Blunderbusses and whiskey. 

            Rynn was cooped up in her perch, rifle slung across her knees, and her eyes peering out from underneath her hood across the stretch of desert. She knelt in a small pocket of shadows, bleeding from her feet like a slow dark mist. Even without the unbearable haze of […]

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Broadsword 2

Each day seemed an eternity. The cold of winter did not deter the knight, nor the blazing heat of summer. But time was an ever present haunt. What lives were lost while he walked, or how many machinations were set into motion? These thoughts consumed him. “I fear for your sanity my friend,” the king […]

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WoW Overlap (Idella)

Related: Twilight, Autumn Red, Grasp — With a cry, her eyes snapped open. Darkness filled the air above her, interrupted only by the pulsing of green-filled runes that etched an otherwise smooth, onyx-like surface. They were inches from her face. She willed her hands to move, to push against what appeared to be an encasing […]

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Agatha’s Journal ((12/30)) [Pathfinder]

Pharast 13th – After meeting up with some bigwig in Emi’s church, we managed to convince the people in charge of the Necropolis to let us in. I don’t understand these religious types sometimes; instead of checking what your god says about every little thing why not just go DO SOMETHING and do the paperwork […]

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Letter to Master Gouken [Pathfinder]

Dear Master Gouken, I wanted to write you to let you know I am still alive and doing well. I am currently in camp with the Pathfinder Society at the Androsphinx of Zukeberi. Through a rather remarkable series of events, I have found a likeminded group of travelers and together we have taken a “job” […]

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WoW: A Series of Letters

Water pooled off her cloak as Arialynn strode inside the tent at Grey Watch. Covered in canvas and rimmed by wood-and-clay walls, its cramped quarters were still a cheerier surrounding than the wetted wilds of Stormheim. An oil lantern flickered atop her desk, lying in wait along with a stack of parchment. It was a […]

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The grind of stone on iron. A mantra known to all true warriors. It sings of patience, discipline, and truth in a kind of harmony. The world knows of this song, yet it refuses to listen. Kings war against themselves for blood soaked earth. The pride they chose is meaningless against what the mantra was […]

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{SWTOR} Shadow of the Past

Every time I think I have found a home, it turns out that I’m still alone. Viessa got hurt and is now always training and going on missions or whatever the Jedi have her doing. I miss her – I think she is the only one in the galaxy who is really my friend. Master […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Snow Schemes

Deep within the bounds of an tall, icy fortress, someone schemed. Dark and terrible deeds were afoot, and as the chill wind howled through the castle gates, a dark, curled claw reached for a low flame… “GODS’ FUCKING TITS IT’S COLD.”  Followed by more cursing as the cramped little snow room flared with light and […]

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[Doryn] A New Addition to the Family

Doryn paced.  That won’t do you any good, you know, said Tippi in her mind. Concern-love washed over her times three, echoed by Cindy and Joey. Cindy, in the middle of gorging herself on nuts, just nodded. She’d used up a lot of energy reserves, shooting fireballs at a horde of demons chasing them not […]

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A Declaration of Grievance

To Justicar Arialynn Mayfield and those it might concern, As we all know, Zen Fateshifter is mad or some even claim half mad. Madness or not, it does not give him a reason to abuse the stone systems of communication in the manner that he does. He has gone without intervention and heavy hands for […]

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A Mysterious Specter

Previous Journal Entry: It has been some time since Matthyas and Gorramn sat down for lunch. Days turned into weeks and just as quickly turned into months as they both continued to fight the Legion. Occasionally they found the time to send letters to keep in touch with their exploits and coordinate their efforts. […]

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A quiet lunch

Previous journal entry: The cool night shines brightly on the stalwart paladin as they walk through the familiar stone opening. The silver part of his armor catches the bright light of the moon causing it to shine brilliantly and accent the gold and blue. The atmosphere and buildings are all too familiar to Matthyas […]

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Fixed Routine

Matthyas exits out of the portal from Dalaran and into the Light’s Hope chapel. To him, it is a beacon of light amidst the darkness and he feels at home here with the other Paladins. A couple of them recognize them and wave at him. “Praise the light!” He coolly replies to one of them. […]

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[GW2] Okay, This Looks Bad

“Rikvi!” Brigid exclaimed as soon as she opened the door to the work room. “Ceridwen! I thought you’d want to know about the weird stuff we saw today!” Rikvi just turned and blinked owlishly. She didn’t even muster a hello, just…stared. Her various trains of thought  collided and left her brain a tangle of math […]

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[GW2] Double Edged Sword

Sometimes people come to me because they know I can see the future. Problem is that my visions are nothing like that.  Not usually. I am always afraid when it is. When I wake up sweating with blood on my tongue, unaware I’d even been asleep, and some portent heavy on my eyes… But that […]

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[WoW] Nightpetal – Small Problems

The demoness wove spells almost too fast for the Pandaren to follow – felflame clashed with chronal anomalies and torrents of pure arcane as the two magic-users dueled in the cavern hidden in Azuna.  The succubus’s raw power was matched by the Pandaren’s finesse – but it couldn’t go on forever. So Petal?  Petal cheated. A […]

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WoW: Reading

You did what you could. Somedays it was hard, this pain. When the smiles were so sweet and genuine but she…she was asking for the usual business, the chore, the guidance. You knew that one or this would suffer but you did as you were bid, because you were in her employ and she meant […]

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[WoW] Circles 

Love is cancer when used well.  It spreads and taints everything it touches – and it’s just so… easy.  A touch here, a special smile there.  Brushing of fingers in the right place at the right time – and they allow you in.  They allow you close. The sergeant smiled.  His men smiled – it was […]

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[GW2] Rikvi: Oops.

Rikvi set a small stack of papers on Ceridwen’s desk. “Please check this calculation for me.” The sylvari looked at the papers, then back to her mentor. “That’s one calculation? As in, a singular work?” “Hence why I said ‘this calculation’ and not ‘these calculations’, yes.” Rikvi turned and walked away, leaving Cer to look […]

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[WoW] Nightpetal:  Letters 

To “The leadership of the Templars:”, left as a folded single sheet, meticulously written, among the day’s dispatches: To the leadership of the Templars: I am hopeful that this finds you with only good news, though I really don’t think that’s possible when the world outside your tent is covered in demons.  Uncle once told […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Giggles

This was *important*. The pandaren crept up to the tent so lately shared between her sister and Cael. It was good. It was very good, and the broad, beaming grin crossing her face and exposing her stubby fangs bore witness to this. She was the best sister ever. Really, though. Kun was fairly sure all […]

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[WoW] Nightpetal: Azeroth-rise

She had grown to love mornings – in just a few days.  She and her sister had shared that – a love of sleeping in, staying up late, and greeting the stars.  Now?   Well, now she had lots of good reasons to get up early.   Not that she was completely used to it; healing was […]

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Putting the Pieces together.

Riathan sat at his desk, scribbling logos for possible guild banners, and off to the side were a series of crossed off names. “Dawn’s Vanguard, The Dawn Vanguard.” Sadly, sitting next to him was a guild registry, and most of those names were taken. The last one he’d come up with, was a tad wordy, […]

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A Rose By Any Other Name

…might not do as well, because marketing mattered and names were important. Which is exactly why Tove was disgruntled that Rikvi had saddled her with this task. Then again, the only things Rikvi named were were papers for the Priory, and those things tended to be “Betwitxt and Between: On The Intersection of the Mists […]

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