[Wow] Seething (Ryo)

Fateshifter Industries, Ironforge   The red hot liquid metal seethes as the fires burn and pillows blow.  The noise and red tinted glow of the active smeltery stands in stark contrast to the darkness and silence of the rest of the metal working facility within Zen’s company.  It was the weekend and roughly two in […]

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[WoW] From Jaws To Flame (Idella)

Latching the door shut, Idella braced against the back of the door and slid to the floor. Days of turmoil boiled within her, finally spilling tears. She wept, face buried in her knees, sobbing till her breath was too thin to manage anything more than gasps. Her tears faded and lifting her gaze, she spied […]

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[WoW] A Messenger (Arialynn)

Split between Stormwind, Westguard, and the Broken Shore, Arialynn Dawnfield overlooked the first inquiry of Lieutenant Commander Alden Branson. A former comrade of the Northrend campaign, Branson was one few survivors of the battles that preceded the Justicar's tenure as lead of the Rose, and one of the even fewer confidants she kept regular correspondence […]

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Explosions At Sunset (Close Comet)

They were Azeroth's last hope. The comet was nearing the planet and if someone didn't act soon, it would impact and kill all life. The journey to this point had been long and difficult. The week of arduous training to fly the rocket, learning how to operate the bomb, digging the hole on the comet. […]

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[Cael] Song and Dance

Journal,   I do not know if I am ready to write about this now but I have not feel ready sinse it happened so I am going to write it any ways. It was verry scarry and I did not like it but I do not know what to do ABOUT it. I am going […]

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[SWTOR] Overnight (Vanessa)

Tucked aboard The Defiant, a child slept. In the vacuum of space, set against the backdrop of millions of stars, there was no true sense of night or day. The crew imposes a schedule of their own, mimicking Coruscant time down to the dimmed lights in late evening hours. It was just enough to convince […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Aftermath of Night

The scene in the med bay was not dramatic. There was no creeping shadows, no blaze of light, no rushing sound. But the woman’s body, sitting upright so long into the night, let out a soft gasp of air, her hands fell to the ground, and soon after she slumped, falling to her side on […]

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SWTOR: A Correspondence with Evil

There were no forests here. No freezing hills of ice, nor her blazing desert heat and sand. But Bedisa made do, perched on the middle of the sick bay, surrounded by metal and lights and the  rushing sound of a metallic, living planet. There was the Force here too. There was a balance and a […]

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[WoW] Letter to Kageseji (Idella)

The following is delivered by crow to Kageseji. Included is a sketched diagram of Ryo’s tattoos in their current dilapidated state. The drawing is decent and notably exaggerates a few muscles. Kage, I’m with Ryo and I know he’s not on the… best of terms with the Rose right now. We’re trying to fix his […]

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[WoW] Letter to Zetera (Idella)

The following is delivered by crow to Zetera. Given her current unknown location, the crow may circle the area where she resides until she makes herself known. It carries a visible letter. Zetera, Do Illidari glaives work like death knight runeblades? I’ve never read anything to that effect in any books, but until the Illidari […]

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[WoW] The Dark Hunt [Zetera]

It was late at night in Stormwind. Zetera knelt on a ledge overlooking the harbor. She was still going over in her head what had transpired at the Blue Recluse. The Justicar asked her about leading the Illidari and helping them integrate. �Some fucking leader.� Zetera knocked back another sip from her flask. She knew […]

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[WoW] Dude, Where’s My Mount? (Mysterious Room)

“No Kinga, please…I’ll watch Manos, Starcrash, even Mitchell. Anything but Man of Steel…”   Lei Pan woke from her nightmare with a start. It had only been a dream she wasn’t really being forced to watch bad mov-…wait, this wasn’t her room. This was not her beautiful house. This was not her beautiful wife.   […]

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[WoW] How’d I get… (Mysterious Room)

Mosur chuckled and nodded at the blonde sitting next to him in the bar. Booty bay had always been a fairly neutral place even back in the old days so it was no surprise that it was an easier to mingle with members of the Horde. “Yeah, I’d say so, but what about you?” She […]

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[WoW] Letter to Drakku (Idella)

The following is delivered by crow to Drakku. To Mister Drakku, I know you worry and you used to come to the shop often to check on Ryo, so I thought writing you a letter would be a good idea. He’s with me and I know he’s in trouble. I don’t understand everything, but… I […]

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[Ana:] Keeping This

It was a new sensation, waking up in someone else’s arms.  But there was a lot of that going on with Zetera. A lot of new sensations- a lot of new feelings.  Fucking terrifying as all shit but I never did make good life choices. Live fast die hard, bad girls get the best girl.  […]

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[WoW] Reunion

Valiant let out a pitiful whinny when he sighted Ambrosine. “Val, you goober, what–” She lifted her gaze, but could only spot a flash of golden hide behind Justice’s blocky head and long-suffering expression. Her heart seized. She was seeing things, surely. There was no possible way he had–there had been so many demons– it […]

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[WoW] One Sided Conversation With The Abyss

This is a VERY old piece, written during the Anger Management plotline, while Chrissinne was tracking down a Sha-Touched Hypolyta. And while my writing has GREATLY improved, even since Mists, it’s a piece I didn’t realize never made it here. But Since Chrissinne has become my main, given how perfect she is for this expansion, […]

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[SWTOR] Anatomy of Grief (Jacqueline + Vanessa)

As Jacqueline Rees glanced into her daughter’s room, she took quick mental note of any toys or furniture not bolted down. It was a tired routine and she found more unsecured objects than she liked, especially given the earlier tantrum and lingering charged feelings in the air. With a wince, she entered anyway, tamping down […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa: The times after

I cannot allow myself to give in to guilt. I must stand against it, and not allow it to corrupt any further then it already has. But it is very hard. It is…very hard. The lessons I have learned since him have been hard taught, but it is well they were for I feel the harsh […]

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[WoW] Taming The Beast (Idella)

Stormwind kept its namesake overnight with a vicious downpour. The building groaned with every gust of wind and a slow drip drip from the ceiling served as Idella’s reminder that she again neglected to summon a thatcher to fix her roof, for the fourth stormy night in a row. It dripped like an impatient clock, […]

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[WoW] Long Walk

It was such a long. Walk. Back. The lacing holding his splints together frayed, then split. Justice was quiet when the demon-tainted elf reappeared to brace his legs anew. Humans were strange enough, elves even stranger. It was a relief to see the gates of Greywatch again. The charger heaved a great sigh, expelling fetid […]

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[WOW] A Living Dream

Around 9,300 years ago   Yllalaea Feralsong listened to her Prime as he spoke of the upcoming meeting with Malfurion Stormrage, as he commanded they all go with him to extract their vengeance.  A claw lifted to touch the silver necklace encircling her neck, once her sister�s most beloved possession.  The fury within her yearned […]

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The monster, the mad scientist, and their therapist

(See http://templarsoftherose.net/trgn/journals/1849 for previous entry, apologies for the weird tab spacing it looks good in google docs but copying and pasting here throws it off. ) Stormwind Stockade, High security wing. Present Day.     The prison has been quieter lately.  Normally the inmates are rowdy, and rude doing whatever they can to make the guard�s […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Sunlight

Could you dream in light? That’s what it felt like. There seemed to be a sparkling golden cloud around her, through her, warm in it’s way but for all it’s beauty a hint of…danger. It could cover you in glory or wipe you from the face of the earth. And she grabbed it and held […]

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[woW] Weedy’s pirate adventure (Mysterious room prompt)

Creaking wood and metal woke the young Kal�dorei.  Her head spun when she tried to stand, causing her to collapse back on the straw covering the floor. This was wrong.  This was very wrong.  Having never felt this way before, Weedy didn�t have any previous experiences to rely upon to determine what happened, but she […]

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