[GW2] Vice

He leaves in the morning, wading through the water towards the wooden path the denizens have built to navigate around the deeper waters. There’s an outpost further south he does not dare venture towards, he’s seen the Seraph making rounds, and there’s a Fort not far from here. South is a bad idea, but Kryta […]

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[GW2] Spiderwebs

Color. A whirlwind. Grasping hands. It’s a dream he can’t quite remember, he can never remember when they come in strings like this. So he tries. He pushes on the strings until it comes back to him in scraps and slivers, or until the spiderweb memory breaks. True, it will reform, but not like it […]

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WoW Bootyclap: Early Times

When she was a child, her name wasn’t that big of a deal. There were…weirder ones, by the human standard. Torquetwist. Metalopolis. Quarkcatcher. Although to be fair Metal got a lot of grief back in grade school…but anyways. The human standard, that was it. That was when she began to get frustrated.  Not that she […]

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[WoW] Suddenly, Cookies

…so you see, Mina has a girlfriend. …no, the other girlfriend. Unaara. She is a lovely draenei shaman, very sweet, very regal. She is also prone to…stress baking. And needless to say, the whole DEMONS on ARGUS thing is very stressful to her and she baked many, many cookies. So many. Mina tried to eat […]

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[GW2] Tides

There were few loyal to him until the end. He has no idea if they truly made it. Because they were silent rolling past the island today, no one climbing the sails, no one belting the shanties at the top of their lungs as they and sailing into port on the fateful day. He never […]

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[SWL] Lore Entry: Piper Parker

Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see. TRANSMIT – initiate New England signal – RECEIVE – initiate Protocol One of the Geneva Convention – SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THESE  – initiate the Molay Curse protocol – DOWNLOAD – unholy union – PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT IS CONSIDERED TO BE MORE CHALLENGING AFTER THE AGE OF […]

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[GW2] Seen A Few Things

Her name was Umbrage Ruinfel. Or well, it was for now, but the rest of the Ruin warmband was memories and plant food by now. At least, she hoped they were. There were worse options. Right now she stood in the middle of Lion’s Arch, because she didn’t know where else to go. Sure, she […]

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[GW2]  Second Trip to Elona

The first trip to Elona stung him in manners he hadn’t anticipated. It had been a fiasco, for sure. He went at it like a drunken fool, clueless, flailing in the dark and bumping into walls, barely escaping death at nearly every corner. He came back from it battered and bruised and shaken down from […]

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[ GW2 ] Old Wounds: Turlough

The griffon is a menace, and there’s no stopping the little one once he gets started for the day — Gixx finds out, predictably, but even such an uptight scholar like himself can’t help but be charmed by the addition, and intrigued. Magister Turlough is given charge, predictably. And for now, observation and an attempt […]

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Broadsword 11

As the sun creeped up over the horizon, the knight continued his writing. The voices were quiet today. The only clear words he could make out were “Mortivox” and “Betrayal”. Shutting the journal, the knight looked out from his makeshift shelter in a cliff side. “The rain stopped too.” Breaking down camp, he continued to […]

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[GW2] Restless

Eury paused her rounds to sit outside of a nice little cafe that knew how to make a good cheesy meat. It was her favorite lunch. No one was surprised when, five minutes after it was brought out, Cato appeared to steal a quarter of it and run off to rejoin his friends. You know, […]

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[SWTOR] Tales from the Old Cantina (2)

A year and and a bit more ago, Nar Shaddaa: *CRUNCH* The holocom lay in pieces, the durasteel wall indifferent to the bit of electronics that had been hurled with such violence against it. “That … that… nerf herder.” Ker’ase was nearly apoplectic with sudden rage, the giggledust in her system singing, trying to make […]

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[SWTOR] Tales from the Old Cantina

(I found a pile of old stories from Ker’ase’s first walk in my original SWTOR RP guild.  Just reposting them here for y’all’s enjoyment and my archival.  Likely more than one long journal – we’ll see where it goes!   NO events here are current – but they are the backstory.) Dromond Kaas Shuttles, eight years […]

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[SWTOR] The Slave of Caur Le (I)

Dromond Kaas, Present day: Her hand ached. It always did, when it rained – it was something she had nearly forgotten over the last few years, living in the red dust of Korriban. It drove her to pace the room, up one side and back again, the ache feeding her irritability, the irritability feeding that […]

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[GW2] “Retired”

Eurydice was relatively busy for someone who was “retired”. After breakfast was eaten and her son, Cato, was unleashed upon Lion’s Arch*, Eury began her rounds. It was a habit that resembled her old Lionguard patrols, only she was mostly being social. The merchants knew her. The refugees came to know her, too, although this […]

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The Grey Knight (WoW)

In Gilneas, the land of rain, there are stories told to every child, even the street-rats and witches tell them. Stories to inspire, to warn, and to soothe, And among them, one stretches back before anyone can tell, a dusty old book in nearly every Gilnean home. The tales of the “Grey Knight”, A nameless, […]

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WoW Wallaroo: Brewmaster’s Gift

Tea. She leaned over the cauldron, stirring slowly, lost in the swirl of scents that curled upwards from the flames. There was something of a peace to be had here, she could plop down on the hearth and just breathe and brew and be happy all day. Wei smiled, opening her eyes, and eyeballed the […]

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[WoW] There’s Not Always A Happy Ending

The linens on his bed were soaked through with sweat and he woke with a sputter, choking on his breath. His nights were short and ended suddenly more often than not. He threw the sheets from his body and swept his legs out onto the floor. His blue eyes caught a little of the natural […]

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[ GW2 ] Finding Mercer

“Magister?” No response. The sylvari frowns and knocks again, making sure to use the metal side fo his gauntlet. “Magister Turlough?” Truth be told, he’s not sure that the Magister is even here, he’s a terrible habit of roaming for a man with a bum knee, and it makes him a terrible pain to find […]

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[GW2]  Felino-Ornithology

It was a terrible idea. There he was, scribbling at his desk, locked inside his cabin in the middle of the Godslost swamp instead of being out there, pulling treasures out of the possessive grasps of some ancient demon, or discovering the ruins of some lost city in the desert. But no, there he was, […]

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[GW2] Slyshot

Most people by now knew better than to fuck with Esja. She wasn’t called Slyshot for nothing. She wasn’t a former pirate for nothing, neither. She’d had to relearn all the good perches after they rebuilt the Arch. Hell, she’d had to relearn just about everything, acquire a new office, establish fresh supply lines, find […]

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[GW2] The Skaald Will Not Be Denied

“These grand adventures are glorious, but a bit complicated as a ranger, let me tell you.” Tove stood casually on the edge of the casino’s roof. Behind her, the reef drake Lashtail happily stomped around the fountains. “It’s not very nice to drag your animal friends so far out of their comfort zones.” “I understand,” […]

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Just Another Typical Elf

Razas sat, looking through the newest edition of Barbeque and You, which, while being an excellent cook book and grilling magazine, was also the typical warlock monthly magazine from the Dreadscar Rift. The Netherlord, in his benevolence, published safer summonings, more efficient rituals, and the like, hidden away in code that usually only warlocks were […]

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[GW2]  First Trip to Elona

————————————- 9 Zephyr, 1329 AE The other explorers suggested I keep a journal. This is a first for me, so this should be interesting. Dear journal, or whatever. I’ve been a member of the Priory for a little over two years now. They let me mount my own expeditions to Orr without their supervision, as […]

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