go get […]

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Isoldei’s Story: Westgarde

Fire and blood. Isoldei paid the mage his fee and was off to Northrend before the magic had finished cooling her heels. She grabbed the extra lined cloak out of habit rather then need; her face was burning and she needed somehow and something to burn off the heat.  She glanced up at the towers […]

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[Journal] Cupcake Diplomacy

Oddities in Stormwind tonight. My routine visit to the Recluse for tea included an unexpected but pleasant talk with a chipper demon hunter. New to the call, he was surprisingly cheerful about a demon hunter’s dark work. We met after he fell to the floor in some ungraceful fashion. He claimed a miscreant knocked him […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Isolde shifted uneasily, hunched on a branch on a tree somewhere in the woods to the south and east of Wintergarde. Where he’d… She shook off the thought. Focus. It was a tad warmer here, but with the rain dripping past her muzzle, the rustle of the leaves as water and wind tossed them, the […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 382

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo opens without Jacqueline in its capture. Her voice can be heard along with the sound of footsteps clanking on metal. As the footsteps draw closer, so does her voice. “Heeey there, sonuvabitch who just sliced […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 381

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo begins with Jackie stooped forward in her captain’s chair, working on the disassembled pieces of her blaster. She occasionally reaches outside the holo’s capture, picking up pieces that are presumably laying on the nearby console. […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Wolves. Her blood burned, and the shades fled.  Wolves. Fear and blood.  Issy tossed and turned in her bed as the memories and the nightmares assaulted her again, as they had so long ago now. Or not that long, by other’s measure, for she was still young. Wolves. Shivering during one bad night when she’d […]

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[Story + Journal] Retrieval

Departing the inn, the night’s relieved revelries were left behind. The grandiose speeches and bravado faded as the lady knight ascended the hill towards the barracks. Preferring the cot the to inn’s more spacious bunks, Arialynn took comfort in the familiar frugality. Pausing in her night routine, Arialynn took time to record the day’s events […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Somehow, she had known There’d been movement about the keep earlier, but there always was, and far off on her cliff side perch she hadn’t been able to make out the figures wandering back down and behind her to the patch of sand. She’d even looked away, following her usual route, and then… a twitch, […]

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Isolde: Response

Issy snatches up the note the moment she sees it lying in her quarters. Scowling, she very slowly, over the course of an hour, tries to read it. She misses a lot. Her hands shake a bit, in pretended outrage, embarrassment, and frustration. She has to read over a couple paragraphs, again and again, still […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 380

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees following the recent in-game RP. This is a holo captain�s log. This journal follows the events of the 11/16 SWTOR Night. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline in a new set of armor. Notably, it’s more rugged and padded than the last. She’s […]

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Ygraine’s Story

Lost. A whirlwind of pain and loss. Clouds. Water. Wave and foam. Skies. Hints of… lost. Losing. She shook her head, striking her temples with clenched fists. They wouldn’t be quiet, they wouldn’t they wouldn’t couldn’t… Hand on her back. Shook off. Nothing familiar. Crashing again. Waves. Sky overhead. She couldn’t feel. No centre. Thoughts […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Snow lashed about her shoulders, tossed and whipped by a wickedly blowing wind. Another day, another night and moon rising as the eerie “night ghosts” of Northrend began their dance across the sky. The other lads of the convict camp called them that, and it seemed apt. Beautiful but so unnatural.  Isolde could feel the […]

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