[WoW] The Future in a Box

Previously: Another Round, Barkeep Snow ——————– Greywatch bustled with activity under the high noon sun.  While patches of snow still remained scattered throughout the camp from the winter storm that had swept in from the bay the night prior, the day grew older and the last vestiges of the storm began to vanish. “Strike! Strike! […]

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[SWTOR] Flames (Jacqueline)

Related: [SWTOR] Journal (Brembal) Hunting The Hunter Part II )) Staring at the flames that licked the walls, Jacqueline Rees sat with an uncorked bottle resting against her leg. The fuel of the flames sizzled, a gorey pile unrecognizable as the man it once was. Cooked meat, cheap liquor, and human waste stank in her nostrils. […]

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Betrayal – Cosman

Roaring waves surround the Draenai, the lands of Asuna scream with spirits, an entire kingdom, cursed to live in undeath forever. The spirits wailing and screaming are unending, but one area seems to be louder, a Legion camp drawing the souls of the damned in with false promises of salvation. Cosman steps down from his […]

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[WoW] [Kanta] Seeing Things

A deep breath. Kanta inhaled sharply as he removed a piece of steel from his forearm with a pair of tweezers. Shrapnel had managed to lodge itself into his arm in his most recent battle. He sat back in his chair, taking a moment to flex his fingers and arm to ensure everything felt correctly. […]

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(WoW) The New Year

((For something of a mood music I did while writing this Last Kiss)) The dead wolf could still appreciate the beauty of the sea. It was a remote thing, listening to the waves, like he was remembering the sea as it was when he was alive, rather than experiencing it in the here and now. […]

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[WoW] A Reply to Sielic’s Letter

[[In response to this journal]] The letter arrived at the Heart of Azeroth, the Earthen Ring’s base. Singed on one corner it finally made its way into Mosur’s hands interrupting his current work. Though many of the shaman that had joined the Earthen Ring were talented with the elements they had few that were skilled […]

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[WoW] Letter to Sielic Trugran

[[A response to this post]] Janderius was enjoying an unusually lazy morning in his own bed when Sielic’s letter arrived for him. His restful slumber was interrupted by Jamethera impatiently thwapping the side of his head with the envelope. THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP Without opening his eyes or lifting his face from the pillow, Jander […]

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[WoW] Snow

Previously: A Light in the Dark (Part II) ——————– Greywatch lay quiet as the snow fell softly.  Though frequented with thunderstorms, the odd snow fall swept in from the bay on occasion, and in this case was oddly fitting with the arrival of Winter Veil. The Marshal stoked the fire before rising to his feet. […]

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[SWTOR] Message to Halonan Kybersmith (Jacqueline)

Halo, You haven’t checked in for a while. I haven’t either. Stuff came up. Figure you’re OK else Nessa would tell me otherwise. She’s asked about you and don’t have much to tell her. Also figure you’re on some remote part of Balmorra. Bet it’s a shit hole. Like I said, stuff has happened. When […]

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[WoW] Seeing Red (Idella)

Weaving through the crowded streets of Stormwind, Idella couldn’t help but grin ear-to-ear. The southern kingdoms hardly experienced a winter worth noting, but the evening chill still brought a tiny tinge of the season. The rest was colored lights strings and creative frost magic: icicles froze the tops of doorways and tips of rooftops, snowmen […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Travels

She leaned her head back against her seat within the rough freighter, daring a few moments of rest. She had done what she could on Corellia. There were always more, always injured, but…but these days, more often, she would feel a tug, a whisper of the Force, guiding her onwards to another planet.  Balmorra. Yes. […]

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Another Letter to Arialynn from Lei Pan

A letter addressed to Justicar Arialynn, found stuck to Captain Blackwald’s back after the “group date”. Dearest Justicar, I hope this letter finds you well. I just spent a lovely evening socializing with the fine members of your guild. I’m humbled by their kindness and generosity toward a stranger such as myself.  As you may […]

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[WOW] The Nightmare

This occurs some time in the past weeks before Ace is found: Dry leaves blew on a cold wind into the mouth of the cave.  The worgen inside whined and thrashed in her sleep, the sounds echoing off the still walls. Etsi ran, paws flying over grass, rocks, and sand.  That elusive scent she had […]

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[SWTOR] Return II (Jacqueline)

Related: SWTOR: Return (Jacqueline) )) Arcing the armed charge over her head with one hand and pointing her blaster with the other, Jacqueline backed away from the crowd. Injured as she was in the lowest levels of Coruscant, her pockets — and more — were primed for the picking. �Back off,� she growled at them, thumbing […]

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SWTOR: Return (Jacqueline)

Descending the levels of Coruscant, it took longer than Jacqueline anticipated to identify landmarks. Twenty years did not pass kindly. Where a derelict shop once stood was now a burned hole, its insides spilled like entrails and lower-level denizens stooped over it, picking over scrap. The forgotten levels of Coruscant were filled to the brim […]

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[SWTOR] Board Meeting (Jacqueline)

The waking sun peeked through the gaps of Coruscant spires. Standing at the window, Jacqueline Rees collected herself ahead of what she had no doubt would be an infuriating morning. Dressed in corporate attire, she was a far cry from the mussed and grease-stained leather she preferred. Sleek reds, blacks, and polished leather covered her, […]

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Letter to Justicar Arialynn

Found stuck to the back of Arialynn’s armor while she’s in Dalaran. The note says “NERF ME” but turning the page over, there’s a formal letter on the back.   Dear Justice Car Ariaborealis,   What’s the deal? You ducking me? I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks now! Ugh! You’re just like […]

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Letter to Arialynn, Re: Zen


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(WoW) Embracing The Change – Tinkerton

Dear Journal, It still feels a touch awkward to write this but, I have a boyfriend now.  I knew this was an inevitable possibility once my gender was transformed, but what was always going to be a challenge was to find someone I felt compatible with in my new form as well as my old […]

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[Mallory, Mertassa] The City of Night, Part 2

Mertassa had to admit, the little vrykul had done an adequate job thus far in not drawing attention to herself. As they entered the city on manasabers with the priestess disguised magically as a nightborne, Mallory had cast little more than passing glances at the scenery, and had turned her nose up at anyone they […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Shame

Shame. She bent her head over the prone form of the refugee, placing a hand on the man’s forehead. The droid nearby quietly and soothingly played out it’s soft beeps and other monitoring sounds. Leaving aside the sickness that was passing through this camp, the man Bedisa was seeing now had his hand crushed building […]

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Letter to Alandir McBride

[On parchment and slightly smudged, as if written in a wet environment.] Dear Mister McBride, It is me Cael agen. Lody is doing a little better since [scratchout] getting the Angel’s Teer. She held it and prayed and it glowed verry britly. She is sleeping now though. She [scratchout][scratchout] liked Rose’s cat and her Snugels […]

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[Aunne] Skyfall

Then:   The comet was majestic – twin tails blazing in the vault of the sky, high and bright in the skies above Shadowmoon Valley.  It turned the forever-twilight into something even more mysterious, purple touching even the deepest shadow, and turning the simple blues and greens of the woven blanket into something exotic and […]

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[WoW] News (Arialynn)

((Been battling a long writer’s block lately. They come on occasion. Best remedy is to write, but what’s unlikely to come as a surprise is I’m a perfectionist. So I’ve been writing, not publishing, and it’s time to relinquish a bit of anxiety and publish already. This would have been written and published some months […]

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[Mallory, Peter, Mertassa] The City of Night, Part 1

�Absolutely not!� Mertassa snapped, her voice a harsh whisper. �I will not be responsible for that little vrykul�s safety!� �I�m more than capable of fending for myself,� Mallory retorted.  �We need our own eyes in the city,� Peter urged. �Besides, for all her interest in night elven history, Mallory�s never seen a night elf capitol […]

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