[WoW] Dinner invitation IV

Ace rode through Stormwind toward Elli�s place, casually returning the occasional wave from citizens who recognized him.  A slight smile lifted the corner of his lips as he reached her house; the small dwelling was almost overrun with greenery.  A few trees crowded each other and the bushes, flowers, and vines covering every inch of […]

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[WoW] Bells

A clock chimed on the mantle of her hearth in unison with the grandfather further down the corridor. The sounds used to startle her, particularly when she was so lost in her thoughts, but they had since become little more than background noise. Comforting chimes heralding every quarter and hour to remind her that she […]

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[WoW] Wish Granted

The lights in main room were dim, casting shadows over the faces of the two men standing behind the Don. Though their features were obscured there was little doubt they were a pair of the troll’s rumored zombies. Seated across from the Don, arms nestled comfortably on stuffed armrests, the draenei’s smile grew wider, parting […]

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The witch and her monster.

Stormwind Stockade, High-security wing. Present Day. The prison is always cold no matter what the season, or weather there�s always a sort of chill in the air.  Amazin given there are no windows in any of the cells of this wing.  The squeak and grind of the gate in the hallway draws my attention.  The […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Hunting

Kun stalked through the trees, tail curled tight against her. This was…fun. Ha. This was really fun. Hunting down deer with some worgen she’d only just met, technically, the previous meeting with Cael aside, not hitting the bars or even hitting on the other person. It was almost refreshing. And the air out here was […]

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[WoW] Dinner invitation III

Elli clopped over to where Ace was standing, his armor shining in the afternoon son.  A mischievous grin wrinkled her muzzle before she leaned her head over to drool on his shoulder. �…. Hey.  I just had this set polished for our dinner event.� Elli rumbled in partial discontent as she shifted from stag to […]

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[Ana] Report: Broken Shore

[A folded, slightly charred scrap of paper, stained with something green and red that looked suspiciously like blood, lands on the Koryander, Jarrick, and Arialynn’s desk in the small hours when no one is looking. The messenger is a little bat, glowing faintly green, that chitters indignantly at this burden and flies off as soon […]

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[Cael] Journal: Sword Dancing

Journal, I am going to talk about Petal and Uncle and the Monastery and sword dancing now.  When I was still recovering Petal came and sat with me. She watched over me at night and was there when I woke up to help me. She and Kun both. They are very kind and I am […]

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{SWTOR} Whiskey Dreams

She walked into the red light district. A slaver jumped at her. She yelped and drew a banana from her belt and fired. The slaver jumped back and started to grow. He turned brown and sprouted ears and grew and grew until a giant chocolate bunny roared at her. She screamed in terror as it […]

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WoW Kunyee: Light?

Kunyee’s tail curled up around her feet, her knees pulled up to her chin as she sat and brooded and stared out the one dingy window. The tail puffed a bit at the memory. What the hell had gone on there? Ok, fine, so Joi was a scheming bitch, as she’d discovered most SI:7 agents […]

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[Cael] Journal: Sorry Again and About The Sexing

Journal,  I have slept and eaten and I have tea now and I am going to try to write the rest.  I do not know where I would be without Aunne. I think she is one of my best friends. She stayed and listened even when I was sad and could not look at her […]

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[WoW] Aunne: The Long War

Acherus had never been more busy, at least in the Draenei’s memory.  The forges rang with the sound of hammers on saronite and felsteel at all hours, the mindless skeletons stoking the balefurnaces uncaring and unnoticing of the impossible heat and pounding metal.   Classes of the newly raised moved in cohorts through the training floor, […]

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[Cael] Journal: Sorry

Dear Journal,  I have been bad again. I said I would write more and then things happened and I did not. I am sorry.  I did not want to think about it. I do not want to think about it. But I end up thinking about it anyways so I may as well write it […]

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[Cael] Letter to Thraeda

[In childishly painstaking handwriting, on plain parchment.] Thraeda, To help take your mind off the past. It’s ok. You’ve got friends now. We’re in the present together. This is briarthorn. If you cut it and put it on a woond it will help it heal faster.  -CAEL [Enclosed is… a dented helmet turned into a […]

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[WoW] [Nightpetal] The Dreamtime –

Each night since the… incident… it was the same.   She dreamed of flying, only to be torn apart by eagles, waking only moments before, screaming, she hit the ground.  She dreamed of teeth that chased her in the dark, and smiling human street children that turned into dead-eyed, shark-smiling monstrosities that latched on and […]

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[WoW] Contata et Primo

“Mistress.  The Betrayer opened the Way.” “Mistress.” “Mistress.” The adoring chorus sang the words – and they were sweet to her ears. “And the templars?” “Coming, as you foresaw.” “Coming.” “Coming.”   She smiled, sharp teeth white against coal-black skin, her wings unfurling in flame. “Good.  My devoted Zenzorem – you will be avenged.  Ready […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Loss

Bedi’s fingers hovered over the edge of the datapad. She’d been pondering how to phrase, how to start this letter for some time. What would Jackie think of it? She took a breath and sighed. After seeing Brembal, back then, she’d retreated again. Took time in meditation, on the most godforsaken rock she could find. […]

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[Cael] Letter: To Justicar Arialynn Dawnfield

Justicar, I do not know if this is important but I think it might be a good thing for you to know [scratchout] because you are the leader of the Templars.  I helped some demon hunters, a group called NETHERBANE, stop a mind control cult from doing bad things. We killed the leader and saved […]

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[WOW] Dispatches from the Front: 3

– Medics have reported increases in casualties as the assault on the tomb intensifies; earlier issues of septic wounds have become critical, and the healing tents are positively overwhelmed.  Notes of exhaustion and demoralization from the healers’ tents intensifies.   – Supporting alliance troops have, in turn, been taking heavy casualties in holding the line […]

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[WoW] Dinner invitation II

Elli looked down at the invitation again and closed her clawed hand around it.  Dinner party.  Formal dinner party.  With human nobles and officers.  Officers she could handle.  They�d all talk about casual events in their lives, complain about the nobility, and discuss military concerns.  Nobles on the other hand � She didn�t realize she […]

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[Ana] Free Falling

[[Ambiance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LVfsrS7fUk]] I could be in trouble here. Yes, yes indeedy I could.  The rain pounded her. She let it, let the driving storm and rain threaten to knock her off her perch. Her tail, wrapped firmly around a little scraggly tree growing out of a crack in the rocks, held her stead as she perched […]

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[WoW] [Nightpetal] Art

It is not hard to make paint.  A few plants, tossed together to form a base – some seed-oil and a few other things, easily found in Dalaran.  Boil the plants, then grind them smooth, mix well until the consistency is, well, constant.  That's the hard part, the bit that requires all of the work […]

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[WOW] The Dinner Invitation part one

“This came for you sir,” the aide handed him a rolled missive with a wax seal from one of the many noble houses of Stormwind. Looking up at the aide, he nodded his thanks and waited for him to leave his office before breaking the seal and unrolling it. His mouth moved silently as he […]

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WoW: The Journal of Miles Kerrigan

Previously: The Journal of Miles Kerrigan ———- August 19th, Year 30, 36 Days before the Invasion of Pandaria “No, stop!” She screamed shrilly in the dim candle light, her contagious laugh fillings his ears. “You can’t make me!” He grinned. The two struggled on the feather-down bed, rolling and wrestling, smiles wide the entire time. She […]

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Lei Pan (Part 2)

The pandaren woman poured a cup of tea as Victor returned to the home dodging through fields of oversized vegetation. He inclined his head to the pandaren with a faint smile, “Ahoy, lass. Mei, is it?”   “Yes, I’m Mei,” she offered him the cup,”Are you Mister Blackwald? Lei said you would be stopping by.” […]

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