{SWTOR} Sith Bath

“You asked for this, Slave Girl.” The words brought Fealladh out of a deep slumber, and her first thoughts were curses when she found herself bound and blindfolded. Stupid stupid stupid! Jackie would have been appalled at her lack of security preparation. Hands lifted her, despite her struggles, and then they were moving through hallways. […]

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{SWTOR} Slave Girl

Fealladh entered the Sith temple and stopped to get her bearings. She had come from that room, and they had said the dormitories were on the opposite… “Hey! Slave girl!” …side, so one of the hallways on her left should be… “I said, slave girl!” …the one she wanted, but which one? Perhaps… A rough […]

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The Personal log of Dr. Iztalein Silvercloud

First Entry: My name is Dr. Iztalein Silvercloud. I have a degree in psychology from Silvermoon University. My specialty is psychoanalysis with a focus on memory manipulation and removal to treat the underlying subconscious causes of maladies. To explain in more layman’s terms: It is my firm belief that the majority of neurosis, phobias, and […]

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[GW2] Overextended

There should have been more than three of them at the site. Any expedition in Lornar’s Pass was at risk from dredge, pirates, grawl, and other hazards. But time was of the essence, and hands were in short supply…. Ambrosine had chosen a ridge above the excavation as her sentry point. She wasn’t worried about […]

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Broadsword 6

The Nameless Knight displayed his torso to Manoth. His body over the years had become a road map of scars and signs of battle. The rotting flesh peeled from him, but one spot stood out. Over his heart, a deep black wound with vein-like scars coming from its center. “This is where he struck me. […]

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{SWTOR} A New Beginning

I pace the confines of the cell. The whispering stopped when they took my lightsaber, but the echoes still ricochet around in my head. My path is set. I’ll not be deterred. It had been a rocky start. Turns out simply walking into the bastion of Sith knowledge and power on their own home world […]

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{SWTOR} Whispers in the Dark

They urge me awake, the whispers. Lift me to my feet, set my path. It is like walking in a dream, except it is everyone else’s dream. I am awake. I am alive. A decade and almost a second have passed, and the purpose for which I had thought I existed had turned to mirage, […]

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 [Beatrix Franklin] Diary of a Postal Worker: Entry 3

Dear Journal, I know it’s been almost a month since I wrote. I can’t help that I got the post just before WInter’s Veil. You wouldn’t believe the amount of eggs being shipped out of Westfall and Redridge. Oh, did I tell you I’ve been transfered? Of course not. I haven’t written in a month. […]

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Old Wounds (GW2)

Divinity’s Reach. 1328 AE. “We can cut you a deal, Ironwood” An uncomfortable silence follows. Captain Montre looks at him expectantly. “What kind of deal” He watches him shuffle his papers around, like the officer has somewhere to be and would love nothing more than to be rid of the Norn, but that’s not likely. […]

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He Went At Dawn (GW2)

The morning was crisp and cool as it broke over the still quiet of Divinity’s Reach. The city had yet to be warmed by the sun just now pulling its fiery head over the horizon. Gold of morning and silver of night mingle over the mist as it steadily sought it’s way to the villages […]

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[Beatrix Franklin] Diary of a Postal Worker: Entry 2

Dear Journal, It’s been a few days since I got my assignment. I’m sorry haven’t written. Why am I apologizing to you, you’re a journal? Why did I write out that questions? I’m going to stop this line of thought before a mage says I’m breaking reality. As you can tell by the drawer you’ve […]

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[Beatrix Franklin] Journal of a Postal Worker: Entry 1

Dear Journal, I’ve never written a diary before. I guess I should introduce myself, not that you’re a person or anything. I’m Beatrix Franklin, Junior Carrier for the Alliance Postal Service. I just got the title. They handed me this journal and my rank insignia as soon as the graduation ceremony was over. The Postal […]

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Broadsword 5

The question hanged in the air, causing a clear discomfort in Manoth. “Because,” he hesitated. “I believe you can be saved.” The nameless knight removed his helm, showing a clear look of insult on his mangled face. “How can one be saved from this?! Without the blessing of the gods, no mortal has ever returned […]

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The Dawn of a new Day.

          “We’ve had our latest mission go off with a modicrum of success. We saved some people, yes, but we were outplayed by a rather overdramatic, self important buffoon. And I don’t mean Palawa Joko. One Galleyranx the Render of Souls, and Eater of Dreams, one of his Awakened Generals. Possibly […]

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(Note this event took place during my roleplaying event on Sunday the 7th. Templar actions are summarized not to infringe on any characters. The only character lines I am using are my own and the characters that I created. I also updated the pic with a better one) It was another gloomy day in the […]

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Broadsword 4

Time passed. The knight unable to regain his resolve looked down at the gaping holes in his body as he laid against the tree. “Why do I yet live?” he wondered. With a desperate rasp, he looked to the sky, seeing stars peeking through the canopy above. “Gods above, why?” The knight felt a sorrow […]

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[Warcraft] Notoriety

Kanta Wildsabre. Proclaimed Marksman, Veteran of the Templars, Former Marshal of the Silverwing Sentinels. Orphaned as a child, husband, father, grandfather. Respected, loved, liked, hated. Ally, loyal, trustworthy. Enemy, liar, backstabber. Soldier. “Murderer.” Kanta was many things over his lifetime. As he was nearing his eighth millennia on this world, the aging kaldorei was many […]

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Shinies for a friend [Pathfinder]

Emi carefully scanned the area, making sure that no one she didn’t know (and trust) was within any distance to be able to see her. Finding she was (relatively) alone, a smile creased her pale skin – skin that was quickly covered with fine, snow-white fur. The smile, now sufficiently more fanged, grew as she […]

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Broadsword 3

The knight’s thoughts were clouded. For weeks now he was unable to sleep. Physical fatigue had become his traveling companion. No matter far he walked, or how tired he became, sleep would not come. Growing weary of his plight, the nameless knight decided to approach civilization. The next town he came across, he found the […]

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[GW2] Nothing Ominous About This At All

“I’m not made for this,” Ambrosine grumbled. She’d found a shady corner of Amnoon and was painstakingly applying sunblock to every exposed inch of skin. Once she was done, she handed the pot over to her fellow pasty ginger. “Tell me about it,” Niklas replied. “Though I’m not a Norn at least, so there’s that.” […]

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Letter to Master Gouken [Pathfinder]

Dear Master Gouken, I am now in the city of Wati, where we have had some excitement (a trip to the Necropolis and a ruined mansion with a two headed undead demon dog, a sarcophogus full of scarabs, a small ghost child in a crypt, and an extremely unpleasant massive centipede were involved) and discovered […]

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A new friend

The Army of the Light was relentless with handling out assignments. While the Templar of the Rose was making excellent progress, which included incursions inside Antorus, the heart of the Legion of Argus, the demons were pushing back as hard and as often as possible, desperate to regain the upper hand in this war. The […]

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[GW2] Following the Will of Koda

((The group I was with was called Templars of Arkayne and we were artifact hunters. This was Airuska’s)) Airuska had spent much of her time fighting the dragon minions and other threats to Tyria. During this time she met many Kodan and learned much about the ways of Koda and the Balance. Although she had […]

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[GW2] The Path of Koda

((Continuing to post old stories. The time jumps messaged were originally to reflect time skips in my old GW2 guild.)) Airuska had always been faithful to the spirits, following their guidance at all times most specifically wolf who had guided her on her path on in life. She had never had any reason to question […]

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[GW2] Airuska Jukantytär

((Wanted to bring back some stories from my old RP days in Guild Wars 2 from when it launched. Here is the backstory for my Norn.)) Airuska grew up like most Norn in a traditionally nomadic lifestyle, travelling in small band that was made up of her immediate and extended family. They lived throughout the […]

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