WoW Nynkasi: Summoning III

The air was filled with smoke. Hot. Hotter then the forge, hotter then she could stand. Which was strange, being Dark Iron… The lava pools in the heart of the city, shadows, thick, hot smoke. Shouting. Silhouettes gesturing.  The ground was cracked and broken. Smouldering in places. She stumbled, lips cracked, hair limp and strangling. […]

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A Time to Sow

For every time, there is a season. A time to sow, and a time to harvest. A time to hate, and a time to love. A time to kill, and a time for mercy. So it is for the City. The Walker looked upon the width and the breadth of its City, and gathered itself, […]

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An Ancient Ritual 

“FENIX!” That word alone, the name he gives to summon him, caught the elemental’s attention. “I SUMMON YOU! COME NOW!” A sign, an offering, a conduit… Nothing. A scribed circle, carved runes, sharp copper offered freely. Old magic. A sacrifice of blood and an open gateway. He answered the call, erupting from the center of […]

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Related Reading: Twilight, Nether Walk, Autumn Red — Everything was hazed at its edges. Colors were vibrant but bled the moment anything moved. Like cloth traveling through water, everyone moved at languid pacing. The scene would be beautiful if not for the knot of dread in Idella’s stomach. For every one of their steps, she […]

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Autumn Red

Feeling a chill in the sweet summer air, she rose from her weaving and breathed in the breeze. It smelled of the crisp decay of Autumn. Yes — harvest celebrations would come soon. Craning her head to the sky, she spied a sun hanging too low for a proper summers day. Yes — another sign […]

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[WoW] Until It’s Gone

The ocean roared and crashed against the rocks below Westguard and the cliffs behind the keep were still broken and collapsed after Zenruid’s defences were triggered, damage the shaman had intended to fix while he was there; resettle the earth and stone, at least for to ensure the integrity of the keep’s foundations. The purpose […]

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WoW Nynkasi: Summoning II

What the hell. Open your eyes. Maybe there are other truths. That wasn’t right. That wasn’t, couldn’t be *truth*. How could he do this?! She stormed through the forests south of Boralus, eyes filled with hot tears, fists clenched, leaving a trail of soot and ash behind her. Balegrim had…had said such bullshit! He was […]

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Morning Escape

Over the past couple weeks Mosur had been watching the patrols and the men on the wall. He knew their patrol times, their patrol routes, when they changed shifts, and which ones were slack at their jobs, especially when the Marshal wasn’t on the wall. That’s really what he had to wait for. Jarrick often […]

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WoW Nynkasi: Summoning

Bastard! Summoning? ASKING? She growled and kicked more stones as she stomped back to her quarters. Damn this stupid, horrible, weak, soft, wet place! Damn it! There was no *real* forge, no towering spires of stone and flame and heat, there was only the small apartment near the pit where the human “forgemaster”, ha!, did […]

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Elemental Experiments

Mosur sat in meditation; they were no longer in Duskwood. He had been told the mage Mystery was looking for Sielic and that it wouldn’t be long before he arrived. As far as the shaman knew he left nothing to be detected by, no latent magic, no trail, and the weather had been dry so […]

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Elemental Experiments pt2. Fenix

“You must be getting desperate shaman.” The elementals words crackled through the air, the language was throaty and each word that reached the shaman’s ear was sharp. “What would make you assume that?” His response was even keel and he kept to Kalimag rather than the language of fire. The small spark still sat beside […]

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Elemental Experiments pt3. Full Set

He waited till the elemental left of its own accord, the flame flickered once then faded. Mosur grabbed the small fire totem stuffing it back into his robe. With a sigh he laid back. It had taken longer than he’d expected to get a willing participant. He was only prepared to damn himself so much, […]

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Witches and Druids

 White fire broke the lock on the witch’s cage. A trail of remains of the foul wicker creations were left in her wake. The man in the cage trembled and dashed out past her. “Wait!” The man didn’t pause, he ran, stumbling over bones and sticks and gore. The wicker beast leapt from the shadows […]

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[GW2] — The Hunter and The She-Wolf

Fiel told him not to touch the plants. Those giant maguuma lilies and poisoned orchids, so majestic, each pastel petal and frilly leaf exuding the savage and untamed majesty of the jungle. However, he didn’t say anything about the berries. With Mer in tow, Farrin had explored the area around the reclusive pool, and found […]

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WoW Nynkasi: Introductions

*Screaming, as usual. Mother and Father, in the foreroom, shouting. Walls shaking with energy, cracking with Father’s power. Shadows swirling around Mother’s voice. Brother sitting on the end of her bed, tucking her in while she held a pillow clamped tightly around her ears. It wasn’t helping. Brother, silent as he was, rising up, stone […]

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New old Family by Esti and Zen

Long ago… Reports lad scattered across the table as the ancient Kaldorei sat, blank parchment in front of her. Another letter sat off to the side, already sealed, addressed to Zen Fateshifter. Her fingers moved over to it, gracefully drifting over his name. “I’m so sorry my Boomcat. Please forgive me for not letting you […]

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[GW2]  –  An Unexpected Visit

“Father?!” Right before partaking in the rather rattling paranormal experience in Ebonhawke’s graveyard with the guild, Fiel had been informed that Farrin, his father, had popped up in the Gilded Hollow, unexpectedly, and was now wandering among its golden spires, taking in the sights. After a quick search at the communal areas upon his return, […]

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[GW2] – Flight Lesson

“Come on, Mer! You can do it… catch!” Once again the necromancer’s arm arched over his head, and once again, the grotesque flesh abomination –stitched together from two fruit bat carcasses, the skull of a dead cat he found, and the tendons of a fleshreaver he killed in the Shiverpeaks– followed the gesture, leaping from […]

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[GW2] Regrets Were Had

Tove emerged from a secluded little grotto, muttering curses under her breath. “Communicating with spirits is obnoxious. How do you put up with it?” Rikvi was quiet for a full minute before she answered. “Communicating with me is obnoxious. How do you put up with it?” Tove put her hands on her hips. “I’m used […]

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Kilsandre’s Story part 3 – One Bad Decision Can Change Your Life

I can’t say that I’m fond of Fiona. I’ve never thought of myself as the jealous type but something about her prickles my skin. Sure, she seemed nice enough when we met her two months ago as we entered the Plaugelands but she keeps making eyes at Trevor. Every time she looks at him – […]

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Kilsandre’s Story part 2 – It Was the Best of Times, It was the Best of Times

We learned many things in the land of the dwarves. The first of those lessons was the difference between dwarves and gnomes, and how upset the latter can be if you assume they are the former. And how hard it is to keep from laughing in the face of their adorable indignation. The second lesson […]

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Kilsandre’s Story part 1 – To Be a Hunter

I was eleven when Lordaeron fell. I remember the day the news came like it was yesterday. The hushed voices of the adults, the weeping that they thought the children didn’t notice. The news, when they finally told us, didn’t mean much to me. A few aunts, uncles, and cousins I barely remembered meeting had […]

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[GW2] – A Letter From Father

To my dearest and only son, I hope this missive find you in good health, and good fortune, both you and the little fluff ball. I have a most wonderful news for you! (Your mother insisted that I do not bother you with this, claiming it really isn’t any of your business, but how could […]

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[GW2] – A Present

It wasn’t even meant for him at first. Just a little side project to explore the application of necromantic and soul-based energies, something to help him understand powers greater than his own. The idea later came to him when he noticed he could make it move while still having a body. He already used the […]

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WoW Issy: Stowaway

Well, shit. Four paws hit the cobblestones and a wealth of familiar smells hit her nose. Cue drool. Getting here wasn’t an issue, nor was finding clothes again, although clothes felt so damn weird these days. There were so many mages and portals and carts and ships…granted, mage portals cost you an arm and a […]

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