[Pathfinder] Emi’s beginnings

Before she was born Emi heard not only the sound of her mother’s heartbeat but also two soft voices in her head – the goddess Daikitsu and the god Abadar.  The voices spoke to her in the months before her birth, telling her about the wonders of the world awaiting her.  Upon her birth in […]

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[GW2] Taunting Cats

Ambrosine found Eurydice training with the young Lionguard recruits. Although officially retired, she just couldn’t keep her paws off the organization and kept herself fit by thrashing the youngsters. “So where’s Mary?” Ambrosine called out cheerfully, causing the hulking charr to miss a beat and get a good poke in the thigh.  “You’re a snot,” […]

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Broadsword 14

Later, the two had arrived at the elders home. The exterior was weathered and cracked. Once inside, the elder barred the door shut and checked the port holes in his windows. Books lined one wall with the opposite decorated with armor parts and weapon hooks. The north wall had a small hearth with an iron […]

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The Good, The Bad, The Eldritch: Fighting The Tide Chapter One

The Good, The Bad, The Eldritch: Fighting The Tide Year 1019 A.F. Omnihome, Xenohunter’s Guild district, The Hunter’s Lodge Chapter one Zailas the Slayer ‘The Hunter’s Lodge’ was a little tavern at the edge of the district. It didn’t look like much from the outside, just another nondescript gray stone brick building same as any […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Watching

Breathe…. Bedisa’s eyes opened, but her breath did not curl into smoke the way the distant brazier did. She waved away the chill and her expression flickered for a moment. Something felt…off.  She rubbed her brow for a moment, and in a few more moments, felt the deep and bitter chill of the surrounding glacier. […]

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An Evening’s Entertainment

((Click here to open the song in spotify.)) Many evenings, the members of the Dawn could actually find Tove in the tavern.  Sometimes she was bantering with the barkeep, or waging her own personal assault on the ale stores. Other times she would weave tales–teaching stories of the Spirits, or some retelling of bravado. It […]

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[GW2] Splinter – Reaper

[[ warning: a few gory details ]] He stares at the paper for a long while, lifting his hand to his chin and scratching the beard absently. “You’re sure?” he asks, sliding the paper back to his companion — the years had been kinder to him, and he’s certain the Norn has his own predilections […]

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Broadsword 13

The bar patrons were dumbstruck. They argued among themselves for a few minutes until a slammed mug on the far table got their attention. “Blast it! If you would look at the man, you would see he is a seasoned warrior!” At the table, a older man in aged chainmail and a ratty tabard took […]

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A Family Dinner

Although he had been away for awhile, the garrison that was established in New Draenor back when the Iron Horde was a threat remained unchanged. Inside the garrison dining room there was a large wooden table where Matthyas carefully laid out the meal prepared by his garrison, which included thick rib-eye steaks, crispy brown rolls, […]

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[GW2]  Gilded Dream

The wild garden was quiet, and Fiel had fallen into the most peaceful of sleeps, cradled in a bed of green, lulled by the gentle stream nearby, warmed by the little griffon sprawled over his lap like a thick blanket. Not that he needed him for that, the place was cool enough. The Gilded Hollow. […]

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WoW: Bootyclap: Turning Your Back

Too small. *Too small* She stabbed and slashed the training dummy again and again and again. Viciously, angrily. And in desperation, all over. No more knee jokes. No more “below the belt” cracks. The gnomish warrior ravaged the bundle of wood and straw till there was nothing left but splinters and scraps of leather and […]

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[WoW] Lost and found

*This is a backstory for an alternate universe set of characters Ace and I have on Moon Guard.  One is a worgen death knight and the other a paladin.  The worgen death knight is Etsiyona (having been turned after Ace’s death due to the Scourge) and the paladin is Wilks (Ace’s personal assistant that died in […]

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[WoW] Light’s Mercy

Note: To make the Keleosha journals a tiny bit less confusing, I’m referring to the two characters by their in game names: “Keleosha” for the paladin from alternate Draenor, and “Keleoshaa” for the priest from the main timeline Outland. ======== Keleoshaa was out of breath and her muscles ached. She often walked between her home […]

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[GW2] Gaslight

Lion’s Arch was not how it seemed. Not like it was, anyways, he remembers coming into port with his crew, he remembers sailing out with provisions to last them the trip around Orr and beyond, and after that…. Nothing. He hasn’t been that way in a long, long while. He doesn’t remember what the city […]

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[GW2] Post Script

He recognizes hope easily in her face, he keeps it close as he wanders back towards the palace doors. Ralan catches his eye, and the officer’s brow furrows quietly. The captain knows this look. Words. Now. It’s not that he isn’t fond of the bounty officer, he’s simply the one he interacts with the most, […]

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[GW2] Something Amiss

Awakened corpses lay scattered at Rikvi’s feet. The necromancer let the tip of her greatsword rest against the ground as she tried to catch her breath. “That’s what, twenty today?” Tove jumped down from the rock ledge she’d chosen as her murder-perch. No small number of bodies on the ground were feathered by her arrows. […]

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[GW2] Forge the Blade

Ambrosine loved her family’s country estate. Her nurse grew indulgent and let her eat extra cookies before bed time. The gardens ran half-wild and no one minded if she played in the flowerbeds. Her older brother, Aidan, wasn’t worried about impressing his friends and would actually join her with his toy soldiers. Life was simple. […]

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[WoW][Cael] Journal: Filling in

Dear Journal,  I have not written in some time and I feel bad for that because I promised the Justicar I would. Many things have happened. It will take lots of entries to cover them all but I will write them in short right now.  The most important thing:  [an entire line of scratchouts] I […]

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[SWL][Piper] Vlog Compilation #2

[camera comes on. background is an autumn forest, with a rough campsite: fire, tent made out of a tarp and some nylon rope, bunny rabbit eared school backpack against a tree. Piper comes into frame, and puts a finger to her lips- shhhh.] [abrupt movement for a few minutes. she’s running. dirty converse come into […]

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[SWL][Piper] Vlog Compilation, Kingsmouth

[STATIC SNOW ON SCREEN] [muffled voices] [static resolves, the screen clears: the camera is on it’s side.] “Ah, hell.” [she fixes it, turning it rightside up. the girl is young, a teenager, looks younger. red hair, kind of unruly, cut short, bright green eyes, glasses, freckles. she’s wearing a spiderman t-shirt and jeans, looks to […]

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Broadsword 12

Heading back to the town square, The Nameless Knight started to grow weary. The fatigue weighed on him heavily today. Taking a rest at the public fountain, he looked around. Still, something seemed off. People were smiling and going about their lives as normal, but something was… missing. A feint roll of thunder echoed in […]

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[GW2] Story Untold

“You know, when Eury described the ‘stray’ she’d picked up, I…had almost hoped. And here you are.” Umbrage nearly leaped out of her skin at the voice from her doorway, despite its familiarity. Sure, her door had been open, but her mind had been…somewhere else. “Ambrosine.” The charr turned haunted, yellow eyes towards her. Ambrosine […]

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[GW2]   Iron Hand  –  [co-written with @quorgi]

“You look like you could use a hand.” He’s not trying to be mean, or making a snarky joke –for once. For once there is genuine concern in his voice. He spotted it while walking along the broken shoreline not too far from the city-state of Lion’s Arch. He thought it to be another stray […]

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[GW2] He Means Well

Cato was very proud of his armor. He’d cobbled it together out of leather scraps himself, even going so far as to learn how to stitch it together. Sure, it wasn’t _metal_ like his mother Eury wore, but none of the blacksmiths had been willing to help. He was also very proud of his dagger. […]

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(WARNING. THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR A BUG IN THE SYSTEM. Don’t read unless you’ve finished it or don’t care.) . . . . . (Also, no actual gross details given, just terrible things implied.) . . . Niklas was not at the tiny table he was using for a desk. He was not in […]

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