[WoW] Debts Unpaid

The gauntlet clad hand gripping the goblet of fel wine was emitting a creaking sound as it was raised to the pale, cracked lips of the man it belonged to. Wilfred Ravenscar was not pleased to see the gathering before him. The Death Knight renegade was never pleased to see Bordren. �You vex me again, […]

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Val’sharah: Defending the Temple

The land of Val��_sharah, once a beauty of a land. Once a land where Malfurion Stormrage was taught by Cenarius to be one of the first druids among the kaldorei. The land of Val��_sharah was told to be a mirror of the Emerald Dream and it��_s beauty once shined through kaldorei druidic culture. A land […]

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[Mallory] Contemplation

Mallory padded softly through the halls of Rann�s luxurious Dalaran apartment in a comfortable bathrobe. She would be staying with her longtime elven friend for the duration of this Broken Isles campaign… assuming any of them were still alive in the end. She sipped a cup of hot tea and rolled her shoulders, trying to […]

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[WoW] TEh ArKaYne SaNkTuMb

Several days worth of planning, supply gathering, coordination, and hard work had led up to that moment. Feeling a swell of pride over the accomplishment, Janderius took a few steps back to admire the collective handiwork of the Templar recruits that had aided his efforts. Elations, jubilations and congratulations were shared all around as he […]

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[WoW] [Aedeminar/Jamethera] Beige Hellscape

“Demons really did a number on your house.” Mina put her hands on her hips and contemplated the repairs they’d made. “Still, I think this is good.” A house in Gadgetzan was not where you’d imagine a Kaldorei hunter would want to live. And indeed, Jamethera bitched about it often and at length. Some things […]

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JURNAL TIAN MONASTRY Jurnal: I am at the Monastry again. I do not want to be. The Templars are geering up to go to the Broken Shors.  [scratchout]  I am here insted. The Justicar says that I hav atracted the [scratchout] attention of the deemon that has kidnaped som Templars. He is tough. I fot him before.  […]

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Aunne: Dancing

It was always a little like dancing.  It was always a little like dancing. She tossed the knife to the priest, leaving her armor at the edge of the circle � Aunne�s slowly regenerating body covered, for modesty�s sake, with an arming jacket and short, slit loincloth, runeblades carelessly slung on her back; still clumsy […]

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Artifact profile template

Name:(What is the fabled name of your artifact?) Artifact type:(Weapon, armor, neck-piece armor, ring, ect) Origin:(Zandalrai, titans, vrykul, orcish ect) Magical Attribute:(Fire, ice, shadow, light ect) Primary abilities:( What can it do, cleaves of great fire, control of an element, things like that) Passive abilities:(Does it make you naturally stronger, faster, does it make you […]

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Artifact Profile: Sebastian Hadgale

Name:Havok Model: http://www.wowhead.com/item=49844/crypt-fiend-slayer Artifact type: Bow Origin:Draconic (Blue flight) Magical Attribute: Empowers arrows fired through it. Primary abilities: Allows one to fire spell arrows, removes the restriction of typing, allowing the wielder to use any selection of runic arrows. Runic arrows are arrows that have had magical circles carved into them, ranging from light, to fire, […]

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Pale Moonlight

The guildstone lay so innocently on the table; but Cael refused to turn it back on. The shaky singsong voice of Lodiane, the healer, haunted her. Cold silvery moonlight came through the window, sparkling on it. The damn thing looked so innocent.  She shivered, reflexive, in fear, and hated herself for it.  Control was not […]

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Aunne: The Ride

(This takes place later today – starting perhaps an hour before the group leaves Greywatch) Over the lip of the hill they came – four strong, mounted on barded warhorses that were bone shrouded in saronite, draped with the colors of pestilence and war.  The wolf, the storm, vengeance, and rage – their coming was […]

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[WoW] [Aedeminar] A Change of Tactics

Mina hesitated as she reached for her polearm. Her entire left arm was bruises even after healing, thanks to a nasty encounter with a doom lord the day before. It felt like her entire everything was bruises, really. Mina had always fought in cat form, and yet…she hadn’t really fought on this scale before. Her […]

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[WoW] Waste (Idella)

(( Related: [WoW] Taken (Idella). Quick and dirty journal ahead of tonight’s event. )) Hungry. Curled up in her cell, Idella tried to distract herself with anything else. Days after consuming the soul the dread lord claimed he gifted her and she no longer could offset hunger’s distracting cry. It nearly overtook her, rising in waves […]

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[Zetera Swiftraven] The Ever Changing World Parts 1 & 2 [WoW]

((This is a set of personal journal entries prior to the Broken Isle landings.)) Part 1 The world has changed more than I expected. The Lich King fell; Deathwing shattered the world but was ultimately defeated; the mists pulled back and Pandaria rejoined the world, Titans, Old Gods, Dragons, and the Iron horde. It almost […]

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Breathing Room

The little pink tree -sakura, they told her it was a sakura tree, and it being very small was called a bonsai– sat with calm equanimity Cael desperately wished she could emulate.  Meditation was not going well, today. Not since her leap from the cliff and not since she was stuck in the damn infirmary when everyone else […]

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Nightpetal: The Garden

The tiny garden next to the tent caught her eye early on; it looked so… sad.  In just a few days, the weeds had snuck in, turning the neat ordered rows and half-buried helmet-pots into an unkempt mass of bits of green and brown, threatening to overrun the garden entirely.  In another week, it would […]

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[Rann] The Frozen Flame

The Dead Scar still churned with the unnerving groans and lurching footsteps of the undead. They were weaker these days, but the scar itself was still almost as fresh and hideous as the day Arthas had marched through. Although Rann wondered: were they truly weaker, or had she just become that much stronger since the […]

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[WoW] Widowed (Arialynn)

Perched high above the Jade Forest, Tian Monastery was a refuge. Up high yet hidden, it was shrouded by cherry blossom trees and a cloud of morning and evening mist. Night reached this hilltop last, the vanishing sunset slipped from its peaks and darkness scaled the summit, nestling in its courtyards, ponds, and winding stone […]

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[Rann] Preparations

Rann almost cringed as the can hissed. The drink in her hands had come from Razboom, before he had gone fully into the service of the Shadow Trader. Kaja�cola, a little goblin drink that they swore gave them their �best� ideas, which was certainly a dubious honor, but it did give them energy. She looked […]

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JURNAL: TIAN MONASTRY Somthing is wrong.  The munks came to me and told me I needed to get Kory and the JUSTICAR. They hav been talking in a diffrent room.  I think it may be bad. I smell feer a [The entry stops abruptly here.]  The alarm sounded, and Cael rolled out of her bed, […]

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Letter to Lodiane

[Written on plain parchment in a shaky, but careful, hand with terrible grammar:] Lodiane: I am verry sorry I ran away from you. I was very scarred. I do not like beeing tuched. Peepl hurt me befor with tuching. You were verry sudden and then you tried to reestran me and I could not do […]

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Dumplings, Destiny, and Stones – [Nightpetal]

-Dalaran:  The tiny room above the beirgarten –  Petal is, at the moment… under the covers.  Sitting.  On the bed.  Her head’s popped out of the duvet and she’s a cocoon of warmth that smells vaguely of dumplings.  (in fact, watch long enough, and one would see her pull her head back, and a pair […]

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Aunne: Armor

�Mother?�  She heard him say.  �You know I have to do this.� She settled the breastplate into place carefully, over her worn arming jacket � the blue-enameled titansteel a slice of starry, morning sky, fitting her like a second skin. �It is what I have been training to do.  To keep them safe �� Tassets […]

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[WoW] A Light in the Dark (Part II)

Previously: A Light in the Dark (Part I) ——————– The hallway leading down to the catacombs flickered with a faint light.  Most of the candles had been blown out during the chaos, and what little light that flickered against the wall cast nothing more than eerie shadows against the concrete. He ran his plated hand […]

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[WoW] A Light in the Dark (Part I)

Previously: In the Shadow of the Mountain ——————– Jarrick burst through the portal, his blade immediately finding purchase in the back of a demonic infiltrator.  “An.. ach.. kyree..” it gurgled as the blade tore through its chest and it dropped to the ground. Grace was second to emerge, her blades crossing silently through the neck […]

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