[SWTOR] The Broken Holocron

(Ed. Note – this is some older writing brought forward – I thought it was fun, and may offer some arpeez to anyone who would like to abuse it.  If you'd like to roleplay against the Guardian or incorporate this into larger scenes and I can help?  Let me know!)   There is a holocron, once […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Leaders

She turned the little bottle over and over again in her hand. Fumbled with the note. Confusion, to some degree, and embarrassment and a hint of pride. Well. She had an admirer, as superficial as it might be. That was something.  But the other… Kun placed the note and the bottle aside and got out […]

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Ambrosine: The Monster

Ambrosine was, as a rule, reluctant to fight in fellowship with others. Few Templars had seen her in combat as a result. But this… …this was with fellow Death Knights. They, of all people, wouldn’t look askance at her. And so it was that Ambrosine let drop both her mental shackles, and her mask. The […]

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swtor-Xingeda- Rook takes knight

It was an average day in the spaceport, crowds of freaks and villains pouring in and out of Narshadaa. Among them, a single hooded figure, their body hidden under a large cloak, strides through the crowds. Off to the side a group of Gangsters strut forward, surrounding the small figure, blocking their path and drawing […]

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Swtor- Emelia- reunion

Looming over the world Malakor 3, a massive super dreadnought sends out a single craft, a small fighter travels through the atmosphere and lands around a mile from a small base in the mountains. The pilot leaps from her cockpit, their long flowing robes, black as the night that fell upon the planet flowed like […]

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The Warped Mirror Across the Table

Note: This takes place a few hours before the civilian rescue mission in Suramar. ========= Keleosha fidgeted in her seat glancing around at the other patrons of the Legerdemain Loungebut her gaze kept coming back to the draenei priest ordering drinks. There was no sense in trying to avoid looking at her now, this meeting […]

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[Written in the rough, leather bound red journal in Cael’s tent. Her handwriting is… marginally improved, as has her spelling. Marginally. Scratchouts remain, though, and grammar is… still a work in progress.] Dear Journal It is me Cael again. I have [scratchout] not written in a while and I am sorry. Many things happened verry […]

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Wolf on a Leash: 1/2

WARNING: Potentially graphic content ahead. No overt triggers at this time, but it’s not pretty.    *******   The dreadlord lashed out with a terrifying ROAR. Cael, positioned in the holy fire, realized too late she was off balance- her battle-honed reflexes brought her shield up just in time to intercept the crushing swipe he made. […]

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[Aunne] The Thousand Hours:

(Ed. Note – I've been meaning to get this written for a while; this occurred when the rescue of Sage took place.  During that rescue, Aunne ended up hyperaccellerated – perceiving everyone else as still, at a ratio of 1 week:1 second.  The encounter took only a few seconds.  This?  This is the story of that […]

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[Nightpetal] After Illusions:

Petal woke first, in the Dwarves' inn – and it took a moment for her to get her bearings, to dig herself out of the gryphonfeather duvet and up out of a mattress that threatened to devour her with comfort.  Not that she was rested – nightmares and waking up repeatedly through the night (along […]

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SWTOR Dareia: Headhunting

She frowned over the datapad, running through the simulation data again and again. Curse it. Lord Ishya had been left to her own devices for far too long. She needed to pay closer attention next time.  A tick was left on another datapad, a list. Set aside an extra hour for strategic planning lessons.  Another […]

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[WoW] Apprentice Herbalism (Anarial + Kanta)

Inspired from a random Discord conversation as well as Kanta’s permission. A story from their Sentinel days, millennia ago. )) Beneath the twilight canopy of Ashenvale, a young kaldorei swore under his breath as his mentor once again smacked the top of his hands with a stick. A literal stick, one snatched right up from […]

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[SWTOR] Prowl (Tulson)

There simply wasn’t enough entertainment the last two days to keep Tulson sated. The initial hunt was fulfilling, the rush of locating the hit, the intoxicating thoughts of new ways to lay waste. For some targets, a simple aerial strike sufficed. For others, something more deeply intimate and drawn out. But days of carnage later […]

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[WoW] Prologue: Blood Sacrifice

This process has been a slow one taking place over several months. If the reagents were not hard enough to come by, then learning the skills and perfecting them have been just as challenging. I have learned to sand planks, harvested from Maldraz, to fit has the cover. The paper was crafted from the wood […]

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[SWTOR] Stay (Vanessa)

Peaking around the corner of the bridge, Vanessa watched her mother work. Whether it was stooped over a console or tinkering on an engine panel, Jacqueline wore the same look of concentration. She was distracted and didn’t see the child enter. Vanessa blinked, finding it a little odd. For not having the Force, her mother […]

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[WoW] Demons of the Past (Mosur)

It was well into the night when the shaman returned to the room with the bound creature. Janderius had finished weaving his spells for the day some hours ago and had probably seen himself home for the evening, the draenei figured. It was a small envy to have the luxury of such travel, but Mosur […]

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[SWTOR] Destroyer’s End

Condensation had gathered on the surface of the kolto tank, obscuring the view of its inhabitant but it had not been enough to dim the light it bathed into the room. A few lights from machines blinked while displays showed the vitals status on the tank�s resident.   Kadrissa paced back and forth, eyes locked […]

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[WoW] A Long Considered Letter

A plain letter finds its way by post to Redridge. A, I hope the homestead is well. It has been requested I help contain a beast. One the snow covered imp might have been better suited for at one time. A question on how to dispose of it properly has arisen. Council or assistance in […]

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[SWTOR] Awake (Tulson)

Rage. The hunt for a moment yielded so much reward. It sated curiosity and filled Tulson’s expectations beyond wildest dreams. Veera turned out to be a semi-worthy opponent, in spite her… obvious shortcomings. So disappointing to find she was not a late bloomer. Tulson had hope. But her reaction time, improvisation, cunning, and oh, that […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Return

She wiped the tears from her eyes. Tears were necessary, at this point. They washed away the remainder of the old feelings, and in their wake, she felt….stable. More stable then she had been, for ages. Perhaps it was still just sheer shock at the sight of him, but she would take that for now. […]

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[SWTOR] Awake (Jacqueline/Vanessa)

The ceiling of the Gunstar captain’s quarters returned Jacqueline’s stare. Awake on its bed, her mind refused permission to let her sleep. Nothing — pacing the room, stretching, even attempting exercises the small quarters allowed — culled the quickened heartbeat that kept her awake. Fuck, she swore to herself. Pacing the room for the umpteenth […]

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The Scent of Blood-Averous (swtor)

Darkness envelops the room as the Sith meditates, the darkside coursing through his veins, holocrons floating around him. The smell of blood permeates the room as four bodies lie around him, garbs of brown and white, foolish and dedicated. Their blood slowly crawls towards him, his hands forming a circle as the blood begins to […]

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“Is it morbid that we hang onto so much stuff that belonged to our dead companions?”  Ambrosine rested her hands on her hips as she stared at clutter in her basement. The house itself was a relic of the dead–a small manor house in Stormwind, as opposed to the farm she actually lived on. It […]

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[WoW] [Kanta] Hearing Things

A painful ringing. Kanta��_s head throbbed as he gasped back to consciousness. He sat up with a start in a pool of his own sweat. No longer in his armor, nor in the place he was on the floor, Kanta laid in his bed with a thin sheet over his body. ��_Father!��_ A younger kaldorei […]

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[WoW] Gnome

Bixink wandered through Stormwind on her way to the tram, busily organizing all of her materials for the 12th time.  Truly annoying at times this organizing – which was why she�d trained the doomguard for it.  Though his size did limit his manual dexterity it allowed for more profuse amounts of constituents to be moved […]

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