[WoW] Shattered Mind, Severed Soul, and the Long Road to Redemption

Jarrick closed the heavy oak door behind him as he entered his quarters, his mind very visibly elsewhere. A dim candle, the only source of light left burning in the room, caused shadows to dance, playing tricks on the wall and ever so slightly illuminating the bronze pendulum that swung back and forth in this […]

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[WoW] The Black Seal

Little had been gained in analyzing and study of prominent points. The stack of pamphlets, however, was growing with every trip into the city. It almost seemed customary to get some sort of death omen paper from a doomsayer along with a few groceries or supplies. Five apples for a ten copper, it seemed, eat […]

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[Mallory] The Pride of Westfall

*** SPOILERS FOLLOW FOR THE LEGION AUDIO DRAMAS PARTS ONE AND TWO! *** (Audio Dramas 1 and 2 available here and here, if you want to listen to them before reading) ——————- �Shadow Trader, come in,� came Peter�s voice over the pebble-sized guildstone set carefully in Mallory�s ear. Mallory looked about to make sure it […]

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[SWTOR] Bottled Up (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Stomping out of the medical bay, Jacqueline Rees felt the edges of her vision darken. Singular, one-minded, she dove into the cantina stock, took up an untapped whiskey bottle, and stormed a straight line towards the Gunstar. Her eyesight tunneled, unheeding anyone nearby […]

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Void- Xingeda (Swtor journal)

Nothing… There is nothing anymore, my home is empty and quiet, i look to his room, i cannot enter, i set his leg and arm into a device. It scans them again and again, trace elements of metals, some from the building, some from something else, indeterminable with my equipment, the jacket is no different. […]

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[WoW] Letter to Aunne

*arrives by messenger sealed with a wax imprint of the grand marshal insignia* Aunne, I accept your offer. I have obtained clearance for you to fly to see me on the Skymarshal’s ship at your convenience to continue our talks and finalize what you have planned. Acele Walkinson Grand Marshal, Alliance Military Forces

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Ghosts-Eirnan (swtor)

Blinding light…then completely black, the sounds of his friends echoing as he hears them scream, he didn’t even know the woman he pulled back, taking the explosion for as many as he could, he didn’t even consider his own life as he leaped forward to protect the Hotshot, and the young Padawan, they were just […]

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[SWTOR] Debris (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The rubble pile tipped beneath her feet. Finding purchase in the most unlikely of areas, Jacqueline Rees navigated the collapsed ruins of three floors. She hopped between sturdy concrete slabs with a practiced ease. Her knuckles bloodied, forehead plastered in sweat, and any exposed part […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Finished

She took off both her lightsabers, the faint pink glimmer of the crystals within the only signs of life after the EMP pulse. They’d need to be repaired. This one could manage that. One was placed in Vie’s unconscious, yielding palm, the other tucked beside her. It wasn’t hard to find a robe to swing […]

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[SWTOR] Moments to Reckoning (Tevaria + Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: [SWTOR] The Hunt (Part II). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees, her estranged daughter Vanessa, and my Agent, Tevaria. )) Tevaria Aboard a Lambda-class shuttle destined for the Shadowstar, Tevaria received two priority messages at once. The fevered beeps of the console was her first alarm. The second was two piercing lasers lancing […]

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[WOW] Spiff Tinkerton’s Journal

I bid my family goodbye today to return to the Templars.  We’ve rebuilt everything we could in our section of our fine city and it was time to once again lend my talents to the Alliance and the battlefronts. I arrived at the gates of Ironforge and a noble Dwarven hunter named Jorinak and his […]

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[SWTOR] Scars (Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1) and [SWTOR] Night Talk (Jacqueline + Vanessa). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and her estranged daughter, Vanessa. )) Standing at the curve of a wide lake shore, its stretches swooping past either side of her for miles, Jacqueline watched as Vanessa splashed and played in […]

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[WoW] Promises Kept

“Legs!” Came the stout Dwarven yell as the fire haired lass barreled into the target in front of her. The line of Dwarven Shieldmaidens charged forward alongside her. The line orc sized dummy’s were shoved back solidly. “Attack!” Each shield dropped in unison, and a flurry of axes and sword and maces came flying out […]

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[SWTOR] Casting The Net (Tevaria)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1). The following is on my SWTOR Agent, Tevaria. )) Stooping over a large table holo display of Corellia, Tevaria watched as several markers appeared and pointed to the surface of the planet. The points were spread over its western hemisphere, like dust scattered from a throw and carried […]

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[Mallory] The Doomsayers

�Have you noticed?� Mallory asked. �These pamphlets seem to be everywhere. I know I was in hiding for awhile, but I know Stormwind didn�t have so many of these.� Peter shrugged. �Lot of crackpots out in force right now,� he mused, raising his worgen snout into the Stormwind air and taking a sniff. �They must […]

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[SWTOR] Night Talk (Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and her estranged daughter, Vanessa. )) Two voices talk in the night on Tatooine. One is deeper, roughed from the edges of years; the other younger, wondering, scared. “Mom, I don’t like this bed. I want to go […]

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[WoW] Officer’s Journal # 1214 (Acele Walkinson)

Officer’s Journal Entry #1214 My request for a frontline transfer has been approved. In the coming month or so, I will be leaving Stormwind. Leaving all the politics and the desk that has been my … my cell for so many months. I cannot say that I will miss it. At a recent meeting of […]

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Apologies to Young Wolf

Outside of Caelryn’s door one morning will be a smallish box.  Light, scuffling sounds can be heard inside.  When opened, there will be a tiny wolf pup, obviously a runt, sleeping peacefully inside with a note. His pack is gone, killed by a vykrul.  They’re dead now, but he needs someone to care for him. […]

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Thanks to my fellow monster

Several potted plants are found outside of Aunne’s door.  The plants are … strange, seeming like some hybrid mix between icecap, sorrowmoss, and nightmare vine.  Attached to one pot is a note. Don’t know if you can do anything with these but I thought they might respond to your … unique abilities. The only signature […]

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Seething shadows clawed at the group in front of the fallen tree, fighting as viciously as the Templars who blocked their path to the other party while they confronted Sielic for a final time. Above, watching silent as a gargoyle, stood Mosur, face impassive, arms crossed, unmoving. The young worgen snarled wordlessly, fighting herself as […]

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Aunne: (Unbroken) Report to the Grand Marshall (I):

(interestingly, originally written in Draenic, and translated by a trusted member of the GM’s staff.  The original missive’s handwriting is sharp and clear, the runes of that language expertly and precisely penned.) Grand Marshall –  I regret to inform you that the first skirmish in which the Unbroken participated was not a resounding success.  However, […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Thoughts

I do not choose to sink into despair. This feeling, this…inexorable desire, which at times has overwhelmed me, is not what matters at my core. There is a time coming where my emotions, my feelings, will matter not as they should, not in his presence, and not in the presence of my friends.  I have […]

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WoW Ygraine: Fire and Flame

Fire was always warming, always welcoming. She didn’t know why or where this desire came from, but from within, from as early as she could remember, the coals and the sparks and the flickering light of chapel candles and braziers always held a fascination. Whispers and rumors told her that maybe…here her shivering mind darted […]

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To Zaanthe

[A letter sits, folded and wedged in the doorjamb of Zaanthe’s room, written on a spare half-sheet of parchment in a slow, crude hand that bespoke lack of practice but also care, each word written painstakingly in black ink. A few smudges from fur marked the page.] Vindacatar Zaanthe:  I am sorry I almost hurt […]

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To Jorinak

[A note is tied around a bottle of something alcoholic, dark, and smelling strong enough to knock over a vrykul, next to a little cloth bag filled with something hard and granular, sitting in front of Jorinak’s door and written in a slow, childish hand.]  Jorinak- I am sorry I have been [scratchout] not well resently. […]

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