SWTOR Bedisa: Letters

Dear Mother and Father, Please forgive me for the long wait since last we spoke. I attempted to place a holocall earlier, and I hope you received my message then. Father must still be very busy with the reconstruction on Corellia.  I hope you weren’t too worried about me during my silence. I’ve been…very busy, […]

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(WoW/Faila) Little Wolf in a Big World

Faila rested her head against Xodius, being cuddled was the best. Happy cuddles were even better. But, she still couldn�t shake the fact that Xodius hadn�t definitively said �no� about potentially being happier with someone more like him. More strong, more capable. She wanted a quiet, busy farm like she�d grown up with in Gilneas, […]

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(WoW) Jarrick: Unresolved

South of Northrend a storm loomed on the horizon. Jarrick’s gaze set steady upon the dark horizon, knowing well what the storm brought.  The night would be cold, dark, and unforgiving.  As he studied the storm, his mind wandered. Thoughts of Draenor, Gul’dan, Sielic, their other wordly visitors, and the memory of Sarah sat heavy […]

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[SWTOR] The Day The Fires Came (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Glass (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. Or in this journal, known by her original nickname: Vee.  For the purpose of this journal, any mention of “Jackie” refers to a friend from childhood, not the hard-drinking, swearing Jacqueline our characters know in present-day SWTOR. Though this Jackie swears, too. )) […]

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[WoW AU] Blue – Zaanthe (Explicit)

Zaanthe propped his forearm against the table, silverware gripped between his thumb and the nook of his forefinger. He had been working slowly on the meal he�d ordered–braised clefthoof. He hadn�t gotten particularly far with the plate despite the time he�d spent on it. It�d been a good fifteen minutes since the waiter had brought […]

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[SWTOR] Message to Halonan Kybersmith (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. It’s sent over a secure HoloNet frequency to Halonan. )) Halo, Haven’t gotten a message from you since you were last here. Figured I’d check in. Already checked Republic military records to make sure you’re alive, so I know this message is going […]

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[SWTOR] Glass (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal): Parental Consent. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. Or is that her real name? )) In the silence of the cockpit, Jacqueline Rees nursed a glass of whiskey alone. Her dark brown hair, though only just past her chin, hid most her face. Her eyes stared at […]

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(SWTOR Journal-Xingeda) Embers (PG-13)

Hands dart across the screen, moving this bit of money here and there, the other following Imperial transactions. If people could spot the man in this secured room they might be confused, as he works and sabotages from the comfort of his chair, it looks almost like someone playing a piano. The beeping and clicking […]

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(SWTOR Journal – Eirnan) Crawling Sins. (R-Violence)

Blood…. It flows so easily, cut the right arteries and it will spray forth, coating everything in crimson rain, corpses littering the floor, lovers clutching and pleading for them to wake up, even the headless ones. More and more future corpses pour into the room, raising their blades only to be cut down, screams of agony and fear flood […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Conflict

I am nothing.  What can I do? I stand by Brembal, I love him, and despite our conflict, our recent fights, our reunion, I do not think I can leave him. Something about him… his power. Passion. Vitality and resilience. My knees and my heart weaken when he enters the room. My heart fills to […]

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[SWTOR] Knots (Vanessa)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Parent Trap. The following is on a SWTOR character of mine, Vanessa. She’s a young child (about five) currently in Brembal’s care in a now-discovered location known to few. She’s confirmed as the estranged daughter of my Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Chewing on her lip, Vanessa lay in bed with her eyes […]

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[SWTOR] Toll (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Fleeting Chaos. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Jacqueline woke with the uncomfortable stiffness of sleeping in the previous day�s clothes. Grimacing, she rose half-conscious from the bed and had a moment of gratitude that she at least had the thought last night to take off […]

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(Swtor journal- Xingeda) Business (rated pg 13?)

Lightning…the sound of rolling thunder, on this artificial world, where everything is false, every turn is a lie, and each spec of a person on this street is either a virus infecting the foolish to commit atrocities, or those too weak to kill and survive. Those born here are forced to do just that, abandon […]

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What Lingers

Cael hissed a bit as she gingerly unbuckled the steel forged pauldrons. They THUNKed heavily to the wooden floor there in the barracks. Gauntlets followed; then boots and the rest of it. Each hit the wood with a dull noise, until Cael was left in only the thick tunic, layered wool and cotton, and the […]

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Pawn’s Choice

Trucebreakers.  Racists. Liars.  Murderers. Never, not in what short life she could properly remember, had Cael thought those words would apply to the Templars of the Rose.  Yet here she stood, chest heaving raggedly as she struggled to lift her sword and strike the training dummy. The sun was low now, much lower than when […]

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Aunne: Letters

A letter, sent to Nereia, on a rolled-up bit of parchment stained with something that smells suspiciously like nutmeg and formaldehyde.  The writing is painstakingly done, each letter drawn in charcoal, larger than it needs to be, and as perfectly formed as possible – like a five-year-old attempting their very best handwriting.   Nereia –  […]

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Aunne: They Called Themselves The Monsters

monsters (by liza) they called themselves the monsters because they wanted to strike fear into the hearts of men. and legend has it,  they turned into their dreams. ————————————————————————————— “We monsters have to stick together.”  This is what Victor said, and she smiled at the memory in the dark of the morning, there at the […]

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[WoW – Snapped/Tribunal] The Road

(( Big thanks to Kanta and Koryander for character input on this AND helping me recall 10 years of roleplay. )) Her name was penned to the last of the papers. A gold waxen seal with the shape of a maltese cross was pressed to every paper�s right corner. The task complete, the Marksman�s discharge papers […]

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[SWTOR] Dossier: Major Lehsa Vaar

Name: Lehsa Vaar Race: Togruta Affiliation: Republic Military, Lagoon Squad Age: 33   Personality: Strong-willed, reckless, stubborn, and always ready for a good fight. However, she is loyal, caring, and protective of her friends and family.  She doesn�t always show it very well but the reason she fights can be related to her protective nature. […]

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[SWTOR] Personal Log: Serving the Republic

Personal Log � Major Lehsa Vaar Republic Military Lagoon Squad   I have served with the Republic for close to 15 years now, been to some of the worst planets and fought ridiculous odds. It�s been a hell of an adventure, but sometimes I feel like the Republic is too afraid to do what is […]

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WoW Wallaroo: Breathing

She stood on the cliff’s edge at Westgarde, breathing deeply. One foot was lifted, raised out, pressed against her knee, then her hands raised, and lowered to rest palms together in front of her chest. Wei breathed, letting out a puff of chilled air, and felt the breeze of the bay below ruffle her fur.  […]

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[WoW] Kanta Wildsabre: Wallow

Moonglade��_s eternal night, the moon shining brightly over the tops of the trees, the moon shining through the branches and leaves. Some of the light shined down on Anarial and Kanta��_s home. Anarial, while still fairly upset with the ruling of her husband��_s removal from the Templars, was nothing but happy to be home. Having […]

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[WoW] Return to Fort Talon

Janderius was not thrilled with the idea of visiting one of the Phantom Legion’s old abandoned fortresses. Painful memories aside, he never found the location to be very pleasant to begin with. However, he wasn’t going to let that discomfort deter him from persuing a possible lead for tracking Sielic. The Blasted Lands were, for […]

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[SWTOR] Pay (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Contact (Jacqueline) and [SWTOR] Hunt 1 (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Jacqueline flickered through a variety of holos, each depicting a different sector of Nar Shadda: Alleys, street corners, even crowded squares. All were of the lower levels of the Hutta moon, or the lowest […]

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[Rann] Sealed Package to Arialynn Dawnfield

A carefully sealed, small plain box, such as one that might contain clothes, is addressed to Arialynn Dawnfield. Inside is a single piece of paper folded in half, atop a few articles of clothing: the Templars of the Rose tabard, and a similarly adorned cape. Both have holes in them, as if the victims of […]

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