[Pathfinder] Minerva’s Map

Through the streets of Absolom one day walked a woman, not too different in appearance from many noblewomen. She was slight and thin, smartly dressed with black leggings and boots, contrasting with a long-sleeved top of white and gold colored material. She wore black gloves and on her waist rested two sheathed daggers, though judging […]

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[GW2]  Bedside Necromancy

Fiel woke up on the slightly-too-small seat near the bed in the infirmary, a baby griffon curled up over his lap. His neck was stiff, and so was his back, but he didn’t dare stir the sleeping bird. Nor did he dare risking the chance of waking the recovering norn. For days, had he been […]

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[GW2] What Friends Are For

Ambrosine made the climb/hike to Tove’s little corner of the guild hall and…stopped. Until now, it had been just that: a corner. A bookshelf, a fire, a pillow, a desk. A place to be comfortable away from home and nothing more. Now she pursed her lips and had a troubling thought: Tove had moved in. […]

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[GW2] He’s Not Lost

He’s Not Lost We Just Don’t Know That One Of Us Knows Where He IsAnd Then When We Do Know That, We Don’t Know Where She IsSo Basically Everything Tove Learns is UselessBut He’s Probably Not Dead!Maybe. Tove meant to peek into Rikvi’s office with care. It wouldn’t do to interrupt a necromantic ritual or Wolf […]

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[Pathfinder] Another letter to Drun from Absolom

Hi Drun! It’s me Emi! We managed to rescue Coira. I wasn’t sure about going in and rescuing her because she did a bad thing but Sarenrae told me she deserved redemption, so we went in and helped her. We had to kinda sorta go back in time but not really. We ended up fighting […]

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A letter to Agatha from Pete

Hey Agatha! Thanks for thinking of me, happy to do this! I’ll get started as soon as I finish this report. Can’t write too much, pretty sure the inn’s on fire. Or about to explode. ANYWAY… I’ve got some information on this guy Syzoth. He was part of a tribe called the Burning Fang, trail […]

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[GW2] Costs

She slept. This was always how it went after any sort of major healing–but especially so, this time. It’s one thing to heal a traumatic injury soon after it happens. Most of those she heals are in good shape (otherwise), and she’s simply accelerating the bodies own work. But Jesse had literally dragged himself home […]

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[GW2] A Strongly Worded Letter

Dear Pikko, I want you to understand something. Your rage is not more important than someone else’s life. You may not know this as a fighter, but healing is work–it takes effort, especially the act of healing someone whose condition was as dire as Ironwood’s. Assessments must be made swiftly and surely, and difficult decisions […]

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[GW2] No Dying Allowed

Ambrosine returned to Cap’s side, glad that her audience had, at last, evaporated. She was actually quite irritated at the people who had decided yelling was the proper course of action–for one thing, healing was delicate mental work on her end, and who operated well when there was yelling? No one, that’s who. It may […]

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Letter to Pete from Agatha ((cc Sigmah))

Pete, Greetings from sunny Absalom! We’ve had a pretty busy few weeks between research and following up on a lead that Chiro found while we were handling business with the Pharoh of Fangs. Long story short, the job that grew from this lead paid well and lead me to a ethical quandary that I believe […]

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[GW2] Trouble (pt 1.5)

(Note: The course of events through this set of journals happens in the days prior to, through the events of, and ends the day after the events that took place IC on the night of Monday, 05/14/18)  If there was anything Roderik had learned about Genjl, it was the Sylvari’s uncanny ability to talk his […]

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Broadsword 16

Interlude Master Gouken made haste. Crumpled paper in his hand and a dire look on his face. The students knew that something had him on edge, but he would not speak on the matter. Along one of the many halls of the School of the South, Gouken looked for the sign. It had been almost […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Letter to Grand Master Shao

Dear Grand Master Shao,  Hello! I hope this letter finds you well, and that I’m not being presumptive in writing it or anything. However, some events have happened that I thought you should be aware of. I’m currently low on paper and ink so I will try to make it quick, but I met (through […]

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[Pathfinder][Chiro] Letter to Master Gouken

Dear Master Gouken, We have arrived in Absalom! It is as big as they say, and honestly, even bigger than that. There are more people than I ever imagined packed into one space, and so many different kinds!  A few days into our arrival, we found the missing piece to the puzzle of the journal. […]

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Roshan and the demon hunter

It was another cold and dark day in the rocky underground of Krokuun in the nearby planet of Argus. While the land was almost completely desolate there was some remaining beauty with a clear crystal pool with some blooming purple flowers. A nearby demon hunter could only sense a dead, decaying, and failing world as […]

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It’s hot. That’s what is running through her head as she lays on top of the statue with arms extended out beside her and her head resting on rough rock. Her armor cooked, her skin burned, there are circles around her eyes from the sunglasses, and the sand eels hissed while they struggled to climb […]

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[Gw2]  Ritual

 [ NOTE:  this is a direct continuation of my previous journal, Search. ]   It took Fiel most of that day and the previous night to come back to the Gilded Hollow. He carried Samantha on his back at first, healing her periodically when his strength permitted. Then she was able to walk alongside him, […]

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Bad Egg

“Matron! Matron!” A young female Kobold in an apron, sparkling red scales with speckled yellow, ran through the Hatchery halls, breathless. Little kobolds and other nurses dodged out of the way, the little ones laughing and thinking it a game, the older nurses scowling slightly, or, those who were more perceptive, realizing that something terribly […]

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[GW2] Results

[this journal takes place after an IC event in GW2 on 5/14/2018. This has no effect on the remaining story, only a result of a choice. This meeting happens before Season 3 of the personal story]                                       […]

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[GW2] Search

[NOTE: this is a direct follow up to @quorgi ‘s Praxis journals. Oh and @ambrosine ‘s Wolf and Raven journal, considering.] No. Just one word. “No” No, you didn’t search hard enough. No, you didn’t do all that you could. No, he is not dead. Fiel was standing squarely over the golden metallic floor, yet […]

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[D&D] Marker

Five years prior. She’s the only one up and around this corner of Crossroads this early in the morning. Sure, there are merchants and traders and other brigands and river folk coming to pawn and hock their garbage, but she is one, if not the only, civilians that move about their crowds quietly. From her […]

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A letter to Uncle:

Dearest Uncle –  I know, I know, it’s been too long.  I keep getting distracted and forgetting to write.  That’s not an excuse – just a statement of fact, so, you can still be mad.  That’s okay. Cael and I have traveled farther than I expected; I think I’m losing weight.  I know, I know, it’s […]

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[GW2] Howl

He hits the ground.  It’s unceremonious, it’s ugly. Only the branches and thorns above break his fall enough to slow him from a killer impact, the last stretch of it being a constant slide, and drop onto the ancient flagstone in the belly of the jungle. Whatever sense is left in him, rattled and shaken […]

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[GW2] Trouble (pt. 1)

(Note: The course of events through this set of journals happens in the days prior to, through the events of, and ends the day after the events that took place IC on the night of Monday, 05/14/18) It was an offer too good to be true. He knew it when he stared into Commander Bordren’s […]

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[GW2] Wolf and Raven

((Note: This journal is intended to alter what actually happened last night–please assume THIS is what was actually revealed. Thanks! :D)) Rikvi Farseer–Priory Scholar, Necromancer, Child of Raven, Herald of Death, Seer Of Many Roads–was neck deep in edits for her latest paper. (Which was to say that her apprentice, Ceridwen, was wielding a red […]

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