[SWTOR] Message (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Piquant Sentiment. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The deepest alleys of Nar Shadda were littered with scenes of crime. Crumpled leaflets, discarded stim needles, refuse from both droid and humanoid, anything the destitute could spread along the ground lay scattered. It all rose in […]

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Swtor journal (Xingeda) – A Challenge

“Four hours, I’ve been sitting here four hours, bastard Ham wont relieve me just to spite my “escaping”, Boss locked the damn door, clearly forgetting there’s no place to take a leak in this room.” Xin grunts as he gets up, taking a moment to stretch, he had been improving greatly with Shoult and Hammet […]

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Two and a half hours. Was that long enough? It was taken down before it was seen by most. He knew there was a note but he wasn’t told what was written on it. Who had been in the Keep with him? Zaanthe, Koryander, several individuals not in the Templars… No, none of those individuals […]

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[WoW] All in a Days a Work

Sometime after the mission, Sinual takes a short rest at Westguard to gather her thoughts about the mission. The day is over and the mission is a success. What a mess it became, though. Why is it that all of these villains have mind affecting abilities lately? The whole mission went so easily that I�m […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Whispers (R)

Hands to skin. Whispers. Sighs. Soft sounds. Passion. Touching, lips. Intertwined. Touching, a smile, another whisper. Warmth, a hint of greater heat, brushing of hand to skin again.  Whispers. Surprise. She smiles at him, from above. A blush of innocence where there is little innocence to be had in the moment. “Will you heed me?” […]

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Past Gifts

Things have changed. Thing have changed and now I have to adjust, and quickly. Prelaid plans have been disrupted by new information. The trial has been moved. Perhaps it would be easier to see the next move in the game if I hadn’t entered the game as a player. Does only the one know I’m […]

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WoW: The Journal of Miles Kerrigan

August 4th, Year 30, 51 Days before the Invasion of Pandaria “Miles, honey, we’re going to be late if we don’t get out the door!” He examined himself in the mirror one last time before straightening his bow tie and flashing a toothy grin to make sure nothing was caught in his teeth. “Coming, dear!” […]

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[SWTOR] Encrypted Message to Kentin

Kentin, I got a padawan that doesn’t understand right from wrong shooting lightning off my balcony. Sian’li, or “Shadow,” is lagging behind on her training. I don’t have to be a Jedi to see the obvious. I’m going to owe you one, and you can call me on it later, but I’m sending her to […]

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Through Fractured Lenses

The game had defiantly taken a turn during the meeting he’d had with Sielic that evening. It was clear to him Sielic was a planner, he would have been a worthy opponent. The number of steps ahead he had planned were wrapped up in the facade of insanity he portrayed and even Mosur wasn’t sure […]

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{WOW} Rebuilding

Nikala squinted, making sure the beam was straight. It was important to be certain everything lined up properly. It’s nice, she mused as she assembled the walking assembly and started to weld the first connection, to be able to use your schooling for something. While others were putting up fancy woodwork upstairs, she was building […]

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Risk Vs Reward. (Swtor journal, Xingeda, Rated R)

The worn warship, refitted with spare parts, Gang paints and stolen turbo-lasers, drifts into the outer rim. The Vandal was once a prideful ship of the Empire, known as the Creed, lost in the battles with zakul but given new life by the Pirates of the Red Star. A large and in charge looking Zabrak […]

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Expanding Game Board

Mosur returned much later than even he had expected, the conversation between him and Sielic had gone on for over an hour and he had much to think on. Surprisingly or perhaps not he had agreed with much of what the Scout had to say and the riddles he had used were amusing. He didn’t […]

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[SWTOR] Contact (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Move (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) One leg draped over the arm of her captain’s chair, Jacqueline mulled over the holo display. The cockpit of the Gunstar was less a single-man fighter cockpit and more a reformed bridge, filled wall to wall with computers and […]

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[WoW][Archived Post- 2011] Into the Mouth of Hell We March

((This entry was originally written and posted on the ERN on September 5, 2011. I just felt like posting it again, because it’s one of my favorites. For context, it takes place just after the Firelands raid became available. Jander had just left the Phantom Legion a few weeks earlier, following the conclusion of the […]

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[SWTOR] Move (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Day or night, the Nar Shadda skyline was the same. Neon traced the outlines of buildings that clawed at a clouded sky. Traffic was constant, the noise of civilization a perpetual hum. Time could only be noted by when or how often […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Strength

I need to be strong.  Brembal is many things, deceptive, complex, honest. Cruel. Angry. But loving, in his way, and as he always says, passionate. He is a tempest of a man and I am a very young woman caught up in his storm.  His words of accusation have struck me. He is right, in […]

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All is Ashes

“Mrrrph-” grunting “-son of a- motherless-” grunt, breathless curse “-Lightforsaken-” the Westguard dwarf swore, then, as the half-burned timber, still smoking in the chilly arctic air, fell from her fingers. It hit the muddy ground with a sullen, wet splop.  A shadow loomed over both dwarf and timber. The cook looked up just in time to […]

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Aunne (Vignette): Today

One of the things she knew, far better than most, was that tomorrow was not a certainty.  Which, she also knew, given her potentially largely immortal current state, was likely the oddest thing she was certain of.  It certainly eclipsed the true nature of rabbitkind, so painstakingly learned, and at such great cost.  It was […]

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{BDO} A Life Outgrown

The streets of Calpheon teemed with life, packed to bursting with people going about their daily chores. Buying, selling, bartering, money flowed from hand to hand, the oil that kept the world running. It was a pickpocket’s dream.  The smaller children careened though the crowds pretending they were playing a particularly raucous game of Sardines, […]

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[SWTOR] Between The Lines (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Letter to Jacqueline Rees. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) “Now get lost,” Jacqueline growled. And he was off. Laden with a 10 million credit voucher, another 250,000 credit chip, and rather choice words snarked at him, Brembal Kybersmith’s courier left with the conscientious […]

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[WoW] Kanta Wildsabre: To the Skies.

Broken chains and manacles hung from the Marksman��_s wrists loosely as he stood within the center of Westguard. The kaldorei had been granted temporary freedom by Koryander Emberstone, a longtime friend of Kanta��_s who had undying loyalty to the former prisoner. She had spoken that she needed Kanta��_s talent to help find the Justicar. She […]

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[WoW] Officer’s Journal (Acele Walkinson)

Officer’s Journal # 1138 I’m sitting here in my office, putting my signature on parchment. Always signing off on something. Or stamping a proposal by one of my senior officers. Or using my GM seal on wax for official orders to be distributed. Not out in the field, where the shouts of men and women […]

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{SWTOR} Visions 1

The crates flew in a final circle around the cargo hold, four ducks in a row. Sian made the third one spin – and almost dropped it. She regained control with a wince and placed them in their spots against the bulkhead. She slumped to the ground, panting with the exertion. Moving stuff with your […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Love

I am not sure what to make of Brembal sometimes. I love him, I do. I see the good in him that others do not, and it did distress me to see how uneasy my friends were when they were forced to land on Tattooine due to the captain’s injuries. *I* know he would never […]

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[WoW] Familiar Defeat

Even with the biting Northrend winds whipping around the exposed cliffside, the familiar stench of a battlefield hung heavily over the Templar settlement. That combination of blood-soaked soil, rapidly decaying flesh, burnt wood and active pyres was unmistakable to any seasoned adventurer of Azeroth. Destruction and bloodshed on this scale was nothing new to Janderius, […]

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