
The news comes at dawn. The way has opened towards the west, deeper into the mountains. Deeper into Bjora. Gather what you have and follow the commanders.  Come to me.A bite down on the scar that remains on the lip, a push as the helmet settles in place upon her head. Around her they move, […]

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Test Subject

Lena’s Office, Boralus Lena has an office, just up from the firepit and the whiskey-seller who always seems to have the rarest bottles in stock. It’s a modest place, tucked under a boarding-house with only a few rooms, near a wide garden. Leaving the door open (as she is wont to do) lets the scent […]

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Picking up the pieces

Upon entering the Vindicaar, there was an uncanny silence. Even the constant humming of the engine that powered the ship seemed strangely muted. There was a pair of Lightforged guards waiting for her. “Come, we have been waiting for you,” one simply said to Elli and gestured for her to step between them.The Lightforged standing […]

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Broadsword Epilogue: Aust

So… I tried to kill myself. Nothing new except I didn’t realize what I had done until after the hammer dropped and that Agatha girl looked at me like I just kicked her dog. She wasn’t lying. The ammunition had gone bad. After the battle at Renchurch, we parted ways on… well okay terms? Pretty […]

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The steps sounded lightly over the ever-present hum that is the engine that powered the Vindicar. Captain Fareeya turned to see who it was approaching her. Looking down from the console she attended, she considered the man, and nodded. “Grand Marshal Acele, it is good that you are here. I must admit that I did […]

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A Feast

“Are you mad.” “No. I’m going back.” Bristling. It’s about the only thing that comes to mind about the feeling that comes across her skin. Bristling, energy crawling under the layers and struggling to find its escape. It ran through over and over, and all it did was make her pace. Gal had locked herself […]

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[GW2] Weaver – Prologue

“What you can’t cleanse with fire, save with water.” It was a silly thing his father used to say when they cleared the fields for spring planting. Burn the brush. Water the fields. Till the earth. Wait for the storm. And Roderik thought maybe it was then he felt a strong interest in the dichotomy […]

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[GW2] Pass the Banner

They spoke quietly over Ambrosine’s desk in the infirmary. “…don’t feel guilty, Tove.” Ambrosine gave her friend a gentle smile. “I can throw my armor back on for this.” “But the babies-“ “Aren’t babies anymore, and they need a world to live in.” She reached across the desk and put a hand on Tove’s arm. […]

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[GW2] — Lethe

Fiel is sitting at the edge of the pool, chin in hands. Thinking. He is thinking back to moments earlier, when Riathan spoke of the North. Of Bjora Marches. Of Jormag. Of the Vanguard’s duties. Duties. His duties. What were they?  Fighting for the Vanguard? His friends? His family? His people? The place he calls […]

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[GW2] Decisions & Allies

If Tove was being brutally honest with herself, she was conflicted about staying behind. She wanted to charge back north, to bloody Jormag’s nose as he so rightly deserved. There was vengeance she wanted to carve out of the dragon’s fucking hide. She wanted to keep the rest of her pack safe–what else had she […]

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WoW Ygraine: Clouds at Dawn

It had been getting better. She’d been talking to the healers. The priests had been teaching her. Things seemed a little brighter, a little more confident. She could see darkness, still, hovering as ever on the edges of her mind but despite the fear, there was light beyond those clouds, and as frightening as it […]

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The Forge and the Fallen

The Vindicaar—————————— The ship was, as always, glowing softly golden with the radiance of the Light that powered it – the low hum of magic through the floors and walls rang like an eternal, soft hymn that stayed just at the edge of hearing. The Lightforged of the Army of the Light moved with purpose […]

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Officer’s Journal # 1556

This may be the last journal entry I write down. After a lengthy discussion with the Lightforged, they have agreed to have me undergo their trials. One of their main objections is that I am not one of their race, a draenei. Also the subject of my advanced age was brought up. If I am […]

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[Pathfinder] It’s An Adjustment

Umiri sat on the edge of the bed, freshly scrubbed. Bathing regularly with soap–one of many concessions the ranger made to civilization. She combed her hair, slowly, and then sawed off the last couple of inches with a knife. She was getting lax, here in this town. The rest went into its usual braids, complete […]

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Dreams of the Sea [WoW] (Morlen) 

 Captain Morlen Grimtide gripped the railing of his ship as it crested another wave. The seas were violent, and each wave smashed against the hull of his great ship with the sound of clapping thunder, sending a torrent of water raining down on the deck. His thoughts, however, were clouded, and he stared out as […]

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The Vindicaar

Aunne never failed to be awed, at least in part, by the Vindicaar. Despite having seen generation ships before, and even living a surprisingly lengthy part of her life in one, those memories were hazy, distant, and indistinct – lacking in emotion and context after she was raised in the Plaguelands, so many years ago. […]

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[ GW2 ] Harvest

“Come with me. We’re going hunting” Words innocent enough, but his trigger finger is itchy, twitching. His teeth hurt with a bareness he doesn’t understand and for the moment he simply doesn’t care. He finds the largos in the shallows, not because he wants to but because he needs to, because he doesn’t have anywhere […]

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[ GW2 ] Apnea

How far would you go? The answer was far enough. He’d left a note, he’d found someone, anyone to give it to and promised himself he wasn’t going closer to the mountains than he had to. He would not pose that risk again, even if the fear of it seems blown out of proportion, though […]

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[GW2] — Maxima Culpa

That uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Fiel’s stomach was back. A familiar nugget of uneasiness and anxiety. He feels guilty, like he had not been for a long, long while. He’s not even sure why exactly, though he has a pretty good idea. Of course, he won’t be sure until he actually asks, but… […]

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[ GW2 ] Propagation

He dreams, sometimes. Not often, not anymore, but sometimes when he does, he can feel something tugging on the end of his psyche, a cord that drags him deep beneath the salty brine where he’d spent most of his life. These dreams are dark, suffocating, but they are dreams, he still has enough sense about […]

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Stop It (Idella)

Just getting into her head space. I’ve spent a long time away from journal writing and it’s my goal heading into this year to change that. Referenced characters are in the journal tags. )) With a final snip of her scissors, Idella finished her needlework. She briefly admired her handiwork with a small smile, a […]

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Elli’s musings

Elli settled in her private den and laid her head on her paws. What was she going to do? Hadn’t the humans learned their lesson from their own history as well as Kaldorei and Draenei? The Kaldorei, particularly the Highborn, thought they could control magic. Then their lust for power and for more brought the […]

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[GW2] Dreams

Tove woke with a start, throwing off her blanket with a dagger already in hand before she realized… …she was home. In the guildhall. And nothing was there. Nothing included her wolf Randulfr, who usually hogged the bed. She muttered a little bit until she remembered that she’d set her companion to keeping a loose […]

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Greatfather Winter’s Reindeer

It was that time of year again. As much as she complained when people teased her about being the reindeer for Greatfather Winter, Elli really did enjoy being a reindeer for a few select people – Ygraine, Ace and Seella’s children, her children, and especially, the children of Stormwind. The joy in the children’s faces […]

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Officer’s Journal #1506

Another year has passed. So many notable events have happened. The burning of Teldrassil by the Horde’s warchief. Our king’s pardon and release of Saurfang, one of the Horde’s most elite warriors. The seige of Lordaeron, which resulted in the entire surface of the city being uninhabitable for generations to come. The addition of the […]

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