World of Warcraft [Seella] – Elune-Adore

Seella walked quietly through the Cathedral, working her way over to the elves and the Gilneans who’d made it through the portal. Despair and pain tried to lodge themselves in her heart at the sight of all of the injured, dying, and dead. They will need you to be strong for them. The compassion in […]

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[Aunne] Retreat

Aunne loved elves. Not that she’d ever admit it, especially to the great tall huggy one, but she did. There was something about how they moved that made her feel graceless; something about how they lived that made her half-remember how to live herself. There was a joy in them that, even when they were […]

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WoW Thorvi: The Hunt

Thorvi tightened the leathers about her waist, brow furrowed and fussing over the belt. This was…strange. Leathers were for light sparring, not for real battle. Not for *work*…but Joi DID wear leather an awful lot and that was probably okay for her… “This too.” A hand shoved what would turn out to be snug fitting […]

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(WOW) Burning Part 1.

Teldrassil was a mass of panic, Shaladine followed the ancient priestess through the streets. “Grandmother….” “If you’re going to complain, demon hunter, then go back to the Temple.” Alene Rainewind’s voice was harsh and hurried. There was a hint of smoke in the air. It seemed too close. “I just don’t understand why we’re here […]

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(WoW) Darkshore

Auris  stared down at the corpse of an orc warrior, his throat was purple from where the roots had strangled him. Her daughter, Ayelinn, was limping over from her encounter with a goblin, which lay whimpering on the grass, a throwing dagger landed in his chest to silence him, Star appeared by Auris a moment […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Missives and Meditations

The inn, Walter’s, was back to normal now, with the night outside making the candles in the window and the fireplace rosy and homelike against the dark. Chiro sat quietly at a table by the fire, a cooling cup of tea next to her elbow and her tail draped over her shoulder. Around her lay […]

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[WoW] Smoke

She was the fourth one through the portal, after Shaw gave the order – “Reports are in that the Horde is moving on Silithicus -they’re taking the sword.  I need to know where they are, and how long we have.”   The Alliance mages may not have had the raw might of the Kirin Tor?  But […]

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[WoW] Less Strategic Retreat

Tears tracked down Jamethera’s face as she held her high ground in Darkshore. Although she had not lived there for years, Ashenvale was home. And the enemy had marched right through it. Oh, doubtless her little hut–her mother’s home–was intact, out in the woods as it was. For now. But what did this mean? Where […]

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[WoW] Strategic Retreat

The treehouse swayed as someone came in hot, slamming into the branch hard enough to make the wood creak. Mina’s head snapped up, especially once she caught a flash of translucent purple outside the window–netherdrake wing. ​Jezrynaku. Mina heaved herself off the couch, letting the caving she’d been working on fall from her fingers. The […]

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[GW2] No Straight Answers

Rikvi walked into Riathan’s office and took a deep breath. She had tried scrying in her office at the Priory and gotten nothing. All the tools in the world couldn’t forge a connection. But this…yes, this would do. She felt around in her pouches for what she needed. No, not the scrying bowl. Nor the […]

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[Mallory] Moving Out

Mallory glanced once more over the documents before her, having gone over them in detail numerous times already. Satisfied that there was nothing more she would catch, or at least that any further adjustments would not yield any real improvement, she gave a curt nod to them and folded them in half, stashing them in […]

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Void Where Prohibited

It was noisier than Silvermoon. Was it noisier? It seemed that way. It looked bigger but smaller too. More crowded. It smelled. What were those smells? The sea, someone cooking something, the body odor of the man that just passed by. And why was it so loud? Tala hated Stormwind already. They were walking through […]

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[GW2] In Plain Sight

8:04 am – Red Rabbit exits through the front door. Roughly the same time as the previous mornings. After years of honing the craft, Reed was well-acquainted with all the most important components required to make a convincing disguise. Even with the target being completely unfamiliar with his identity, he knew it would be foolish […]

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[GW2] Doldrums

A dim lamp situated atop the desk was the only light source to be found within the cramped confines of the modest office. It barely illuminated the surface of the desk itself, let alone allowing its rays to stray even a few feet into the rest of the room. The collective din of the evening […]

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{Conan Exiles} Aithne’s Journal Entry 1

Hvat has made paper, of sorts. I have not given up on finding a papyrus tree so we can simply pull down sheets of real paper but Hvat shows no signs of making that a priority. Not that it should be since the raid that cleared the southern home of supplies – we have enough […]

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Enchantment: A Study

The room was quiet. No windows, but plenty of warm and soft light. The walls were covered in book shelves and other knickknacks of varying origin. A feint smell of incense hung in the air. A sturdy love seat and single chair were on opposite sides of the center table. On it, a small kettle […]

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Null and Void

It was approaching dusk when Katlynn got back to the camp. The tent hadn’t been disturbed and was still hidden by the brush she’d placed around it. She stepped over the nearly invisible tripwire in her path, taking note that the others hadn’t been disturbed either. Kneeling down next to the tent’s opening she peered […]

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[GW2] Catching Up The Masses

Imke gathered them in the guild hall–as many as she knew ran with the Vanguard, and those she thought might be useful. Ambrosine, haggard after a lengthy Priory mission and no sleep upon her return. Her wife Jess, standing beside her with a mug of coffee. Rikvi, who was staring off into space…only actually she […]

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Gloved hands tap her jawline as Gallant walked about the walkways of the Ministry, whispering thoughts and schemes to no one with no real solutions and success. She was called in for another look over of her notes from the deeper desert, about Joko and his troops, but she could care less. During her travel […]

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[Conan Exiles] Where To Even Begin

The paper is rough and the ink weak, but the words are carefully written: Aithne and I began scouting for a new place to live. The place where we live now is all well and good, if all you need in life is water, turtle meat, and stone. Yet I crave some semblance of civilization […]

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Broadsword 17

The Nameless Knight awoke with a start. His head pounding with pain, his hands tied, and his eyes blinded with cloth. A sudden lurch upward sent pain through him again. “Where am I?” A kick to the chest nearly had him retching. “MY LORD! The… prisoner is awake.” This voice was new. “Oh good. I […]

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[GW2] Further Training

“I don’t think I can train you, Tove.” Tove flashed Ambrosine an over-dramatic pouty  face. “Why not? I know Mina is a student of yours.” “After a fashion. But there’s still key differences between my magic and hers. Most of what I teach her is healing of the more mundane sort, so that we don’t […]

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[GW2] Vanguard Debrief Target: Forgemantle

   Attention all members of the Vanguard, Rank Shieldbearer and Above. Below is the current debrief of our interactions with our current target, Forgemantle.     We’ve already had several run-ins with this Awakened General. First introducing himself as Lord Galleyfrax the Magnificent, Render of Souls and Scourge of the Living, second only to Lord Joko. […]

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Jin Joins the Dawn

There’s something different this time.  Mister’s tasks are usually one-offs.  Go do a silly thing that turns out  to hold something important, think about it, get better at the Grenth stuff thanks to it, go home and tend  shop. Sometimes I wonder if he’s just making it up as he goes along, and what the […]

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[Pathfinder] Letter to Coira from Absolom

Coira, Because Chiro is my friend and she adores you, I decided to write this. Sarenrae teaches that everyone deserves a chance at redemption but it’s up to you to achieve that redemption. I’m not sure if you understand that (granted it’s been less than a week), so I thought I’d give you an idea […]

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