Status Update

Cael is a bit different, the last few days. She seems tired, like she hasn’t been sleeping well, and she’s out of Greywatch on another long patrol almost as soon as she gets in. A new dagger decorates her belt, draenic in style. She doesn’t talk much, if she ever did, and takes her weapons […]

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[Nightpetal] My Kingdom for Pants

She woke up to a dwarf pounding on metal.  It rang in her ears – and through her head – like spikes being poked at her eyes by a clumsy, tapdancing Tauren.   Did he have to pound so LOUD?  She pulled the blanket over her head, refusing to open her eyes.  People shouldn’t hit […]

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Like a Bat Out of Fel

Keleosha watched the eredar pace back and forth in front of the Legion structure several meters away. When the eredar left, that would be her chance. Still, it would be an interesting opportunity to talk to an eredar. Find out why she or her parents or grandparents had chosen to stay on Argus. Why she […]

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(WoW) Tears For The Fallen (Jenara)

A warrior, clad in shimmering dark purple and blue armor, rode swiftly through the gates of Stormwind up from Elwynn Forest.  A dark spiked helmet hid the face of the rider and only added to the intimidation many felt as she rode past. Her horse galloped with methodical precision, having been tested itself alongside the […]

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[WoW] Hope

There was no sneaking away at midnight as so many novels might have used. It was far too dramatic for her tastes, but she waited until the afternoon. At that time, everyone had been busy and so engaged that no one would paid any mind when she slipped away. It had not been entirely silent, […]

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[SWTOR] Legacy

�I have spent so long following him that his absence feels like a void.� Carmil murmured to her interior of her cabin. �I have been unable to leave him, and he has kept me within his reach at all times.� The interior lacked the luxuries that it used to hold save for a few personal […]

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Letter to Koryander

[The letter comes attached to the handle of a sword, left in Koryander’s tent on her bed. It’s still sharp, though it has clearly seen service in war, if not for some years now. An unusual jewel sits in the center of the hilt. It’s an older weapon, but it has been cleaned up recently.]  […]

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[WoW] In Another Place….

“What do you mean he’s not coming home?”   Her voice was honey, silk, achingly vibrant.  The Eredar looked at her helplessly, adoring; he found himself unable to look away from the rippling blue of her eyes, as unworthy as he was to stare so.  Her hand on the flesh of his chest burned and […]

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(WoW), Greatest Day EVER!!! (Tinkerton)

Dear journal, Years of meticulous planning, scrimping, saving and hard work have finally paid off!  I finally possess the titansteel built beauty of a motorcycle I’ve been wanting since I was a teenager.  The gleam of the titansteel chassis, the amazing comfort and contouring of the arctic fur seats, the detailing of cobalt bolts and […]

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[WoW] [BoTR] Hidden

The observer walked on his hourly patrols through Suramar city, nodding to passerby and stopping every so often to listen in on what the citizens had to say. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a lone Nightfallen striding down the lane near him. Something seemed out of place, he decided. Moving closer, […]

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Biting the Hand

The pleasant ache of honest, hard work in her arms made Cael pause a moment as she sat back on her heels and regarded the fruits of her labors. The sun was out today, and warmed her in happy contrast to the cool breeze from the north that ruffled her ruddy fur, though she still […]

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Letter to Alandir McBride

[Written very, very carefully, with a surprising lack of scratchouts, for those who know her. It is clear time and effort was taken on this letter, despite the poor spelling and strange phrasing.]  Dear Mister McBride, I am sorry if this letter is unwanted. I know you were not happy to see us at first. […]

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The Angel’s Tear

The old family sword was indeed sharp enough to still lop off an ogre’s arm, to quote Alandir McBride, Lodianne’s father, who may have lost his physical ability to fight, but NOT his fighting spirit. It left her with a little nick in the leather of her gauntleted hand as she put it with the […]

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Letter to Aunne

[It’s short, a bit hasty, and the parchment has seen some wear.] Aunne,  I am thinking [scratchout] maybe I will go looking for Etsiyona soon. I do not know if I will be helpful but I want to try. I was thinking about it and I thought maybe I could look in places you had […]

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Letter to Sielic

[The handwriting is marginally improved, this time around, as is the spelling, but it still needs work. However, it’s clear someone has been practicing.] Sielic, I am sorry I have not written agen to you. It has been very busy and the demon has been very [scratchout][scratchout][scratchout] annoying and making lots of problems and hurting […]

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[Nightpetal]: Leaving

One last turn around the room – one last straightening of bedclothes, one last double-check, making sure her pack was in order, and her scrollcases were assembled just so.  Her staff felt right in her hand, and she absolutely did not in any way sniffle, or wipe at her eyes, as she folded her blanket […]

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(Nightpetal) Bad Mojo:

Aiya-Cho Nightpetal can be said to be many things.  Annoying, sometimes – a little bookish. (Okay, a lot bookish – ) … artistic!  Sure.  Artistic.  But not stealthy.  Never, ever stealthy.   Never had she wished for stealth more than this moment – sneaking in, as she was, well after midnight into rooms that were already […]

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(Aunne) (Unbroken): Certainty

“You are being certain?”  The hollow emptiness of the Draenei’s voice was somehow amplified by the stone of the ancient tomb, the waterlogged elven architecture around her staring down with sightless, broken windows on the field table (made of the remnants of a pair of naga footmen) and the crackling maps unrolled across its uneven […]

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(Nightpetal:) Book of Shadows 3

(The continuing randomness of Petal’s Book of Shadows – written in Pandaren, and definitely findeable in-game.) The tattoos that the Illidari use to contain their abilities keep floating back to mind at the most inopportune times.  There’s something about them that’s so refined and unexpected, especially given how rough and vicious… and singleminded.. their kind can […]

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[Fa Shon] All Things Change

Kun grins at her sister – “Yoooooou went on a date with Cael didn’t ya?” “huh? What?” Kun griiiiiiiiiiins s’more. “How’s things going with Cael, huh?” “They’re… not. Why do you look like… No way. Nuh-uh.” Petal pulls her blanket over her head. “go ‘way.” “Nuh uh. I want her and you to be happy […]

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[WoW] Confusion

The older paladin parried another attack and stepped back, giving a bit more ground to the demons and fel-possessed in front of him.  He�d only survived this long because of the wall to one side of him and the cliff�s edge to the other, which was more than could be said for his soldiers.  They […]

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[WoW] Offer

“WAKE UP, HUMAN!” The low gravelly voice belonging to a tauren rolled through the bars of a cage, accompanied by the butt end of a spear shoved into the prisoner’s gut. The prisoner groaned loudly and rolled onto his stomach, holding his midsection. The staff came in down through the slats and hit him solidly […]

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[WoW] – Moonlight Sonata

Trees whispered in the darkness, playing host to nocturnal birds and insects singing their quiet ballads.  A gentle breeze flowed around and through the woods, its melody merging into the chorus as it traveled.  The peaceful refrain was disturbed periodically by the sound of the druid sleeping amongst the roots, her limbs twitching in response […]

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Letter to Aunne

{{Response to by Aunne. Screw you and your damn feels inducing babies. That is all.}} [In the typical poor handwriting, smudged now with dirt, a little. The ink is slightly different every few paragraphs, as if she stopped and started multiple times, writing it in sections.] Aunne, I do not mind if you write me […]

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Fa Shon: The Riddle

(This can be found in-game, in the possession of AT LEAST one Templar.  Please contact me if you believe you have, and can use, the scroll.  If you’d like to run things by me OOCly, please do – but beware spoilers!) The Way turns before you, though the gate is barred. Ahead, the Key brings […]

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