(WoW/Faila) Searching

Faila sat in Westguard Keep with her third�fourth? Steaming cup of Gilnean tea. Before her were maps and papers, many scribbled with horribly misspelled words, but she was sure someone could spell them right for her later. The monk whom had sent her the letter had made a giant kettle of tea and had kept […]

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[WoW] Noise Behind the Silence: Task Force

(( Related: [WoW] A Hidden Letter and Letter to Arialynn. The following is sent to Esreiella, Jorinak, Faila, Blackwald, Etsiyona, Nereia, and Rann. )) Templars, You have been selected for your special sets of skills. You are to form a task force to locate and retrieve Xodius. He is a wayward Templar potentially driven mad by Old God […]

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Bloodthirsty savage

Etsiyona�s head rested on her front paws as she watched the Grand Marshal sleep, her own sleep not coming to her this evening.  Shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear her thoughts, she rose and padded silently over to the window.  Her clawed hand reached up to rub her muzzle as her eyes […]

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[SWTOR] A Series of Messages: To Lord Averous Crane, Lord Brembal (Tevaria)

(( The following are two encrypted messages sent to their recipients. This is from my SWTOR agent, Tevaria. )) Lord Averous Crane, My Lord Ishya has reviewed your dossier and requests direct audience with you at your soonest convenience. Please respond with your availability. We will provide any travel arrangements as needed. Agent Tevaria —- […]

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[WoW] I am Worgin [sic] (Jack)

�My name is Jack. I am a worgin.� The journal began in large, sloppy letters formed into lines that sloped down to the right. Much like the penmanship, the wording and grammar was juvenile or uneducated and ill practiced. �I am from Gilneus. Me mum ate me sister when worgin attakd. She bit me. I […]

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[SWTOR] Tug (Ceddrick)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Jedi, Ceddrick. I didn’t expect him to take off during his first night of roleplay, but you excellent folks created so much material. RP-wise, feel free to ICly note his night wanderings. Thank you! )) Ceddrick lay in the cot set aside for him, staring at the ceiling. Others slept […]

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Imperial Dossier #128037

Name: Averous Crane   Nicknames/Aliases: Commander Crane, “The Wraith” Age: 32 Height: 6ft 8in Weight: 180lbs Hair:Black Eyes:Yellow Notable marks or scars: Light scarring on the right side of his face from a thermal grenade he reportedly blocked from killing the platoon a troops he was commanding. Force status: Sith Lord Alliance: Empire   Criminal […]

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Letter to Arialynn

Lady Dawnfield, Arialynn, it has come to my attention that Xodius may be struggling against the influence of old gods. I know little about him, but he was troubled the other night so I ventured into the canyon beside Westguard at his request to find “the noise behind the silence.” I have written letters both […]

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[WoW] The Presence

This house is haunted.   To be fair, I half expected it would be when I moved in, but no one is ever fully prepared to live with a ghost. I consider myself fortunate to have knowledge on these entities and how to deal with them to a degree. For the time being, I see […]

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Within the Silence

Robin took a breath and held it as she descended into the canyon described by Xodius. She�d elected to take her gourd staff, but no other weapons or armor. Just a simple dress and her very dear straw hat.  There are worse things than me in the world, Robin. Ceera�s voice echoed in the silence. […]

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[WoW] To Bear a Curse

Hours of tireless trudging through the desolate, unforgiving snowblind had led up to that moment. He ignored the exhausted protests of his muscles. He ignored the onset of hypothermia and malnourishment. He ignored the fact that his men had been left behind hours ago. Nothing could get between him and his objective. Euphoria overwhelmed his […]

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WoW Isolde: Nelly

Issy posts a letter, sent from Light’s Hope to Stormwind Cathedral. The writing was slow, with very clear, larger letters, easy for a young girl or her tutor to read. Hello, li’l one. Do not worry, because I will come back soon. I am helping my (a few smudges and blots here, as Isolde tries […]

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[SWTOR] Curtain Call (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and foreshadows the showdown about to come. To be written in a few parts while on vacation. Inspiring music that’s setting the mood and theme. For journal catch up, read any Jacqueline SWTOR journals, Vanessa’s included, to catch up. Thanks for reading. )) A holomessage is left […]

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[WoW] Meetings And Bouquets

(( Related: Aunne: Contrasts and Elli’s Special Delivery. Thanks for the writing inspiration! Also related: Ari Vacation 2016. Will explain Arialynn’s current whereabouts. )) The sights and smells of the evening Stormwind streets were familiar. Shops entered their final hour before closing, street vendors had already shuttered their booths. The faint scent of the harbor carried […]

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TOR: Bedisa: Rumblings

So many things are…wrong, right now. I have been trying, somehow, to mend the breach that Brembal has caused by his abduction of Vanessa, but I doubt my words did much to help the captain. She will still be very angry, and rightly so. He… between us, I think, things have been better, but he […]

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(swtor journal-Xingeda) Famine (Pg-13)

Xin strides into the Stronghold, a large grin plastered on his face, his collar raised a little higher as he passes the younger members of the crew. Tossing off his jacket onto a chair one might notice red lines down his neck and arms, bite marks covering his neck, it had been too long since […]

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[SWTOR] Mother To Daughter (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Rude Awakening. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Rising from bed, Jacqueline pressed a kiss to Halonan�s lips and moved to withdraw to the ship�s cockpit. He protested, even briefly drawing her back to bed to finish the gesture her lips started. After months […]

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[SWTOR] Games (Vanessa)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Mother To Daughter (Jacqueline) and SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Small Victories.The following is on a SWTOR character of mine, Vanessa, the estranged daughter of Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and currently in Brembal’s care. Huge thanks to Halo for allowing me to include Brembal and for his careful review for accuracy! )) “This one?” Vanessa inquired, […]

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WoW Isolde: Still Kicking

This land stinks of twilight. Coo-ee thas almost poitry, innit? I gess my reeding is pencil work is getting better and I can almost use *there’s a few scrawls of attempts at spelling here* punch-yoo-ashun, even big words! Figgers tho cuz hisself ain’t been around and all I am doing is scouting and hunting and […]

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Special delivery

A box is deposited on the steps of the keep with an envelope addressed to Aunne.  When opened, there are multiple pots with enriched soil as well as bags of seeds of various kinds of flowers, all imbued with ‘druid enhancements.’  Inside the envelope is a short message: “Thought you might like to try some […]

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Idiot Delivery

Mina was preoccupied sorting herbs when there was a pounding on the treehouse door. “MINA. Idiot delivery! Come take care of it, please.” “…Jamethera?” The druid put aside the herbs and walked over to the door. The huntress was already gone, however, leaving only a trussed up Jander at their doorstep.  “…oh.” Quite unconcerned, Mina […]

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[WoW – BotR] A Mysterious Gathering

Three Orcish Shamans gather in an unknown location. These shamans look quite different from what you would traditional expect. One stands out the most and has a larger presence about him. They huddle around a fire and chat amongst themselves. Every so often they look back at the entrance as if waiting for someone. �Can […]

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[Peter, Mallory, Doradrassil] The Red Warrior

Peter shook his head as Auris shrank into the distance in her flying form. She was an excellent teacher in druidism. He doubted he realistically could ask for a better teacher, but she certainly could be stubborn.  He folded his arms and paced the yard in silence. Auris was departing from Mallory’s refuge, the secluded […]

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[SWTOR] Child’s Play (Vanessa)

(( The following is on a SWTOR character of mine, Vanessa, the estranged daughter of Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and currently in Brembal’s care. )) Though space-bound ships never experienced sunrise as planets or moons do, Vanessa was quick to establish a morning routine. Bed never held her long and in the early morning hours, she sprung […]

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WoW Writing Contest – Rehabilitation

The air went still and the stench of death, rot, and blood overwhelmed the senses as it rolled into the lungs. Their world, the utopia the elves had fashioned with their affinity for magics, had become as lifeless as the Scourge that had swept through. Few remained standing in the black soil that stretched as […]

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