
“Well, that’s convenient.”     Selena looked into the deep blue crystal with the older gnome. Together, they watched Robin achieve her ultimate goal, mastery as a monk. “How is that, Mother? Won’t this just make it more difficult? We anticipated him denying her the hat.”  She snorted at the foolishness of it all. It […]

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[Story] Cracked

((Partly related to Robin’s Book campaign. Also related to the Mirror campaign.))   Idella slipped through the cracked doorway and secured the latch behind her. Slumping against the door and hair shrouded her face, she steadied herself and breathing for long moments. With shuffling feet, she crossed the space of her small apartment with unsteady steps. Hands shaking, she […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 376

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Hammer Station and Athiss runs. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jacqueline leaning forward in the captain’s chair, her quintessential glass in one hand and the other propping up her chin. She appears and sounds […]

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The Next Hunt

Another body falls.   A goblin.   The goblin offered gold for information, but the Marksman was not interested in buying his information from someone could be feeding him false information. Pain was a better respondent as it seemed to prove that the goblin knew nothing at all. The life faded from his eyes as […]

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30 Day CDC: Days 7, 8, 9

THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE TIMES TO POST THIS THANKS OBAMA   Day Seven: Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?   Hypolyta: To Hypolyta, it would probably be the fateful first time her dormant personality surfaced. It was a major cause of a lot of […]

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30 Day CDC: Day Six

Day Six: Describe your character’s happiest memory.   This one is actually difficult to pinpoint. Not because of a lack of development, but because even us as people have a hard time digging back through our own memory to find what makes us THE happiest, which one of our many many happy memories that we […]

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[Rann, Doradrassil] The Hand-Off

“Are you sure?”   Doradrassil’s eyes burned into Rann as she leaned over the table where Rann was seated, the Warden’s hands resting on the tabletop. Why did she feel like she was being interrogated?   “Well…no,” Rann murmured plainly. “As I said, we never recovered the body. We have no way of knowing for sure. Is…is […]

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30 Day CDC: Day Four and Five

(I forgot to do it yesterday WHOOPS)   Day Four: How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?   Hypolyta: Her confidence waivers, a lot, both in her appearance, and in her capabilities. She still feels this need to prove herself, as she’s still very young, but put in a position of command. […]

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[Story] Lines Drawn

(( Related to Kanta’s recent journals. ))   One Month Ago   After hours of threats, the clouds finally broke. The rain washed away the pungent smells of the jungle. Part of Anarial relished it as the rain washed away the grime that stained on her robe, hands, and feet. The jungle was even less tame than Ashenvale and more […]

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30 Day CDC: Day Three

Day Three: Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?   Hypolyta: The scar over her left eye was from a pretty nasty run in with a ghost from Resheph’s rather seedy past. Was also the first RP’d glimpse of her […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 375

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Esseles run. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo opens with Jacqueline lounging in a chair, a glass in one hand and chin atop an arm propped on the elbow of her pilot’s chair.   “Getting formalities […]

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30 Day CDC: Day Two

Day Two: 2.) What are your characters’ most prominent physical features?   Hypolyta: Hypolyta is a big girl. She’s tall. She’s muscular as hell. And she’s built like an hourglass to boot. Sure, she’s about average height for a Nightelf, if on the taller side of that. Around 7’2″. But she weighs about 300lbs, without the […]

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30 Day Character Development Challenge, Day 1

Going off the list here. And for the whole thing, I’ll be using my four “main”; Hypolyta, Keigan, Saashenka, Chrissinne. SO HERE GOES.   Day One:  Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no? […]

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No Witnesses

Kanta spit out the taste of the pepper as he left the Templar’s Verdict encampment, the sound of laughter echoing through his tall ears before the became dull whispers in the midst of the warring jungle.   The Justicar’s words rang through his thoughts. How she seemed so hesitant to be around him with Felmoon […]

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Lone Wolf

( It’s been sometime since I’ve had a chance to write and publish something. Here’s coming back from roughly a 2 year hiatus.)   The Marksman never claimed to be a saint, nor a nice man. Not more than a handful of times, at least.   Screams of pain and agony echoed through the jungle […]

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[Book] The Darkness

The Gyroshock house was eerily silent in the late hours. Jenna, the odd maid, had gone to sleep, or shut down…or whatever the fel magical constructs do, leaving Robin sitting on the floor where Oxplow and Bibbit had left her. The last candle had burned out hours ago. Ciera still hadn’t come home. Sparkle and […]

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[Book] The First Step

Star stood beside her sister in the Templar garrison on Draenor. She looked at the pictures taken of the graffiti as she scoured the room. The arcane writing on the wall had happened there…as well as a glitter-storm, go figure. Violet was combing the upstairs as well. The little arcane bird flitting to and fro, […]

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An absence, planned

A flickering candle lit the small cave where Sielic remained. A desk had been dragged into the recesses of the cave and he sat there, papers piled around him. A casual glance offered more scribbles than anything else. The intelligible writing showed signs of violent shaking as it was penned. The man wore stained leather […]

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[The Book] Brewing

The Draenor moon waned overhead as Idella tip-toed through the spread of books, bottles, and vials that filled the fort library. A healthy fire crackled in the hearth and the usual crowd of magi was absent, driven away by the late hour. With a gesture of her hand, the young witch bid a book from a shelf […]

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Ambrosine grew suspicious when she closed her eyes for a moment and the rest of her meal vanished. Or well, the steak portion had.   She’d been eating outside, trying to divine some peace from the trees. She was a prairie girl at heart but…sometimes, it was better than stone walls.   “Schneeflocke,” Ambrosine said, […]

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[Decree] The Fall of the Foundry

The following is posted within the Fort, Westgarde, and other active outposts of the Rose.   To the Templars of the Rose,   Tonight, the fires and menace of the Blackrock Foundry are extinguished. Its bellows stand silent and smoke stacks belch nothing. Tonight, the Black Watch rallies triumphant, breaking the steel-clad back of the […]

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Draenor Horror Story: Elekk Plushie Edition 5 & 6

Okay, so I left the…plushie at home on Azeroth, I thought, but I found it in the garrison. I must’ve packed it without thinking. That’s the only explanation. Or Zen has some…ridiculous contraption that creates elekk plushies to FOLLOW me. MAYBE HE DOES. Would he harass me that much? No…no…it’s…I just forgot packing it. Oh, […]

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Where is it…where is it…where is it…     The tavern above was filled with drinking and laughter as the gnome, dressed all in black, felt along the stone walls and flooring of the guest room. An unfortunate bystander rested unconscious on the floor nearby. She didn’t have time to feel sorry. Someone would come looking. […]

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[Mallory] Bolstering the Network

“Package for you.”   Mallory smiled and turned toward Alphonse, tearing her attention away from her work for a moment. Alphonse carried a wooden crate, measuring about a foot on all sides. THIS SIDE UP was scrawled across every panel of the crate, with a “stamp” that looked like a cat’s paw. She knew just what […]

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[Letter] A Note to Rann

The following is left on the desk in Rann’s study on Draenor.   Miss Rann,   Sorry if this comes at a bad time. I know you’re probably busy and I know things are different than our first lessons, but if you’ll have me, would you take me as a student again? I want to […]

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