[WoW] Conjuring (Idella, He Who Walks Behind, +1)

The following is a transcription of Discord RP between myself, Raz (who does not have an active WoW subscription), and a surprise guest. This is what happens when you roll a Natural 1 on a Wisdom Check and 2 on Saving Throw. Don’t do what Idella did. )) Trigger Warning: Eldritch-style horror and blood. )) […]

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Agreement of Tarask (Claret/He Who Walks Behind)

The following is a transcribed Discord RP scene between my villain (Claret) and Razas’ (He Who Walks Behind, or HWWB). Raz doesn’t have an active WoW subscription but that doesn’t mean he can’t be evil! Enjoy a contextual scene between two ancient enemies. )) Note: These two are available to be invited into RP. They […]

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[Eshai] Something for Something

The war in Uldum was like nothing she had ever seen before. Eshai had known, because the Templars had said, that the war was significant, that the battle was terrifying, that everything going on was like nothing they’d imagined, and all of those were words she listened to, but had no way of understanding. Not […]

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[Eshai]  A Desert Story 

Let me tell you a story, child. A story of the Desert. The story of Eshai. —————————————- Eshai shielded her eyes from the sun, looking across the sand as her father had taught her, up into the rocks of the hills along the old troll road where it wound between the great brown stones. The […]

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What Nightmares May Come Pt. 3

“I know.” Her mother called back as she started away from the door. Dainty steps carried her with surprising speed away towards the banquet hall, and Esreiella could recall all the rearranging that had been done a few days prior. “I feel the same, and after we’ve talked about it for so long…” She paused […]

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Stalking the Wicked

A low hum fills the air, punctuated by wordless whispers. The air itself looks corrupted, a reddish mist floating around. They stand at certain points in a circle around what appears to be a shimmer in the air. Inside appears to be an eyeball. Yellowish, with a black pupil. The iris is vertically slit, and […]

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What Nightmares May Come Pt. 2

I can give you what you have wished for so long… Raspy whispers filled the air as light broke through the darkness. The world once more materialized around her into waves crashing against rocks. Still, Esreiella helplessly fell and a scream rose just above the roar of the ocean. Pain shot through her body as […]

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What Nightmares May Come Pt. 1

Stone steps took stretched far ahead of herself, taking a steep dive into the masses standing in neat rows. Each bunch together into several tightly packed squares that stretched on over a craggy landscape. A jagged ridge stood far in the background was highlighted by a sickly green light of broken moons uselessly trying to […]

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[WoW] Dance With The Devil (Brembal/Claret)

The following is a copy/pasta transcription of Discord RP between myself (Claret) and Halonan (Brembal). Enjoy! )) Whatever existence Brembal is contained to within the crystal makes a drastic shift when he is put in the possession of the Red Witch. Perhaps true to her word that when next they met, he’d be invited to […]

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So tired. Bone tired. Soul tired. Light forgive her but she was so so tired. Seella smiled gently at the patients she was currently tending, giving encouraging words as she channeled Light to ease their injuries and pain. Her voice rose in quiet song for some, the thankful, grateful looks they gave her in return […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templar’s Story, Week 26-30

It is my own bias, I realized this some time ago, but I am incensed. Enraged. Apoplectic. I do and do not know how such things can come to be, but I shall touch on this later as I make my report. Many have asked why I do this, keep this journal. Previously, it was […]

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Belton’s Feywilds Research

Sigil was a weird place. I was following the familiar path leading from the Twilight Witch’s tavern to the upscale apartment district of ‘Shadehaven’ when I turned a corner and spotted a ‘Nagaji’ (think six-foot-tall lizard man with a snake head) standing on a street corner doing a poor job of concealing something under his […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story; Week 20-26

Damnation and hellfire. We finally managed to trace some minor thefts earlier this month to Acele. Rather than hang the man, Insein claimed that she could eliminate his proclivities with something called negative reinforcement behavior or something similar, a Nurse Ratched nodding with her. The nurse is apparently her protege, a severe looking woman who […]

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A poem from the past – Jenara

Jenara dug through a box of mementos from years ago as the leader of the Crusaders Of The Lost.  She saw pics of her friends Anthonia, Lunaura, Abron, Julianius, Silvinost and Tink.  Lingering on the pic of Tink dropping a stink bomb on Anthonia, she smirked a bit as she saw Tink as he used […]

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(D&D Edgewar) In Seeking Blessings and Forgiveness

A cloaked figure entered a small altar for praying to the Morndinsamman.  Their appearance was different; elven, human, and animal features mashed together to make Kromrak, the hybrid. The hunched, crouched figure had skin of blues and purples, with a hardened carapace covering much of their back and some of their arms and thighs.  Thin fins […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story; Week 12-19

The horrors continued, as I managed to dive more into my grandfather’s writings, and the information recovered is almost impossible to believe, but what we have seen confirms it. Sigmah, Aunne, Arialynn and Pyri set into the Warrens to confirm what we had thought, that the foulness of the Pig Men have a rudimentary royalty. […]

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[GW2] — Away

A notice is pinned to one of the low-hanging branches of the undead tree, where it would be easily noticed by anyone who’d visit. It is hastily written. I’m going away. I don’t know when I’ll come back. For my own sanity, and for the safety of the guild, I must leave. But I will […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story Week 6-11

Week 6-11 (Author’s Note: This was prior to getting skins for the different classes, some genders and names may be off. Example, Elli is actually Grames in the previous stream, but now has been corrected) They found me, weeping and screaming, clawing at my eyes in the ruins of the manor. I can recall the […]

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A Mouse’s Tale (v1)

Gentlefolk –  Allow me to offer you part-1 of a massive epic that’s still ongoing.  Please be gentle – this is a WIP, currently being edited, and may still have some holes and problems and issues.  Regardless, this is a story Cael and I have been working on for a little more than a year.. […]

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The Darkest Dungeon: The Templars’ Story Week 1-5

Week 1-5 The estate is broken, devastated. A dozen lifetimes of waste, thanks to my grandfather and his ambitions. Oh, I did not believe the tales when my grandfather, may he rot in the hell that he created here, sent the letter. I had thought hiring a simple set of guard and the carriage to […]

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[GW2] — Burrow

His will pushes deeper in. In the vast, rotted realm of its spirit, Fiel digs. He sinks, as the blade of his mind cuts a path, and down he goes. Down, and down, and down… slowly spiraling into this dark maze, this diseased jungle. He cannot rush. It is too tempting to thrash, to cleave […]

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“Wha… where am I?” “You are here.” “How am I alive? I felt myself die.” “You did. And now you are here with us.” “I can’t see.” “You will, in time. Your body needs rest and time to adjust.” “This feels strange. This feels wrong. What have you done to me? Who are you?” “Rest […]

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Test Subject, Concluded

(See “Test Subject” – https://trg.network/test-subject/  – before reading this, as this is a near-direct continuation of the first part.) Visions bombard Vaelystra’s mind, violently distorting her view of objective reality and displacing it with depictions of Uldum conquered by N’zoth, of Ny’alotha risen and devouring all Azeroth. Massive, tentacled horrors crush any and all opposition while […]

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A Festival of Stars

Good shepherd, tell this youth what ’tis to love. It is to be all made of sighs and tears;it is to be all made of faith and service;It is to be all made of fantasy,All made of passion and all made of wishes,All adoration, duty, and observance,All humbleness, all patience and impatience,All purity, all trial, […]

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Supply Run

A number of children sat about a small room at the Templars refugee camp. Some played idly, others sat and bawled. Some were too traumatized to even speak. The few healers and caretakers that moved amongst them did their level best to help, offering blankets and toys where they could, though despite their aid, it […]

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