[GW2] That Which Haunts Us

Ambrosine was furious when she realized Cap’s raptor was injured–a fury that, in all likelihood, completely outshone the situation. Or maybe not. The situation was kind of shit, anyway. She tended Cirice at the infirmary to begin with, stuffing all of her feelings into a box so that she could project calm. “Okay, girl. Let’s […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 5

Maguuma jungle proper breaks into the horizon by midday, and the raptor speeds towards the dense treeline as fast as Jesse will allow her. They’re getting close, he knows it, the tension is palpable enough that the urgency at which Cirice moves is well informed. An hour later the black bones of the airships that […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 4.5

She takes to the raptor well.  He hadn’t been expecting much from her when she told him it would ‘be her first time’, but he can’t seem to care about those kind of semantics yet. The exemplar sits well in front of him, and props herself on the saddle horn as the raptor bounces along […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 4

She watches him unspool very carefully, like a loose thread on a bobbin, slowly spinning as it’s used and used and used until here’s nothing but bare bones left. He’s falling apart very quietly and without fanfare, the way he keeps his thoughts quiet, the fraying hairs that he hides under a worrying brim. His […]

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The silence feels cold. What a strange phrase, as if sound holds heat in any way. Yet, to her, its true. The air is still and cold here, barely stirred from the rays of light from the windows. There is no one else inside this room to help the sun with its mission of warmth […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 3

They leave before dawn, just before the sun can rise and turn the sky purple and pink with her bright arms of light, and leave through Shaemoor heading East. The wound hasn’t healed completely, and he’ll be okay with that for the time being — he’ll make do when he can, and they have the […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 2

Losses are losses, he’s made peace with this fact. Even two weeks out, he’s getting more done than he had in the same amount of time, but at the cost of being run ragged and dealing with his handler. The word still leaves a bad taste in his mouth. The charr they had lost the day […]

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[GW2] What Just Happened

Iskander Dukas was the second son of a disgraced noble house–disgraced, because his parents had been part and parcel of the White Mantle. Although he and his brother had been investigated and declared innocent, the stain on the family name wasn’t so easy to shake. How and why he’d been invited to this party was […]

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[GW2] Praxis pt. 1

He’s reloading for the trip home, just in case, casting quick glances at the charr at his feet. Cowering, but alive. A juxtaposition from the past few years where he’s watch with quiet glee at how their bodies would cave in upon themselves, and the only proof he had to bring back was a head […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Care Package Home

Dear Mum, I know I promised to write but a LOT of things have happened. So, so many. For your first question: yes, that is a thousand gold in that bag. I’ve come into a lot lately and honestly I have no use for it as a monk and I thought I would send you […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Letter to Master Gouken

Dear Master Gouken, I am writing you from the port city of Merab, in Thuvia. It’s been a while since I wrote and I am afraid it may only get more sporadic from here, considering.  However, I did want you to know I passed my second test! Master Syzoth said I “would not be able […]

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[GW2] Burden of Secrets II

Yesterday, Ambrosine had split the converted cow pasture in half, separating her raptor Trouble from his compatriot in crime, Cap’s Cirice. They got along well–too well–but Ambrosine was aware that 1) it was spring and 2) she had no idea what the raptor mating season was. She didn’t want to find out the hard way. […]

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[GW2] Burden of Secrets

Ambrosine walked into the front office of Ames Engineering. The place always amused her on some deep level–it was a very industrial space, as you’d expect, and yet…it was infused with a very subtle sense of grace. Examples of work, from rifles to Imke’s bejeweled clockwork sculptures, were strategically placed about the room. It was part business, […]

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[Pathfinder] Letter to Melda 

Hi Melda!  It’s me Emi! I found this really nice family in Absolom that sell alchemy stuff but their supplier can’t get them the supplies they need to stay in business.  I gave them your name and how to get in contact with you (through the Black Sails company) and told them you might be […]

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[Pathfinder] A letter to Drun from Absolom

A very large, extremely heavy package arrives addressed to Drun.  Inside is a note: Hi Drun! It’s me Emi!           Absolom is huge.  Like Goka huge.  There’s SO much stuff here!  I don’t think it’s a well-organized or clean as Goka but it still seems pretty nice.         Everyone here is […]

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[Pathfinder] Letter to Drun from the beach outside Chiro’s second test

Dear Drun Hi!  It’s me Emi! Our trip took us to this sorta icky island.  It’s all jungly and hot and steaming and not very comfortable to be in.  I stayed in my human body because I can’t sweat in my regular body and even though sweating is kinda gross at least it helps you […]

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Broadsword 15

The dark skies began to clear at dawn. Quietly closing his journal, the Nameless Knight made his way out. The streets were silent and not a soul in site. The voices from the night before gnawed at his mind. By the time the knight arrived at the square where he and the elder did battle […]

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Dapperest of Gnomes

Trindlewin Stringspin was the best bard this side of Whistledown, or in Lini’s opinion, all of Varisia. Or the entire world. She settled down in the corner of his house, more so a workshop, on a plush chair in the corner and picked up a book on arcane spellcasting. Trindlewin was meticulously polishing and tuning […]

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[GW2] Conscription

“You knew this was going to happen” He doesn’t look up. It is, in most aspect, like he has just been pulled from the Seraph prison block again, ragged and dirty but this time they caught him at the docks, away from the other members of the guild. From his friends, and dare he say […]

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[GW2] Entanglements

“I hate asking more favors of you.” “Sop acting like I keep track, Eury.” Ambrosine leaned forward and picked up her drink from the table, swirling it absently. She missed this bar’s old location, and view of the beach. “Though it’s been funny that we’ve seen so much of each other lately.” “You are in […]

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[World of Warcraft] Needed elsewhere

Three centuries into the future  A cloaked figure approached the memorial, a faint silver glow emanating from under the hood covering its face.  Kneeling down, the figure planted a rough-hewn stake with a small piece of leather attached at the base of the monument.  Long, slender fingers carefully began removing wind-blown debris from the area […]

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[GW2] Splinter — Deadeye

[NOTE: this journal is a direct continuation of Splinter — Reaper posted by @quorgi, and was co-written with them.] [CW: gore and torture] The snow crunches beneath their feet. A crisp, if somewhat muted sound. It is familiar to the norn, reassuring even. Something reminiscent of home and kin. But today, it feels more like […]

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[Chiro][Pathfinder] …Begins With A Single Step

Thirty: Its a very long ways to the School of the Southern Winds, on foot, up a mountain. Get Da’s book of maps he keeps for the caravan to Eto and find one of the area to take with me. “Chiro? Are you listening? You were gazing off into space. For the third time. In […]

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[Chiro][Pathfinder] The Journey of a Thousand Miles…

Chiro took a breath, and swallowed. Then she looked at Agatha from where she crouched under the table, Veleus in view. They were in position. Now Agatha had to get in range. The Gunslinger gave a cocky little grin and shoved her hat down on her hair, business time mode. She stepped onto the floor […]

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[WoW] A Tale of Two Keleoshas

Keleoshaa felt like she was falling, and then floating. She no longer felt the grip of Khafras’ hand around her throat or the pain from her wounds. What she did feel was an all-encompassing warmth and peace. She couldn’t see anything but she could feel the familiar presence – the Light. It was all around […]

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