“Hey! Put that down! THIEF! THIIIEF!!” The cry echoed through the wide antechamber, and pale faces swiveled around in one motion, locking their collective gazes upon the corner of the room. The young griffon, now the size of an adult bloodhound, was standing frozen, fluffy ears perked, eyes wide as plates, a partially chewed antique […]

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We Shall Previal

((This is the speech my priestess of Elune made at the Teldrassil memorial. I post it here for posterity – I’ll just lose it if I don’t put it somewhere. XD My friends, I must begin by thanking you for joining us in this bleak time. My name is Anapholentia and I am a priestess […]

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Forlorn, but not without Hope

           Riathan sat chained to the floor, enough slack to let him move around. The manacles were inscribed to still his magic, and prevent him from breaking free. The slack gave him the barest hint of freedom. He was dirty, his normally well trimmed goatee was now a full beard, and […]

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[GW2] One Mesmer to Another

Lord Iskander Dukas, minor noble of Divinity’s Reach, hesitated before knocking on the door the the Ames residence. He actually took half a step back and nearly tumbled down the step when the door flung open and he was greeted by the large and vibrant visage of Ingridr. “Alex! I see Jim passed on my […]

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Beware, Beware

(I just read up on the details of Admiral Proudemoore’s death, and this came to mind) But what they did not choose to realize Was how far he had fallen How he did bring the vengeance of the tides To his own ruin She begged, she begged, for them to have a peace He cast […]

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[WoW] Just One More Battle

I should be home right now. It wasn’t the first time Keleosha had thought that today, but as newly risen corpses shambled out of the green mist on the battlefield in front of her it came to her again. Moments ago, Sylvanas Windrunner, Warchief of the Horde had released the blight outside of Undercity, killing […]

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[WoW][Zetera] A Short Lived Peace and a Home Lost Parts 3 & 4

—Part 3 The Temple of the Moon: the first place I went to after I had downtime to visit Darnassus. At first my presence seemed to cause unease amongst the priestesses but more than a few recognized me from when I was among their peoples. Overtime I started to feel like I was a priestess […]

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[WoW] Fading Ember

Her home was burning. No, not her home. Her home was in Suramar where she had spent the past 10,000 years in a time anomaly. But she saw things, experienced possibilities and alternate paths. She remembered giving up magic after the Sundering and then learning it again in the bough of Teldrassil when the Cataclysm […]

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[WoW][Zetera] A Short Lived Peace and a Home Lost Parts 1 & 2

— Part 1 Zetera had spent her whole life trying to protect her home and her people. Everything she did was for them, even when they didn’t understand. Despite her imprisonment at the hands of her own people she still would sacrifice everything to save them because it was never about gratitude. When word reached […]

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Broadsword 18

The Nameless Knights muttering was cut short. The sound of iron twisting and breaking bone echoed through his ears. After nearly biting his own lip off, the knight dared to open his eyes. The sounds of gurgling and stagger steps caught his attention. The man with the prince staggered with the crossbow bolt in his […]

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WoW Thorvi: Lights

She was dropped off at the edge of the forest. For a brief moment, Thorvi could think all was well. There was a cool breeze taking off the edge of the summer heat, the smell of moss and trees and the sound of water just off in the distance.  Seconds later everything else rolled over […]

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[Ana][WoW] Night Terrors

Lordaeron. Honestly, it’s kind of a pisshole. But then, I guess after being buttfucked by the Forsaken for years, what do you expect? A figure sat, crouched on a dead white branch; the pine had long since succumbed to sickness and death. Dark was the night, starlight and moonlight both smothered by clouds, and she […]

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[WoW] Mission Report: Silithus

To:                        Justicar Arialynn Dawnfield Mission:              Expedition to Fuck Up That Big Sword Leader:               Immortal Grandmaster Highlord of All This and That Lei Pan Templars:          Professor Bixink                             Captain Quincy “Victor” Blackwald                             Esreiella “Esther” Something Or Other                             Jenidan                             Priestess Paraieta                             Selanna […]

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(WoW) Challenged

Robin walked into her sister’s house and her eyes fell on the demon hunter sleeping on the bear rug, the night elf smelled of smoke and ash and there was a mess of plates in the sink and a pile of laundry spilling almost onto the floor. She barely noticed the elf sitting at the […]

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[WoW] Lingering Horror

It was the earliest hours of the morning, but Ambrosine was awake, and standing in the kitchen making hot chocolate. She had, in fact, barely slept at all. Normally she was fine, as long as Jaffar was home but…the fresh horrors were too much. One answer was to get stupid drunk until she passed out, […]

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{WOW} The Day the World Went Dark

One moment I was holding a toy in front of a child, finally coaxing a smile from her teary face as the Light erased the last of her cut. The next, chaos reigned. The tree shuddered. The tree shuddered! *Teldrassil shuddered!* The world tree, Archdruid Staghelm’s legacy to the Keldorei, shook and groaned and burned. […]

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[WoW] No Holds Barred

Ambrosine fought her nature constantly.  …in a sense, that was her nature, as well. Her inborn heart of a healer and protector warred with the bloodthirst that had been imposed on her. But sometimes… …sometimes, like on the battlefield of Lordaeron that day… …she let the monster rule. —— “If you are suicidally reckless I […]

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[Mallory] The Fires of Change

As the mountains of Winterspring edged out of the way, the crew sensed something was wrong. The sight ahead of them was somehow off from the Teldrassil they always knew. The tree stood strong, but buzzed with hippogryphs. The Lor’danel Channel had airborne riders zipping back and forth, and there was something odd about the […]

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[WoW] Back At Them

Thraeda coughed and rolled over. She tried blinking her eyes, but her vision was blurred, indistinct. She closed her eyes again, trying to focus instead on listening. Quiet footsteps, whispers, moans of pain, cries of lamentation and anguish. A room… made of stone? That didn’t make sense, given where she just was. She blinked her […]

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[WoW] Hope on Fire

Westguard “You should stay here,” Jamethera mutters to Mina. “In Westguard?” The druid pins her with a glare. There is nothing icy about it–Mina is fierce, and restless. She flexes her fingers as if they had claws. “I’m ignoring my order’s commands to even be here right now. I will_be in the field, Jamethera. I […]

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Missing Son

Matthyas met with Shernis at Krasus’s Landing. He looked toward his friend and asked her, “Shernis, I haven’t heard from my son in awhile. Not since Teldrassil…We were having dinner three times a week, but it’s been over a week since our last. Can you see if you can track him down?” Shernis replied, “Ishnu-dal-dieb. […]

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(WOW) Peace?

Robin never made it all the way to Silithus. Her group had received a missive partway on the journey, the leader of the party had walked to the night elf in the group and pulled them aside. Robin had endured shouts of anguish for a long while without knowing the reason. At first, she didn’t […]

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Blood on Fire (Horde Perspective)

Lacime breathed deep, taking in the smell of burning wood, the ashes. Darnassus burned in the distance. It was a delightful smell, the demon hunter thought, and he couldn’t stop grinning. The orcs and forsaken and the rest of the Horde rushed towards Lor’danel, and after taking a moment to indulge the chaos, and the […]

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[WoW] Officer’s Journal # 1392

Officer’s Journal # 1392 One would think that the Horde would have taken heed to the lessons learned from the previous warchief, and not allowed the current one to repeat their mistakes. It is not so. With Garrosh, who obliterated Theramore and defiled the sacred lands of the Pandaren. Now it is Sylvanas, who has […]

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(WoW) Burning Part 2 

“That’s enough. You’ve done enough, don’t go out again.” A priestess barred Shaladine as the elf began to head back into the flames, she had just escorted a family of gilneans and a treant into the Temple. “You’ll do no one any good if you die out there.” Shaladine felt the heat from even inside […]

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