WoW Kun Yi:  Past Lives

“Sir?”  Kun peered around the tent flap, holding a helmet under her arm and looking more then vaguely concerned. Also, ugh. Her head was pounding. Thank goodness she’d been put on guard duty, although…crap, yeah, they probably knew she rolled back into camp hungover from Boralus. At least that dark skinned dwarf in the tavern […]

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[WoW] And Out of the Ashes…

Aedeminar Silvertree Reed stood on the porch of her borrowed cottage, gripping the handrail and staring off across the fields. She knew with the certainty of both a healer and a creature half-wild that labor was upon her, but she hadn’t seen fit to tell anyone about it yet. Mostly because she was allowing herself […]

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[GW2]  To Whom It May Concern

To whom it may concern, And by “whom” I mostly mean Magister Turlough, I quit. I would have written you a more developed letter about the hows and whys of my reasons for leaving the Priory’s dusty bosom, but in all honesty, I do not have the will nor the time for it. I will […]

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WoW: A Dog’s Life

There was a dog, resting it’s head on the cool grass, snoring softly in the dim light of early, early morning. Well, something like a dog, maybe a little too big, a little too rangy. Some of the locals muttered about a coyote getting a little too bold recently. There was a huff, and a […]

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(Archive) The Silver Tome

((The following is a relic from 2013, written by myself, Taldrus, Acele, Jaero, and Corran for a player-run RP order of paladins. Basically a tinier Silver Hand. We poured through books, Lore, what have you to put these together. Recently, it was brought up in roleplay (training squires!) and folks were curious, so here it […]

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Dark Rituals

A bookseller places a display inside his shop with the next title in a long string of adventure romance novels written under the pen name of Antionette Lyonard. The title ‘Dark Rituals’ is written in an embossed script on the cover, standing out over a darkened scene with it’s shining silver letters. A scene has […]

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An Illidari, a Diviner, and a K’thir walk into an underwater bar…

Ryo involuntarily shivered as another splash of water hit him. Each splash soaked him a little more which made the icy wind feel as if it were cutting deeper. As an Illidari he was adept at gliding through the air with his wings so dealing with wind wasn’t a problem. He was however not at […]

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[WoW] Eidane Stormhoof – Journal 1

My father was a great Tauren.   He stood tall as the mesas on which Thunder Bluff rests, and his smile was bright while his frown was storm and thunder.  His name was Houl Stormhoof, and he died on the Broken Shore, fighting the Legion, and ensuring that I and many others came home.   Often he […]

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[WoW] – A letter to Arialynn Dawnfield, Justicar

This letter arrives by courier, alongside the war and situation dispatches from the 7th Legion and Alliance activities on Kul Tiras: To Justicar Dawnfield, Greetings : I have had the distinctly mixed pleasure of meeting several of your Templars in the field.  Most are courteous and professional, and both as per orders and personal bent, we […]

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A letter to Zen Fateshifter

A relatively young female elf drops a note with an attached envelope off at the front desk of Fateshifter Industries addressed to a Mr. Zen Fateshifter. Zen, Please accept my most sincere apologies. I was given this message many years ago to give to you. I can only assume the trauma of the occurance that […]

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[WOW] Aftermath (Saashenka)

The phrase “old gods” was something weighted, but otherwise benign on its own. The words individually were harmless. Though when they were strung together, heads might turn in skepticism, but dismiss them in favor of more immediate and pressing matters. Their world was yet again consumed by war, afterall. What an endless cycle. Yet Saashenka […]

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The letter read: Commander –  These are for you.  I have seen you giving things away.  But your right shoulder strap snapped yesterday, and your clothes are worn.  You were telling me that “looking good feels good” and while I cannot attest to the efficacy of that as I do not feel it, I can […]

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WoW: Adyren: Shanty

She leaned her head against the cool wall. No water today, it seemed, but there was enough damp in the air, thank goodness… A pale hand reached out and up through the single, tiny window, fog gently swirling around it like the soft song winding through the air.  “Farewell and adieu to you, Stormwind ladies […]

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[GW2]  Never Again

This was it. One whole year in the making, and he was finally seeing the end of it. One whole year after that little bounty slip up. He’d been cocky, had underestimated his target, got caught. His staff: smashed. An ebony shaft with a mithril head with rune-carved moon crescents, and dangles of pure silver. […]

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[GW2] A Treatsie On Bone Healing for Jin

Forgive me Jin–calling this a treatsie is a bit arrogant, but it sounded better than “my rambling thoughts”. There are many books and papers on this topic in the Priory but they are also all terribly dry, so I didn’t think you’d mind if I whipped up something a bit more colloquial? I’m not sure how […]

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[GW2] Further Education

Tove managed, somehow, to sprawl in the chair across from Ambrosine’s desk. “I just hate leaving you right now.”  Ambrosine snorted softly. “I’m fine, just off field duty. Unless someone comes crawling in on death’s door–again–I can handle anything here. Jin’s on hand and if I need anything major, I’ll call in Mina. Riathan is […]

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[WoW] The Meeting In Winterspring

Mosur had already shrugged off the chill of Winterspring by the time he returned home. “Sorry I’m late,” he called from the front door. “I didn’t know how long it would take Dictator to get there.” He followed up as he passed through the small house and into the kitchen. He grinned as he watched […]

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Welcome to Drustvar

Auris knew something was wrong before making landfall in Drustvar, she felt it best to follow the local channels of travel, in this case, and had found it extremely difficult to charter a ride to the shores. After handing over a hefty sum of gold and diverting a rather large and menacing shark from the […]

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WoW: Aedryn Introduced

She opened her eyes with a brief inrush of air and…exhale, drawing her hand quickly back from the small, glowing blue crystal orb. Marvelous stuff, this Azerite. Light knew she felt poorly for taking advantage of the world’s wound, but this crystal had already been shaped and readied by another of the less scrupulous of […]

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Mortals (Claret)

Insulting.  There is something to laud in every magic, but some are more deserving than others. The swell from my battle with The Burning Legion carried me back to Azeroth with a thrill I’ve not felt in centuries. My cup overflows and I relish the contentment. I was right to anticipate just how much the […]

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[WoW] Prelude to Exile

 Velaenna blinked, consciousness slowly returning as her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room. Her eyes darted around, trying to identify her surroundings. Her mind still felt groggy from sleep that she didn’t recall willingly choosing, but her trained senses were already ahead of the rest of her, taking in the sights, smells, […]

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[Mallory] A New Beginning

“You’ve never been like this before.” “Shut up.” “See?” Emma frowned as Mallory glared up at her through glazed-over eyes. “You weren’t there!” Mallory fired back, pointing a shaking finger in vaguely her direction. “You didn’t… You didn’t see…” As Mallory sat on a bench in front of the bar on a ship bound for […]

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[GW2]  Reforged — Part 2

His feet sank deep, crunch, crunch, crunch, dark legs clad in dark and stained in white, disappearing in the thick white below. Norn loved the cold, this was a well known fact. Yet, this norn was wearing one extra layer of fur over his clothes, plus a long cape that dragged in the snow and […]

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[GW2] Reforged — Part 1

[The events of that journal happen between the end of Path of Fire and before the end of LW season 4] ————————————————————————————————————————————————— It twitched. Among all the things Fiel had witnessed when retrieving the arm, this was what bothered him the most: it twitched. Still. The metallic limb rested over the little research station the […]

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Mosur writes as Janderius

Written based on an idea by Casey [link] wherein I have taken another players character and written based on what I know of RPing with the character. Written with permission from Janderius. Journal can only be called canon at Janderius’ player’s discretion. Thank you. “Catch you later. Don’t go dying between now and tomorrow.” Janderius […]

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