Escape from hell.

Previous entry here     “Be strong my brother and sister Illidari.  The Felbreaker comes today… the Godess shows me the arrival, our captivity shall soon end,” The female Kalidori voice echoed through walls of Valencia’s cell.  Or maybe the voice was just in her mind.  Val had long since lost the ability to […]

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[Doryn] Wired

“YOU CRAZY BASTAAAAAAARD!!”     The weight of the weaponry her (not cool, psychotic, asshole) employer strapped onto her yanked and janked her painfully as Doryn Greenly tumbled through the open sky to certain death. Wind roared, a high deafening thing that teared her eyes so hard she couldn’t see and she was going to […]

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[Doryn] (Fel)Fired

One impromptu surgery session, four hours, and three quarters of a mile later, Doryn started as a large explosion took out the cave and a large part of the stone face around it. The success of her trap made her grin. That was for Cindy, you jerks!   God job, Doryn! That will teach them! […]

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[WoW] The most beautiful ship in the world

There were times Etsi wished she could do more magic than with plants. Like now when every step she took threatened to rattle the buckets of paint she and Kun-yi carried.  The Pandaren and her could walk for miles without making a sound, without rustling a single blade of grass out of place, without catching […]

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[Ana] Bosslady: Report on Sneaky Assholes

[A report is written on a scrap of parchment that somehow finds it's way into the Justicar's pocket, because Ana is a terrible person with a worse sense of humor. The tone is jovial, and the contents very useful indeed.]   Yo, Bosslady.    Did that looking we talked about. Templars are clean, minus the […]

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[WoW] A beginning part 1 (Ace and Seella backstory)

The young Draenei woman crouched with the others behind the benches around the practice area.  Giggles and gasps filled her ears as the woman, barely past being little girls, watched the males engage in their mock duels and work with the training dummies.  They were supposed to be watching the older paladins, both male and […]

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[WoW] A beginning part 2 (Ace and Seella backstory)

Seella shivered a bit, eyes rounding with awe at the sight of the soring walls of the fjord on either side of the ship.  Her gaze dropped to the large chunks of ice floating around the boat, a moment’s panic making her heart race as one bumped into the side of the vessel.  Shaking her […]

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[WoW] Hooves(Ace and Seella backstory)

A muffled curse had her looking back.  Below her the humans struggled with the climb up the steep rocky slope.  The curse came from a young male who, from the sight of him fighting to regain his foothold, apparently was having trouble with the climb.  Try as she might, Seella couldn’t stop a tiny grin […]

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[WoW] Ambushed (Ace and Seella backstory)

A light snowfall was in effect, the flakes covering the ground and adding to the deep piles already present. The calm voices of the guards making their patrols was in contrast to the near constant battling that the Keep encountered against the Scourge. Overhanging like a malignant vulture, the floating necropolis hovered over the field […]

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[WoW] In trouble? (Ace and Seella backstory)

Ace’s eyebrow rose as he walked into the field commander’s office.  Commander Wexler paced behind his desk, rubbing a hand across his forehead as if it ached.  “Commander.”   Wexler wheeled around and saluted quickly.  “Grand Marshal Walkinson.”   Ace returned the salute and began removing his gauntlets.  “There’s some trouble with my student, commander?” […]

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[Cael] Letter to the Justicar: RIGE WARNING

[In Cael's careful, childish lettering, there's a short addendum to her report on her recent patrol. It's… interesting.]   Justicar-   My patrol was [scratchout] a success but some thing happened and I think I should tell you about it. The high spot on the rige above the Fel Fire Pass is not good any […]

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[WoW] Most Nights are Black Skies (Chrissinne, Hypolyta)

“We know you.”   The threat continues to ring in Chrissinne’s ears long after it had been spat from between rows of jagged teeth. “We know you, Warden. And we will have you.” It trembles with promise, oozing with all the evil fel taint that poisons the very saliva that drips from the jailer’s mouth. […]

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[Doryn] Hired P2

Dear Mr. Fateshifter,   Hello! My name is Doryn Greenly. Recently you posted an open position in your company for an assistant. I believe, based on your criteria, that I am an excellent candidate for this opening…   Zenruid Fateshifter raised an eyebrow. “Assistant… when did I- oh! Yes! For the squirrels! Of course! I […]

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[WoW] A Letter to Justicar Arialynn

To Justicar Arialynn, I have a request, Justicar. Do not train new recruits in Icecrown. Do not send anyone to Icecrown. The King is, at best, indifferently hostile to intruders to his realm. At worst, He will is actively malevolent. The world cannot afford a second front. Maintain His neutrality at this time, I ask […]

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[Doryn] Tired

On the back was written a byline: SHIFT YOUR FATE WITH FATESHIFTER INDUSTRIES (TM)!   Doryn squinted at the add tacked haphazardly onto the bulletin board by the farthest table in the inn. Stormwind alternated these days between nearly empty and overflowing- it all depended on the ships coming back and forth from the Broken […]

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[WoW] Siblings

“You're saying it wrong. It's Keleo-sha not Kele-o-sha.” the priestess corrected for the fifth time.   “I am knowing how to pronounce my own name. Kele-o-sha!” the paladin argued back in the same voice.   The priestess shrugged her shoulders, “I have had the name longer than you have, I think I would know.”   […]

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[WoW] Stones and Fates

Etsiyona Bearwalker.  Ellinde Feralsong.  Who or what was she?  She honestly wasn’t sure she knew anymore.  Too many things pulling her too many ways.  Leaving Moonglade had been the right thing to do when she was younger.  Trying to integrate among people wasn’t.     They didn’t understand.  Would never understand.  You sacrificed yourself for […]

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[WoW] Letters (Idella)

Her eyes dry and cheeks pinched from a night of tears, Idella gathered the last reagents in her bag, stood in the doorway, and swept her eyes across her shop for the last time. Every bottle, scroll, and book was perfectly set in its place. A note for the landlord and a bag of gold […]

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[WOW] Letter to Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson

A piece of sealed parchment marked "Confidential: Acele Walkinson, Grand Marshal" is delivered to Ace's office.   Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson,   The recent mission by the covert group know as 'The Unbroken' to clear the old training grounds at the Argent Tournament was partially successful. While the few ghouls remaining in the area were […]

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[WoW] Report to Justicar Dawnfield [Kristiell]

Justicar,   I am writing to inform you of the recent Unbroken mission. The involved parties were Etsi, Victor Blackwald, Sage Hopesong, Keleosha, and myself. As you may already know the goal of the mission was to clear the Argent Tournament Grounds in the hope to use them as a training facility for new soldiers. […]

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[WoW] Express Letter to Bixink Felbolt (Arialynn)

The following is delivered by a swift-footed courier who arrives by portal to Stormwind.   To Bixink Felbolt,   The gauntlet was sent along with you and Zen to Stormwind. It is of the utmost importance that it is retrieved and stored within Westguard's vault. Late revelations have deemed it too dangerous to be left […]

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[WOW] Nightime deliveries

People wake up in the morning to find demon toes in their shoes and/or a demon horn next to the butter in their cold box as well as a lovely plant growing from an imp skull with flowers poking out of the eye sockets ….

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[WOW] Maritime delivery

In the morning the Raven's Revenge's deck will be dotted with imp-skull planters filled with daisies … and a thick layer of cooking oil covering everywhere between ….

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[WoW] Letter to Arialynn Dawnfield (Acele)

Arialynn, The first step, indeed. I have spoken with the other Grand Marshals in differing areas and they have agreed with our proposal. We can count on them for unspoken support should it be necessary to do this on our own. The next step will be more difficult; as it involves getting the support of […]

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[WoW] Letter to Acele Walkinson (Arialynn)

To Acele Walkinson,   It is time for the first step. We have assembled a small circle to begin — warriors, knights, armorers, seasoned soldiers of the field. Now it is time for our first mission. If you wish to make the request of the military in person, I can be present. I am certain […]

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