[ GW2 ] Moonstruck

What he gets first is a breath of warm, humid air that makes him nearly gag, like an arm reaching down his throat that throttles his lungs. It’s a stark and rapid difference in his consciousness, and the fear that comes with it is so alien and strange that he can’t help the cry that […]

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[WoW] Hand Puppets and Belly Rubs

(From a discord RP too good not to share – may you laugh as hard as we did.  Cleaned up a little, and left rough.  Many errors likely to be here.) Two worgen race to the top of the mountain that overlooks Boralus – where a successful hunt leads to the pair looking down at […]

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Fanciful Visions 3

Nathanos Blightcaller stumbled into the small home he had built over the years. A fire already burned in the hearth.  He stripped off a black leather coat and set aside his bow.  He unslung his quiver and meticulously went through his arrow supply.  Under his coat, he wore a sturdy long sleeved button up tunic, […]

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Elli’s dreams part 5

Idiots! Arrogant, conceited, self-righteous fools! Why didn’t they listen? Maybe if they had listened … the wolf raised her head, howling her anguish, her rage to Elune. Her mirror lay shattered at her feet, destroyed by the very beings this form was best to fight. Damn Malfurion. Damn Tyrande. Damn them all for not accepting […]

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Elli’s dreams part 3

The young women watched, helpless, as demons tore through their parents as easily as they tore through the other elves trying to retake the city. The two tried to talk them out of it, to no avail. Convinced their queen was in danger, was a pawn of evil advisors and demons, their parents went with […]

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Elli’s dreams part 4

Beaming, the young woman watched as her mirror and her teacher handfasted. As they gazed rapturously into each others’ eyes, a grin, this one a bit wry, touched her lips. She should’ve known her mirror would accept anything she did despite it being against tradition. Her Shan’do had been as wary as her at first […]

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Rounds [pt3]

This was her punishment, she was sure of it. Going out alone, avoiding the others, trying to push herself to a point of exhaustion, all of it. It served no purpose but to prove herself, to at least look like she could handle this just like years before. But that was it: It wasn’t the […]

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Rounds [pt2]

Falling.  She remembers falling. Obons’ screeches cutting through the air after her. The flapping of wings as he struggled to reach. A sharp pull as he grabbed at her fur with the sharp talons, even sinking a couple into her shoulder. It’s that final move that brings Gal out of her sudden sleep to reality. […]

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Shadows stretch far past the walls as a new group of Vigil step out into the night from their hall, adjusting armor just before stepping forward. Those at the gate give them a slight acknowledge and soon, torches and weapons are passed and those outside venture past to get in for the night. There’s barely […]

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Jin Over Ice

(Let’s just assume there have been a lot of Jin musings about the Vanguard and her place in it. From trial by fire in going immediately into combat to save their Commander, to learning about the transitive energy caught up in minerals over time that can be released through control of sand, to adventures silly, […]

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[GW2] The First Night

Tove actually spends the night sensibly. She finds friends among the other Vigil, and retires to her tent with company. It is, at least, possible to get some rest. It’s the first real sleep she’s had in days. — Brigid has come up with the relief crew. She is happy with this assignment because it […]

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 3:  Bis Repetita

He was sitting against the outer wall of the keep. Silent. Immobile. He barely felt the temperature, or the snow slowly gathering over him. Shapes moved in front of him. Voices… muffled around him. There were talking to him, but he couldn’t hear. All, save for one. Your fault… He shouldn’t have waited so long […]

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Elli’s dreams part 2

The girl smiled as her mirror was accepted by the priestesses to begin training. Heart swelling with pride, she watched her mirror take the first oaths, watched the sheer joy filling her face. Their mother had worried she would be jealous but why would she be? Her mirror was more dear to her than her […]

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 2: Old Wounds

What a joyous, boastful line of merry men and women they were. About forty of them, give or take. Most had followed Arnlaug and his cousins from Hoelbrak, incensed as they were by the big norn’s speech and days of continuous libation. Others were collected by the marching wave from the far-out settlements they had […]

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[GW2] Kinslayer III

The problem was that Koli truly had taught her every trick he knew, insofar as tracking went. Tove dogged his trail across the Shiverpeaks, losing it when he met up with other Svanir (other–for he was one now too, the heart frostbitten through) only to pick it up again later. Even when they left the […]

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[ GW2 ] The Omen

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 1:  Young Minds

“You’re ogling again.” Fiel straightened up quickly. “No I wasn’t,” he lied. Erland and Geirholf chuckled from across the small table. “I wasn’t!” the young norn insisted. Erland shook his head with a knowing smirk. “You’re still stroking at your tankard as if it was a maiden’s waist.” Fiel looked down. He was. “Shut up. […]

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Elli’s dreams part 1

Laughing, the kaldorei child ran down the pathway, chasing her own image as the two played amongst the trees. Light-hearted scolding from their mother had them running back to be scooped up by their mixed quel’dorei-kaldorei father. He sat them down, one on each knee, as he pointed out the stars in the sky, naming […]

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[GW2] Kinslayer II

This, Tove thought, was the worst kind of success. Oh, she’d found Koli, hunting near his homestead. But he didn’t so much as greet her when she strode from between the trees. “Uncle.” He glanced up and then away, gently freeing a rabbit from his snare and resetting it. “Koli.” She stepped closer. Claiming space […]

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[ Before the events of 11/18] She took up his offer to stay in the old hut that sat in the middle of that old swamp. Not because it was a last option, but just how it sat on its own, surrounded by trees and hills and its own defenses. She would admit that the […]

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[GW2] Kinslayer

Watching her bobcat frolic in the snow was only entertaining for so long. Tove pulled her coat in more snugly around herself and sighed. “Where’s Uncle Koli?” The area around Koli’s tent was more cluttered than usual, and the stack of firewood was slumped over. She frowned at it. Koli’s mate had kept an orderly […]

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To Market (Anarial)

Getting into writing again. I wanted to answer the question of how a feral druid would view Boralus and fit in with the goings-on there. )) The smell along the piers of Boralus was as enticing as it was disgusting. The harbor water stank with deceased sea creatures and human refuse, but the market stalls […]

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A note found pinned to an imp, pinned to a door.

It was the familiar cries of an imp in pain that drew Ryo’s attention. He pulled the door open and found the distressed demon pinned to the door by a dagger with a second dagger pinning a note to the imp. The Illidari dug the talons of his gauntlets into the demons flesh and siphoned […]

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Maybe.  (After RP journal)

As fast as Elli could fly through the night sky, she couldn’t out fly her thoughts. Why didn’t she just keep her mouth shut? Ryo, as annoying as he was, didn’t deserve the turmoil her words apparently caused him. Selfish. That’s what she was. Too busy wanting someone to be at least a *little* bit […]

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