[WoW] Muffin

Justice considered it his job to guard the other horses. They were, after all, stupid creatures. He was not, of course. Even before his unfortunate Deathcharger-ing, when his eyes had glowed with a holier light, he had been a notable individual. Then again, by now, he was going on forty years old. Justice…had seen things. […]

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[ GW2 ] Odd

It’s dark out when he opens his eyes.  It’s not unusual, there are few things in this world, in all of Tyria that could make him change his habits — trauma aside, of course, he’s had to change many habits because of that, but his waking habits are the same. Sleep for half the night, […]

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[GW2] The Family You Choose

Ambrosine raised an eyebrow when Imke walked into her office. “Didn’t I tell you to knock like a normal person? I know you have a key but, come on.” “Look, I listen first. Last thing I want t’do is walk in on your an’ Jes fuckin’.” The young engineer claimed the chair on the other […]

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WoW Bootyclap: Fire and Fury

Imagine, if you will, a gnome. Small. Precocious. Pink haired. Bright eyed.  And buzzing to you with all the energy and cutting edges of a buzz saw. The demon certainly was able to, and then was not. There was, however, a very neat little hole punched and cut right through him as the armor clad […]

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WoW Ygraine: Waiting

Well, this was going to be a party and that was good, right? So many people were…thronging, that was the words, running amok through the streets of Dalaran, celebrating the big bright shiny star thing that had appeared. She assumed that was a good thing. Most of the other mages had left to go celebrate, […]

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WoW Kun Yi: I’m a WHAT?!

FUCK. FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FFFFFFFFFFF—- *The journal, very often left empty, and when it is used generally has a few scraps of dirty jokes, anecdotes, or a job that went really well or really bad. Anything in Pandaren is written with a suprisingly flawless and delicate hand, artwork as only traditional calligraphy can […]

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Broadsword 10

Every day the visions became a little more clear. The woman… Mortivox was speaking to someone. When the sun went down, the Nameless Knight spent the time writing the most common phrases in his journal. Whoever she was speaking to must have been important. When the voices grew quiet, the knight would meditate. Staring into […]

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[Nightpetal] The Space Between Breaths

(Written in Petal’s glowing book of shadows – chronicling her time in Antorus) Uncle once told us about circles – and as usual, I didn’t quite understand then, then I thought i understood later, and have come to the inescapable and impossible conclusion that I may never really understand, but may have a good idea now and […]

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[Chiro][Pathfinder] Letter to Master Gouken 

Dear Master Gouken (and or Grand Master Shao, if she’s there) We are on a ship! The ocean is massive, bigger than I ever would have dreamed. The waves and the salt spray are very enjoyable, and the boat heaves and groans like a living thing in the water, with the crack of sails and […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Letter to Melda

Hello, Melda! I hope this letter finds you well.  I am not well, honestly. First, the trip here was three weeks. By boat. I think I was seasick the entire time. The good news is, I am now capable of fighting even while throwing up. The bad news is… I threw up a LOT.  Do […]

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Correspondence of a Postal Worker #1

Dearest Mama and Papa, I know I haven’t written. Sometimes I just can’t bear to look at quill and parchment. I miss home terribly. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and the travel. However, I miss the feel of the dirt of the pumpkin patch on my bare feet. It sure will be […]

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[WoW] Equal Opportunity Shanking

Lyestra took the bundles of herbs with a grunt. After setting them on her work table she started sorting them into piles by type. “You’re welcome,” Mina said, not without a trace of amusement. “I pay you for these, do I have to be fucking nice too?” “I’m best friends with your sister.” “You think […]

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[Pikko][GW2] Anger Management

Pikko likes the Norn.  Norn learn, even if it takes an asskicking. In fact, they learn best by asskicking. The equation of social interaction often went like this in Norn territory:  [arrival in new area] + [meeting new people] =   + [application of violent physics to various body tissues] – [percentage of personal blood […]

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[GW2] Blood Money

The Mordrem fights, the scattered, clinging influence the jungle dragon still held had nearly killed them all, the whole of the Vanguard at least once, and he’s still struggling to come to terms with that. He’d been so far removed from the incident that seeing the beasts up close for the first time stunned him […]

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Broadsword 9

With a silent exhale, Ivran Chronicler completed his meditation. Nearby, he could hear his nephew stir in his cot. Arlen was family, but he was as far from an elf as any human. Elves had no need for sleep, but the boy was also half human. A small sense of remorse creeped its way into […]

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WoW Kun Yi: To Serve

It was honestly the last place she expected to end up. On a battlefield. Really? With all this chaos and muck and stink of that damn fel fire and blood… she’d seen blood before, but never, ever like this. Never on a battlefield before. Kun looked at the surging lines of fighters, *real* fighters, women […]

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[Aunne] Hold the Door:

She stood, shoulder to shoulder with others wearing her armor, and she was proud.  It was an odd feeling, being proud – it was one she had very little experience with, so she chose to savor it.  To cherish it, and keep it close, to glory in it for the moment.  She was proud of […]

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Broadsword 8

Interlude The sound of steel hitting stone echoed throughout the complex. Chronicler Ivran gasped for breath as he awoke on the floor. “Damned thing…” A frantic set of footsteps drew the elf’s attention to the door. “Ivran?! Are you okay?” Arlen shouted. “Yes nephew, I am.” Helping his uncle from the floor, Arlen sighed. “This […]

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Restitution of the Fallen

Part 1: Trials and Tribulations Kryta: Three years ago, after the fall of Lion’s Arch. The impenetrable wall of white rose up before him. At some point, he could swear the crags and peaks that he thought he saw weren’t real. His fur-lined cloak was wrapped tightly around his armored frame. Shield slung over one […]

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[Beatrix Franklin] Diary of a Postal Worker: Entry 5

Dear Journal, This one is quick, since I’m still on the move. I’m in Redridge, but only for a day. As soon as I arrived at my new post, I was transferred again. I’m GOING HOME! The Postal Service is sending me to Darkshire. They’ve also ordered me to swing tinto Stormwind City on the […]

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{SWTOR} Alex’s Angels or Sith Schoolgirls?

The rumors began soon after the Sith acolytes who had attacked Fealladh disappeared. No one could find a clue as to their whereabouts – one night they were in their cots, the next morning they were gone, their beds neatly made, looking as if no one had ever slept in them. And the Twi’lek they […]

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Broadsword 7

The knight froze in place. Dragons are known to the mortals, but seldom do they ever reveal themselves. Through out written history, many dragons were named and cataloged. Ulgrath the Vicious, a black dragon of terrible cruelty and might. Worse yet was Tyranus, the Eater of Heroes. Some few were recorded that were benevolent. The […]

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[Beatrix Franklin] Diary of a Postal Worker: Entry 4

Dear Journal, It seems like it’s been months since I last wrote. Love is in the air here in Westfall. Oh, did I forget to tell you we’ve got a new post? Sorry about that. I’ve been so busy with this new route. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to deliver to vagabonds in […]

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WoW – Corridors (Idella)

Related: Overlap, Twilight, Autumn Red, Grasp ((Been writing this string of stories at a snail’s pace, mostly due to a block on my part. But special thanks to @zenru45 in the #trgn-writers in Discord (.iam writer) for reviewing this journal. Helped me get it out of my head and finally out the door.)) —- Her hands […]

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Letter to Master Gouken [Pathfinder]

Dear Master Gouken,  I apologize for the brevity. I’ve been writing this in bits and pieces when we stop for the night as we travel. But I did want to let you know that the School may be getting a visitor, an enigmatic but benevolent man known as Ra-Thos. He is a desert wanderer, and […]

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