[SWTOR] Data

Related: #SWTOR Status Update 03/15 Her face lit by the blue of her ship’s holo console, Jacqueline Rees taps her holopad, swiping through countless files and tapping out quick lines of code. A half-empty whiskey bottle is her only companion along with the hum of every computer in the cockpit churning through data.  Focused on […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 416

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) Related: [SWTOR] Data The holo begins with Jacqueline stewing in her captain’s chair, a one-quarter full whiskey bottle lingering in the frame. Her hands are folded together and set beneath her chin, her posture stooped and leaning […]

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[WoW] Small Hands

(( Following the events of Blood Open RP Night. )) Related: Snapped Arialynn Dawnfield returned to Westguard at a late hour, the night sky marked with aurora swirls that nearly blotted out the brightness of the moon. Withdrawing into the morgue, she resumed a grim duty: Identifying a small-framed body laid carefully on the table. […]

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SWTOR: Dreams

Bedisa awoke slowly from her slumber, frowning as she did so. How strange, she thought. There was a dark thread, half a vision, half a feeling, that troubled her rest, enough so her eyes finally flicked open a few moments later.  How strange. She rubbed her eyes and looked blearily out her window. Things had, […]

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{SWTOR} Flyt

Mister Halonon is a belly danser and pilet now. His father tuk all his money away so he had to find wurk. He luves flying so thats gud. I didnt no he culd danse but aparently yew need to danse in kombat. It makes no sense to me. Viesa and Mister Halonon were going to […]

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Name: Hammet John (Lockstar) Macinly   Nicknames/Aliases: Trapper, Doctor Feel Good, Lt. Hailmary Age: 26 Height: 7ft 2in Weight: 185lbs Hair:Dark Brown Eyes:Right-Prosthetic Left-White Notable marks or scars: Sizeable Scar across face, Starting from right eyebrow to left side of chin, Several Tattoos referanceing Healing gods or medical symbols adorn his arms and legs. Jedi […]

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{FFXIV} A Life Reset (kinda nsfw)

I saw the lights before I saw the walls. A hundred hundred beacons coaxed, and I responded, despite my exhaustion, my weary feet, the cumbersome pack and three-sizes-too-large sword and shield. So many lights meant so many people awake at what I guessed to be roughly three in the morning.  Ul’dah lived up to its […]

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A Sort of History of the Blood of the Rose

scene: a darkened stage, lit so only the front of is visible enter narrator stage right. as he speaks, enter spectator stage left. narrator: Witness, friends, this gathered… spectator: What are you doing? narrator: How does it appear? I am telling this tale. spectator: Well, yes, I see that. but what’s up with this format? […]

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Curious eyes could have come across a certain file of a particular Republic Soldier that had gone MIA. The file appears heavily edited, even left corrupted. Name: Shaun Soult   Nicknames/Aliases: N/A Age: 31 Height: 5’11” Weight: 203 Lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Green Notable marks or scars: Severe facial burns and scarring, m————————————————–!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR~!~!~!#@@@@@@@@@@@ Befell blanched […]

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{WOW} Life and Death vol. 358, issue 8, article “Pretty is Practical: An Interview With Nikala Sunscryer” transcript

The following is a transcript of my interview with Nikala Sunscryer, Death Knight and… “That’s Necrotized Chevalier, if you please.” I…what? “Necrotized Chevalier, not Death Knight. Not all of us go around killing all the time.” I…very well, I apologize. Where was I…Nikala Sunscryer of the Templars of the Rose. You are a gnome, correct? […]

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[SWTOR] Republic Strategic Information Service (SIS) Dossier #60664 – “Jacqueline Rees”

Name: Jacqueline Rees   Nicknames/Aliases: “Jackie” Species: Human Age: Unknown Height: Approximately 5′ 9″/5′ 10″ Weight: Estimated 180lbs. Hair: Dark Eyes: Brown Build: Muscular Notable Marks Or Scars: Unknown Force Sensitivity: Unknown Confirmed Skillset: Piloting, slicing, marksmanship Alliance: Subject has confirmed Jedi and Sith contacts. Suspected Hutt and other neutral party contacts. Data also indicates […]

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Name: Callum G. Moontear   Nicknames/Aliases: Lord Severance, the Walking Carnage, Iron Eye. Age: 36 Height: 6ft 4in Weight: 155lbs Hair:(formerly) Red, post induction to Academy- Bald Eyes:Yellow Notable marks or scars: Beast claw mark down his right eye, Cyborg implant in right socket. Jedi status:Former Sith lord Alliance: None   Criminal record: Former Pirate […]

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Journal entry # 352 (Xingeda, Swtor)

My trip to Balmora went well, I have always loved their weapons, and they like the food and medical supplies that i bring them, even through in a couple bottles of my special brew of rum. I of coarse mentioned not to be withing twenty feet of open flames with it, and its properties as […]

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SWTOR: Living with a Lie.

Bedisa looked out from her apartment window over the cityscape of Coruscant. Her calm was absolute. It must be. It must remain so. But it had been so hard to do lately. Be the good girl. A model Jedi. A graduated knight, even at her age. Commendations during her schooling, high marks usually. Her early […]

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Fanciful Visions Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Putress arrived at Orgrimmar by zeppelin. He grimaced as he stepped off the loading ramp. Orgrimmar was so hot, so dry. It always made him self-aware of his decay and odour. He rummaged in his pack and produced a bottle of liquid. He had prepared for such an issue and masked his stench with the […]

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Eirnan Journal (swtor)- Code

Brother suggested i begin writing, something to channel my passion into without lifting everything in the ship, his men get a bit put off by that..understandable. My meeting of his friends, these spacers and….jedi. I will have to get used to them, though being misunderstood by the former slave is amusing, i might even teach […]

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Wallaroo’s Journal: Westgarde

Wallaroo lay on the bed, curled up in sleep. Stirring, slightly, as dawn approached, and the soft, cool air of Westgarde blew in.  Her dreams had been odd. Half remembered, voiceless, and all but sightless, vague images that drifted across her vision as she drifted through sleep. They were not the sharp, cruel images of […]

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In a particularly quiet corner of the Blue Recluse, two draenei sat across from one another. One was immediately recognizable by most Templars as Vindicator Zaanthe; a great blue bundle of plate armor and sour frowns. Across from him, however, was a new face–yet somehow, she was familiar. Nigh-white shoulder-length swept neatly into a side […]

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Cold Front

WARNINGS: Abuse, torture, starvation, mindfuckery, conditioning, graphic gore and violence, cannibalism, slavery, wanting to die, dehumanization, mentions of PTSD. The hour was late as Cael padded softly up cold stone steps to begin her shift on an even colder wall overlooking the bay in Westguard. Watch duty was a fact of life; everyone had to […]

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Aunne: Contrasts

Contrasts:   �Show them.�  The voice that spoke was in her mind � and the minds of the other Knights � but there was no gainsaying it.  It caused her very bones to resonate, her muscles moving of their own volition even before her conscious mind took note of it.  The two other Knights took […]

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{swtor} Trayning

I told Viesa abowt Miss Saje being my new master but I told her she is my reel master. It is still hard to say master out lowd but I did it three times. Oh I shood do it here to. Master Viesa can do any thing. She prooved that agin last nite when she […]

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[Snapped] Rise

Related: Letter to Arialynn – Official )) A letter arrived and oil burned. Late nights passed, cycling after ceaseless days. The lanterns and torches of the war room burned night and day, the doors revolving around men and women running messages. Finally, letters from the Rose pen emerged, one addressed to the Rose and posted within […]

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Fanciful Visions

People gossiped. They always gossiped about royalty but more so in recent days. Some thought it was shameful, some openly expressed disgust. Varian gave a shake of his head. It mattered not what the nobility and others though. He had finally found happiness in those lustrous golden locks. He smiled. There was a six year […]

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Memories of the Past

((Hope to make a series of these where it will cover what parts of Sinual’s past she struggles with that affect her choices.)) Sinual finds herself wandering around Silvermoon City, remembering what it was like when she was growing up. She walks passed where her home was�it has since been taken by a new family. […]

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{SWTOR} Master

I need to fiks my reeacshun when somone says the word master. I know it dosent meen the same thing to the jedi as it did when I was a slave but every time somone says it I flinch. I cant evin say it out lowd myself. I tried to call Miss Saje master bekase […]

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