[GW2] — Orphic

The Cathedral of Silence. Not so silent anymore, what with the rhythmic clatter of distant hammers, mingling with the soft droning murmurs of the supplicants. The old temple of Grenth was being rebuilt. Not very quickly –most of the money, resources and workforce available going to the everlasting War Machine up North, not to mention […]

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Step Back

“When I said take care of the animals or something, I didn’t mean literally.” Gal chuckled as she sat across from Adilia with her tea, stirring softly. “Yeah, well it’s about the only thing I’m good at right now….’less someone has a workshop I can take to, maybe read up.” “Didn’t you steal some books […]

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The ale felt sharp in the cold as it hit the sylvari’s lips. She has to hiss and cough as it passes and travels through her, the leaves curling then undoing themselves all across the body.   What a way to start Dragon Bash.   She mumbles about the nature of the drink as she […]

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Drizzlewood Vignettes

“Tove asked me to seek you out, that we may reach out to Whispers contacts,” Ambrosine said as she sat down to tea with Xia. She couldn’t fully keep the smirk off her face. “Ah, so they haven’t sussed you out yet.” Xia saluted her with her dainty little cup. “I am the soul of […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templar’s Story, Week 43-46

The buzzing continues, our first forays into the Courtyard were pyrrhically successful, destroying a good number of these insect like hybrid monstrosities…. However, three of the four that returned came back cursed. Haunted, craving a strange distillation of blood that came only from the courtyard.    Acele, Idella, and Aslene have had their nature fundamentally […]

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[Eshai] Letters

Malien and L’ya – I’m settling in pretty well – Kyrin wants me to run the infirmary and healing services on the Jackal Ascendant.  He says he wouldn’t trust anyone else with it, which is a pretty scary thought.  Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing too much, too soon.  I feel like I have way […]

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At The Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea [Jane]

You think this will help, Jane? You do? You do? Stygi asked, leaping from the Kanken bag Jane carried to her shoulder. Jane turned into the rec room, dodging an Amonkhetian refugee on the way; the halls weren’t that big, and the ship was packed lately.   “Dunno, Stygi. I’m not… the best at this, […]

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A Knight’s Communion

Kromrak entered the secure hold housing the recovered exoskeleton. The room was quiet, and relatively empty. Kromrak stepped closer towards the exoskeleton. They set up a small incense burner. The incense smells of sandalwood, oak, and pine. The jewelry box is set down next to the incense. Kromrak slowly sits and offers a prayer to […]

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Letters from Eshai

Luci, Lila – You won’t believe it.  You really won’t. So – I get picked up by the Jackals – Bel got really hurt during the attack.  I’ve been taking care of her, and she’s going to be alright.  I figured you should know. Anyway.  I got picked up by the Jackals, and of course […]

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Family Meeting

Kyrin was surprisingly nervous.  He wasn’t given to introspection most of the time – his native tendency was to let things come, react, then go on, and he’d found, over the years, that his reactions tended to be better than his plans most of the time, at least in the short term.  In fact, if […]

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On The Hunt – (WOW – Jenara and Callum)

Jenara laughs to herself as she follows the scavenger hunt list Kiara had made for her. First she had been to the Auction house to buy a specific lot. Inside that mug was a message that sent her to Larson Clothiers for a shirt, a Mother’s day present from her daughter. Attached to the shirt […]

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-The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story; Week 38-42

VAMPIRES.   Vampires assaulted the hamlet, adventurers chasing them. Chaos. Not much time to write, organizing defenses, quarantining the infected.    That damnable buzzing… it is them. It was them, all along.   May the gods I don’t believe exist save us. I was not prepared yet. The courtyard is open. The bloodlight shines.   […]

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Square One

The house is quieter, more still. The warmth is gone here. The noise of papers flying, stories of science and magic and fighting, the voices…Gone. She was there, her things were there, but everything else, anyone else- Gone.  Gal stands in the doorway and looks over everything, letting the thumb run over the scar once […]

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Report to the Justicar RE: Vol’dun, Sethrak, and Vulpera. CC: Fateshifter Industries

[Folded paper has sand in the creases here, written in dark pen.] REPORT FROM SHATTERSTONE HARBOR  Re: Vol’dun, the Sethrak, and the Vulpera FROM: Templar Forward Field Scout Doryn Greenly & SQUIRRELBOTS Tippy, Joey, and Cindy CC: Zenruid Fateshifter, Fateshifter Industries Justicar- Enclosed is my full report of the Sethrak base where the Vulpera slaves […]

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A Brief Letter to Anarial

Hello, It has been some time since we last communicated, and I do not think we have ever used letters as a medium of communication. During this corruption on Azeroth, I saved several people and priests.  They called me a knight, a paladin, and said they’d recommend me for the order.  Now that we have […]

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WoW: Pursuit (Idella, Kanta, Sigmah)

OOC: This is a transcription of Discord RP with myself (NPCs + Idella), Kanta (just Kanta), and special guest appearance by Sigmah (Razas, who doesn’t have an active WoW subscription). The outcomes of the chase and battle were dictated by d20 rolls, which always makes things fun. Enjoy! )) Kanta arrived in the Eastern Plaguelands, […]

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Lettr to Arialynn and Koriander

[The beginning is a large amount of scratch-outs.] Dear [scratchout]Justicar [scratchout]Arialynn [scratchout scratchout]Mom [scratchout]Moms [scratchout] Koryander and Arialynn,  I am verry sorry I did not tell you this thing. I did not know it was very important but it is very important and I am sorry. I do not rember having [scratchout]parents[scratchout] people like you […]

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The griffon carried it’s rider onward through the chill air, flapping it’s wings every so often. Looking over the side, the rider spied an area with fortifications. An inn, keep, and forge; also other supporting buildings. With a nudge, he directed the griffon to land nearby. Dismounting and giving the griffon an affectionate pat, he […]

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[WoW] Wait, What? (Idella)

OOC: Growing up repressed makes things hard, sometimes. Capturing a moment of racing, paralyzing thought during a few minutes of RP. )) Outlands had a strange way to note the passage of time. Its sky sparkled with stars night and day, but come night, there was a distinct feeling of stillness in the air. Whatever […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story Weeks 31-37

Additions to the barracks and houses need to be made, as they are in terrible disrepair. Despite monetary gains, we simply do not have the supplies delivered to us yet. And always, avarice beckons me as well as the adventurers. I refused to send out another patrol to take care of the Siren this early, […]

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[WoW] The Right Thing (Idella)

OOC: Just character things after recent events, plus thoughts on some big IC changes to come. )) — The night was less cold, lying next to Ryml. He slept on his own bedroll beside her, only a thin canvas separating them from the sands of the beach. Idella lay in her own bedroll apart from him, […]

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Quite The Surprise – Jenara (WoW)

Jenara hammered away at the 12th piece of armor that day. Her arm muscles were on fire, yearning for an end to the torture. Sweat poured down her face, the result of her close proximity to the raging fire of the forge. Her clothes were soaked from the sweat, and she was counting the minutes […]

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Embracing the Rage

Beregor Stonefist grumbled as he crunched his way down the hill in Bjora, from the basecamp set up by the Vigil. He’d worked with them before, many times, in his years with the Firstwatch. They were good people, all. But bad things were happening to them and he couldn’t stand for that. He normally found […]

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[WoW] Twilight (Idella)

OOC: Just prose this time, no Discord RP transcription. A note of dark thoughts going on within this characters’ mind due after recent RP events. No gore but trauma is trauma. Read with that note of caution in mind.)) — Night in Stormhaven was different than Azeroth. What normally was a familiar star-studded sky tinged […]

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Good night

Seella bent down to kiss each of the children good night before walking through the partition to her part of the tent. Sitting on the bed, her hand reached out and one finger traced the Draenic symbols lining the urn placed on the nightstand. “Hello, my love.” She smiled softly. “Today was being interesting and […]

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