Hallow’s End: A Ghost Story

Sielic sighed audibly at being approached by a stranger. He wore very unobtrusive, simple clothing with a hood drawn up to obscure much of his face. He carried an unlabeled jug in one hand, the smell of alcohol strong in the air. The societal expectation of politeness saw the man raise his hand and grasp […]

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[GW2] The King Isn’t The Only Mad One

Fall has fully set in over Tyria, and even just walking through the streets of Hoelbrak, you can notice a difference in the air. The chilly breeze is sharpening its edge, preparing for the bitter cold of winter to settle in. Tove can’t wait. All of the recent Pact activities in those cursed hot lands […]

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The Path Less Taken (Probably)

Fall has fully set in over the Eastern Kingdoms, and even just walking through the streets of Stormwind you can notice a difference in the air. The strong smell of nutmeg and cinnamon are impossible to miss, and there is an excitement that seems to work its way through the people. The harvest was bountiful […]

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Belton’s New Bow

Our team had fought bravely through the army of face latching Rattus minions in order to confront their leader, the mad Rat King! Unfortunately in our climactic battle, we found our weaponry lacking. It was only thanks to the clever tactic of ‘throw random potions at it and hope for the best’ we were able […]

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Aelflaed – Tales of Childhood

(Seven years) Rain pounded the roof, but inside the tiny house were four people (and one large dog) in relative warmth considering the weather. The front room served as both kitchen and living room, and a tall, redheaded man snoozed in a chair in one corner by the fire, his little son sitting on the […]

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WoW: Adyren

Where the waters fall and tides surge Where darkness breeds in deep bound wave Where starlight dies and moon lies cold Whispers are there, songs of void There was no fear when the beast dropped her in the water, even fully clothed, the robes dragging her down. There was some sorrow for the creature, though. […]

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Always [Idella]

The following is the in-character journal by Idella. She is penning about recent in-game events. Following this journal entry, Idella notably goes very scarce on the ship, no longer lurking in the corners she’s usually found. This detail is being included for roleplay hook purposes.  It’s always something like this. So many people don’t know […]

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I Was Scared [Idella]

The following is the in-character journal of Idella, my warlock in WoW: Retail. For the purpose of plot hooks to get into her story, if your character is aboard the Scarlet Dirge (a ship captained by Thraeda’s Kul Tiran, Morlen, Idella often steals herself away for journal writing late at night in the tide sage […]

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What Was I Thinking? [Idella]

The following is the in-character journal of Idella in WoW Retail. She writes often and can be found doing so, but she’s been very good at keeping the journal to herself. If interrupted during writing sessions, she hastily shoves the journal into the side satchel she keeps on her person at all times. I include […]

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Do They? [Idella]

The following is an IC journal by my witch, Idella. She’s been writing often while aboard the Scarlet Dirge with the crew, but only when alone. An interruption usually results in her hiding away the book into the side satchel of reagents and other supplies she keeps on her person. I add these details so […]

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[GW2] I Mean, He’s Not Dead, So I Restrained Myself

He stood there. He dared to stand there and proudly proclaim his words for all passers by to hear. “You continue to live in fear. In open defiance of a greater being. But I ask you this: why fear that which can make you stronger? Why not embrace the ultimate spirit? Transcend your existence and forge your […]

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Broadsword Epilogue: Grandmaster Shao

The gates to the School of the North slowly creaked open. Though the room was dark and her students were silent, neither of these things impeded the Jiang Shi’s senses. She could hear the rustle of their robes and see them all in the dark clear as day. A single student stepped forward and bowed. […]

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[GW2] Baaaaby Skyscales

Not one, but two rangers occupied a secluded corner of the Vanguard’s guild hall.  Secluded, but not quiet. Five adolescent skyscales scampered around, hopping from rocks to sand to water and back again.  “How did you end up doing this, again, Tove?” Kolfinna peeled off her jacket so that she could more easily chuck a […]

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A Mysterious Post…

JOURNAL: Pastry jujubes sesame snaps marzipan candy canes icing soufflé cupcake cupcake. Icing tart dragée cupcake pie sweet roll macaroon muffin powder. Sesame snaps macaroon bear claw wafer pie topping. Cake donut cupcake cheesecake gingerbread biscuit caramels dessert tart. Marshmallow cake croissant sweet candy pastry chocolate bar croissant. Marshmallow cake topping. Chupa chups toffee cupcake […]

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[GW2] Two Birds, One Espionage

How long has it been. It’s the thought that repeats through the Guardian’s head as she messes with the buttons and laces of her uniform, tying knots and tightening the belts to hold her coat in place. The Ministry had called her in, requesting an update on the dragons, and if there was any way […]

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Broadsword Epilogue: Melda

The sun slowly crept up over the horizon. A fine morning in the town of Stags Fall. After a merry evening with all the people she liked, Melda ended up staggering out of the bar in search of bacon. With a pounding headache and blurred vision, she woke from her slumber. The hobgoblin cleared her […]

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WoW Nynkasi: That Asshole

Nyn stomped around her camp, swearing quietly as she gathered together materials to fill the forge pit. Godsdamn that over glorified ember. Oh here’s something important you might like! Oh sure, take it and just fucking nod and leave. Ass. She glared at the logs until they burst into flame. It was getting too damn […]

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[Pathfinder] Epilogue: Charity Torrington

She missed them already.This was the realization Charity had as she walked up the path to the Torrington estate, already wondering what antics the others would get up to today.She had shown courage, she knew. In facing Mortivox, and later against Leon. Being scared to death, and doing the right thing anyway. And who knew? […]

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Sun Li Ecelli’s Story chapter 1: “Ecelli” Means Forsaken

 “You should have let us remove this abomination, Priestess.” “No. No matter where it came from, it is still a life.” “You know your father will never allow…” “He must. The goddess demands it.” “Does the Elven Council always accede to the goddess’ demands? Besides, if the goddess is so concerned about every life, then […]

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[Pathfinder] The Deep Breath

The ground and building shook with the rumbling and crashing of the two massive dragons clashing outside. As everyone stilled their movements and held their breaths in the tense moments in the entry of the “church,” Charity squinted through the curtain and could just make out the silhouette of Mortivox in the next room.  This […]

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[GW2] — Demonblight

[ CW: violence, gore… sexual themes? ] —————————————————————————————– He nearly missed that jump. If it weren’t for his clawed talons, he would have been tumbling down a several hundred feet high drop. Maybe he would have gotten lucky, and landed on one of the huge dessicated coral tables jutting out from every side of the […]

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[Nightpetal] Awakened

In the swirl of battle, it was all too easy to become separated – but it had happened before, and it didn’t truly bother Nightpetal like it used to. Cael was quite capable of taking care of herself, thank you very much, and she trusted her to come back in one piece, whatever happened. At […]

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[GW2] A Letter to Koryander

Dearest Koryander, May I beg a favor of you? There’s a woman of my acquaintance who could benefit from your expertise. I– Look, I don’t know why I started writing this like it was my normal correspondence. You’re no idiot noble I have to pretend manners at. The older sister of one of my dearest […]

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[GW2] – A Letter Addressed to R. Ingrams

The letter is penned in a fine script, though it is too precise to be hand written. Penned either by magic or machine is uncertain, but the ink is a deep purple that is almost black until the light hits it a certain way, and on a crisp parchment. Mr. Reed Ingrams, It has come […]

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WoW Lulyeta: Meeting

They didn’t doubt her devotion to the Light or her fervour, no. She was not a fighter, no armor wielding paladin for sure, and that had raised some concern. She was instructed in some martial arts, but her focus remained on the Light and channelling it for the good work of her people. She tried, […]

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