[GW2] — Gone Home  (by Fiel and Maddace)

When Fiel comes home, he finds the tiny hut tucked under the great deck of the Great Lodge of Hoelbrak empty, and cold. It’s unusual, and would have been extremely worrying, had he not found the note left on the bed, penned in the broad, sharp handwriting of his mother: Gone to Farrin His mother […]

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Confirming A Theory

Tiffina Tinkerton sat at her workbench, examing the operations manual for yet another gadget she had been working on lately.   The S.N.O.R.E. device she had built for her friend Halonan had been a rousing success story despite the lack of beta testing.  While lesser engineers would call that blind luck, Tiffina knew better. There was […]

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[Aunne] Questions

That night, wind was out of the north, sweeping down out of the mountains – clear and cold, certainly, but also pushing the ever present scents of fish and sailors and a city on the water out over the ocean. It made for a pleasant (if chilly) night, with stars high above echoed in the […]

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Fightin’ Words [pt 2]

It was a blur to her eyes. One moment she can feel her lips curl and the acid dancing on her tongue. The next… She was going to need a new desk. The blade was so embedded into the wood that it was splitting it down the center, and with each small exhale or tug […]

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Fightin’ Words [pt 1]

It still hurts. Gallant was in her office, leaning back in the creaking chair with her head put back and eyes closed. Her face twists with a slight hiss as her fingers run over the bandages underneath her clothes, careful not to push too hard against the bruises that were the reason for such medical […]

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Hallow’s End: El Fin

Sielic rummaged through several bags, removing various herbs and liquids.  He organized it on a nearby table that the void elf owned.  Incense, holy oil, holy water, mineral salts, and more began to pile onto the table.  He murmured quietly to himself, but spoke to the void elf regularly. “I do not even know your […]

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Hallow’s End: More Dreams

“Alright, this isn’t natural, even if you’re as stressed as you say you are.” Sielic frowned at the void elf, and paced in the small room.  They had arrived at their domicile and Sielic was talking through their dreams with them.   “I have been dealing with these strange dreams and nightmares for a few weeks, […]

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[Aunne] A report to the commanders – 

(The common words are .. well.  Better.  Well formed, but the parchment’s a bit of a mess of ink.  And.. what smells like mageroyal essence?  And what in the world is that stain?  Is that blood?  Surely not.) Arialynn and Acele –  Sielic was to being out and about – and looking very well!  But […]

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[WoW] Call to Action: Hillsbrad

Mosur exhaled again as they took off. He wasn’t sure how Sielic or either of the death knights had arrived. He and Zaanthe had rented a pair of griffons to make the trip in a timely manner and now he was glad for it. He’d hoped at first all the strangeness of the camp and […]

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[GW2] — Rime and Madness

He sucks the air through his teeth and bunches up the fur around his neck. The frigid lodge barely warms up, Fiel’s meager fire is not enough to fight the dragon’s icy taint on the ravaged home. It’s eerily silent. No light, save for the little flames at his feet. Charred remnants of hunting trophies […]

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(World of Warcraft) Camped in the Valley

There was very little activity in the area from Horde forces.  Military actions had clearly taken their toll, with little from either side to be spared for a tent camp in the middle of a valley in a mountain range.  A small number of soldiers in Alliance plate patrolled the camp.  Sielic found little sleep […]

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(World of Warcraft) Journey Northward

Sielic received the missive, and sent a reply.  It took a few days, but the response eventually arrived.   The letter read, To Sielic Trugran, The remains in question bore a ring with the name Trugran inscribed on the inside band.  We require your assistance to determine if any of the recovered can be identified, and […]

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Everything Is Fine (Idella)

The following is the in-character journal writings of Idella. This was written in the upstairs apartments of her new shop in Boralus’ Uptown Borough.  He said he’d rather not know than get either of us hurt. Does that mean I can ask the other question of the creature instead of ask about Daisy? No, that’s […]

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Hallow’s End: On The Road Again

The void elf and Sielic left from the Asheton party, a quiet cobblestone path ahead of them.  The void elf abruptly began spilling his life story as Sielic escorted him home from the party.  The void elf had been having very troubling dreams, dark and creeping.   “The dreamscape gets shrouded in all this darkness, and creeper […]

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[GW2] A String of Unfortunate Events

“Wolf’s teeth,” Tove snarled, as her last spare bowstring snapped. “Did water get into my satchel? What the hell is going on?” Thankfully it has just been a practice shot to test the tension, or things might have been a little more awkward.  She tied her bow to her raptor’s saddlebags, taking out her sword […]

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(World of Warcraft) A Missive

To Whom It May Concern, During recent scouting and recovery operations and efforts in and around the Hillsbrad area, several remains have been discovered. We have reason to believe you may have knowledge of the deceased and would ask that you please come and attempt to identify the remains. In Service,Jacob MooreAlliance Clerk of Court […]

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(World of Warcraft) A Tale Begun

Sielic sat in the Church of Holy Light in Stormwind, head bowed and hood up, in deep meditation.  His frame was bent, slumped under the weight he bore.  He wore simple robes that clung to an emaciated frame, his body ravaged by lack of sleep, food, and an excess of alcohol.  He had not been […]

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[GW2] — Letter to Nemo

Nemo You don’t need to keep hurting. I’ve seen how it affects you, your life. For a long time, I thought that bearing the pain was what made one strong. That suffering was the way towards progress. Towards fulfillment. Towards redemption. It’s not. Pain holds you back. It cripples you, beyond the physical. It took […]

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Hallow’s End: The Asheton Party

The Asheton Hallow’s End party sprawled out in front of Sielic as he entered the building.  Masks, disguises, and costumery filled the house with revelers expressing glee as they reveled.  People were sharing foods and drinks, stories and jokes.  Sielic slowly slipped through the crowd, listening to the party-goers’ conversations, and exchanging small talk and […]

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CYOA Week 1 – Vigilant

It wasn’t often that Zaanthe found himself walking through the streets of Stormwind. He wasn’t a great fan of the city, in truth; he thought it dull and unremarkable. A color-washed grey that did little to inspire any emotion in the draenei, but the city did have its uses. Work was easy to find where […]

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[Aunne] Madness

It always amazed her, really, how people insisted she was something other than she was. “You aren’t a monster!” they would insist, or “don’t you want to join us for dinner?” “Have a drink!” was her personal bane – she never knew what to do. Refusing usually led people to being insulted or, worse, to […]

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Zen, Ryo, and Weedy Hallows End CYOA

((Due to the need for colored text the story has to be read in google docs.)) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YE0dwPMhZMiKzDvkT_6KTmbBb7nkdBa8S0lbr9kZVig/edit?usp=sharing Attend the parth

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[Nightpetal, Caelryn] The Brewer’s Tale

(this cyoa prompt is being handled through discord arpeez.  SO!  If the tense or formatting is off, blame me entirely. – ed.) Ironforge – Harvest Festival: “Oh, dear Celestials – Cael, you have got to taste this. I think this is the most amazing thing /ever/.” Petal has a mug. That’s not unusual when the […]

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The Stranger

          Within the sprawling layout of Stormwind’s courthouse, one particular office seemed to always have its door closed. It wasn’t of particular note, being amongst other similar rooms and rather remote in location. In fact, before the unfortunate addition of a plaque to the left of the door, most of the […]

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[GW2] The Creeping Frost

((Compiled from the IC Discord chat, as written by Quorgi, Blu, and myself. Minor edits for spelling, punctuation, and clarity.)) Somewhere, back at the guild hall, there’s a very angry norn barkeeper fending off a bright blue griffon with a broom. He’s definitely not paid enough to deal with rogue mounts. Tove’s jaunty whistle dies […]

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