[Story] Below

Related: Void The treads of her platemail boots left stark prints in the snow. The walk between the inn and keep was a welcomed one. Overhead, the aurora borealis was an eerie sight to some, but comforting to those expecting it. Arialynn’s breath left in thick puffs, crystalizing over her eyebrows and lashes. Oddly, the […]

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[Story] Void

Related: Lurking Memory News of Halonan’s disappearance cast a pall among the Rose at Wintergarde. The Blacksmith’s recent return brought a flurry of smiles and enthusiasm. Such news was rare in times when words such as the Burning Legion were so readily uttered on soldier’s lips. But as quickly as an old Templars face appeared, it was gone […]

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Isoldei’s Story

The following journal entry is longer, but so badly misspelled and blotted with windblown dust, that a transcript follows: That gawl! That barstid! Sittin’ ‘ere, freezin’ me arse off, waitin’…waitin’ on ‘im. Searchin’. Ain’t fair, it is, that he spouts off about me bein’ a soldier and all and then I’m forced to act like […]

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Days passed. Days. Janderius was up for nearly three days straight as he struggled to try and get a read on the missing Templar’s location. The eerie calm of the Deadwind Pass was far too quiet for him. Especially considering how many hours he had spent holed up there, stubbornly refusing to give up his […]

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Isoldei’s Story: Wintergarde

She huffed, burying her chin within the thick layer of fur around her face and throat. Even in worgen form, the cold was bitterly deep, and the extra layers were needed. After spending all that time in the scraps of leftovers Stormwind had left her, the solid clothing of the Templars was a blessing.  Another […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts

JOURNAL The neat lines flow freely and easily now, the Pandaren script elegant as before, each stroke placed carefully and with thoughtfulness.  I am…happy. I am finally happy, after a fashion.  For so long I lived in shadow, with only little glimmers of light shining through thick clouds of soot and dust. And every night, […]

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[Story] Lurking Memory

Light crept across the floor as the lady knight lit the candle on her desk. The study within Wintergarde was far smaller than its Westguard counterpart, its walls filled with cold-weather necessities such as a pot-belly stove, piles of wood, and even a stash of wool blankets. Each room was individually stocked for the worst. […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Isolde staggered out of inn with a few other Gilneans, drunk on the gin and rum and stout in celebration of All Hallows, and raised her bottle with a laugh and a shout. “To the portal!”  She’d left Wintergarde, aye, catching a portal from a mage shipping supplies. This time of year was no time […]

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It was almost dawn by the time the weary mage had made it home. The hidden Ashenvale treehouse was quiet and still, save for the barely noticeable sounds of Janderius slipping in through the balcony door. A torrential downpour was happening outside, and Jander was unsurprisingly soaked by said rain. Not only that, but he […]

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The trip from the nearest portal anchor to Westguard was not a short one. The flight was made even longer by Janderius’s insistence on staying low and weaving through the treetops to reduce his exposure to the continent’s freezing winds at higher altitudes. Mr. Cinders, his faithful flame hippogriff, had just begun to show signs […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Journal: Less a book and more a few scraps of spare paper and vellum, scrabbled together from what was lying around Wintergarde. The title, or at least the beginning of the piece, was written with ink but that material appears to have been abandoned in short order. The way the poorly spelled word is smeared […]

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[Story] Cold Nights

With a fire properly lit, nights at Wintergarde were mostly warm inside but with frigid cold lingering in every corner. Retreating into the keep against the bitter wind that bit against her cheeks and neck, Arialynn lit another fire in the pot belly stove of the barracks. A few moments later, a bundled young man […]

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Isoldei’s Story: Wintergarde

What in the sweet hells had she bloody well gotten herself into? Isolde looked up at the stars, so bright and clear this far north, laying her large paws behind her head, leaning back with legs crossed. Oh, no, staying out for the night was no issue, not at all, not after the couple of […]

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[Rann] The Magic Will Tell

Rann paced in the living room of her Stormwind home, eyeing the windows and the front door. One arm was crossed in front of her chest as she paced, the knuckles on her other hand tapping her chin absently in thought.  “Question,” she said aloud to no one in particular. “If a woman enchants a […]

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Isoldei’s Story

She kicked back and lifted her feet up on a stool, swearing at the heavy woolen dress that restricted her movement. Cor, they weren’t kidding when the said the place was spartan. Proper clothing wouldn’t be up for a few days, and even then Isolde would have to apply rudimentary and rough sewing techniques to […]

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Isoldei’s Story

Isolde yawned and stretched out comfortably on the narrow bed. Military stock, to be sure, but it was warm, firm but comfortable, and the blankets were bloody well better then the scraps of furs she had been scrabbling about herself for the last few weeks. The thought caused a scowl to cross her face. Bloody, […]

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[Journal] Soldier

Halonan Orebender has returned. Listening to his words tonight, I am reminded of other times I spoke to him. The war is different than before as are the events that lead to tonight, but there was a bizarre familiarity yet comfort to this crossing of our paths. Perhaps it is because I too rarely see […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts / Journal

The hand that writes is much steadier now, and the script flows rather then stutters, pretty lines across the scroll. It is getting cold here, I think perhaps colder then it ever was back home. The turtle always did stay close to more temperate climates. I shiver, even when I am in thick robes, although […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts / Journal

I have seen a spark in my night.  Somone *understands*. I still think I have been very selfish. I haven’t tried hard enough to listen to the Justicar or my other friends, and it’s been so hard leaving the inn, or leaving my room. But they…I didn’t think they could understand. They must have been […]

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[Journal] Guard

The following is written in a leather-bound book and is normally kept securely in Arialynn’s Old Draenor study. The paper is blank and without lines, yet the script is neat and perfectly straight. For this entry, the journal is in present-day Azeroth, specifically Westguard. Related: We Were Soldiers )) Northrend brings many memories, most are at […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts

Wei lay curled in a large chair, a over stuffed, second hand thing her friends had dragged upstairs for her. She hadn’t left the inn since she’d arrived, well, hadn’t left Westgarde at all, and lately even leaving her room seemed so hard. Even in the evening when everything was quiet in the inn. Every […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts

She stumbled over the stones, feeling little pangs in the still tender flesh of her paws. Her feet were still sore… but she had to keep going, the dawn light would be soon and her masters would expect the flat bread to be ready, the breakfast stew to be hot . Wei sniffled and rubbed […]

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[Emma, Doradrassil, Mallory, Daldrin, Peter, Razboom, Rann] Looking Forward

Sorry for this taking awhile. As you can see, it contains almost all of my characters…everyone except Tock Plasmawrench, Ellye Axewrench, and Emily Fielder. Anyway, this is the post-Archimonde journal. Whenever the Archimonde fight happens to take place in timelines. I’ve kept it free of other specific storyline references, so that it can be just […]

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Before the Rose: Secrets of the Frozen North, Part I

Glacial winds whipped across Jarrick’s face as icy waves crested and crashed upon the bow of the ship.  With every passing minute the ice that coated the deck thickened while the sails grew stiff as snow and frozen rain gathered in its weave.  The wind was relentless.  Unbearable.  And one false move could spell disaster […]

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Wallaroo’s Thoughts

There was a memory… Other members of the Iron Horde often came to the Pit, usually for supplies, picking up the gigantic shipments of ore and raw materials to fuel the war machine. Once in a while other…sorts…would appear, whether the giggling and suspicious Laughing Skull, whom the overseers were trying to settle an uneasy […]

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