Lei Pan (Part 1)

Note: Had to split this up into two parts as it was getting pretty long. Thanks to Blackwald for doing the RP that the journal comes from. Also since I’ve been procrastinating on writing this up, I should note it takes place a few days after the succubus was first introduced to the guild and […]

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(wow- Kaldanos) Tea time

Darkness, all consuming darkness, a tomb that should be filled with the fallen, instead littered with relics and treasures, the bones that once resided there strewn about in tatters. The demon hunter leaps from ledge to ledge, ignoring the piles of gold and weapons, figuring they are likely cursed, no…he was here for something special, […]

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[WoW] Let Them Try and Ruin This (Zetera)

Zetera sat alone on top of the mountain where Ana had taken her. She looked off into the distance, but that wasn�t really why she was here. She thought about that night and how she felt a sense of happiness she had not had in ages. Sadly, part of her couldn�t help but to think […]

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Make a Wish: Glacierfur

“Anything you’d like. Just… not directly benefiting you. It’s part of the rules. Please don’t kill me…. again.” The nebulous spirit looked down at the pointed end of the rune blade, held just beneath the misty form of its neck. It made a show of gulping, which it no longer had to do. Glacierfur would […]

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WoW Kunyee: Heart

She stomped into her quarters, ignoring Petal’s look of confusion, and slammed the door to her private room shut. Angry shut. More so then usual, with a rattle that shook the hinges and a curse that had she been a mage, would have likely turned some imp blue.  Fists clenched, teeth bared. Tears hovering on […]

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[WoW] Bixink’s wish (make a wish prompt)

Bixink opened the box from Dinkarn and blinked.  A tarnished, rather tawdry oil lamp festooned with gems lay at the bottom with a note resting next to it. Bix, This was with a few other artifacts shipped to me for my inspection from Uldum.  Lamps like this are quite common from the area and era […]

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WoW Wallaroo: Wishing

I wish…. She turned over on her bed, silent as she had been for some time. Other then tears. Other then sighs. I wish I wasn’t afraid… Here she was again. A place of fear. The smell of fel smoke, the sink of blood. The trembling. The shame. She hadn’t been good enough. She had […]

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Wish Upon a Star: Ana (Make a Wish Prompt)

Night, brittle cold and clear in Stormheim; not a wisp of cloud covered the starry sky. Away from the main continents, the hustle and bustle and light pollution, the cosmos splayed out in glorious array, diamonds and stardust on black velvet, twinkling neighbors with the full silvery moon that basted the earth below in pale, […]

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To Zetera

[A letter, of course, lies amidst scattered rose petals blanketing Zetera’s bed. How Ana got in when the door was locked… well, best not think on that. The petals are the same shade as her hair, a deep rich violet.] Babe- That was a fucking blast. Your turn next time. Hope you like the kitten. […]

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[WoW] [Nightpetal] – The Amulet

There is a certain joy in magic.   Nightpetal allowed her chi to flow through her, smiling at the ripple through her fur that stood it on end, the electric infinite possibilities settling into every muscle and behind her eyes.  She felt each second in the infinity of possible seconds, solidifying into reality around her. […]

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[WOW] Dispatches from the Front II

(Additional RP hooks, current Broken Isles fodder – and events on the Templar Encampment at the Felwark!) –  Healers continue to report worsening wounds among fighters at the broken shore; it has been determined that weapons wielded by the Legion in proximity to the Templar encampment have either been enchanted or poisoned with a sort […]

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[WoW] The End (Idella)

Depositing her satchel on the counter, Idella sat heavily on a chair within her shop and clasped her face in her hands. There was no tear, no emotion other than exhaustion. Her pack was all the lighter for no longer carrying the phylactery with a nathrezim inside. One less worry or temptation. No more taunting, […]

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[WoW] One Wish (Writing Prompt)

�You could have anything.� It was a deep, mellow whisper that lingered in her ears as she sat in silence. A saucer of delicate porcelain sat in one hand while the gold-rimmed teacup was pinched between manicured fingers.   Esreiella closed her eyes and turned her attention on the soothing pops and crackles from the […]

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If Wishes Were Horses

Ambrosine didn’t look up until Helene proudly laid the contents of the death knight’s pockets out on the table. “Look, you didn’t even notice.” The numbers and tax forms were making her head swim, so Ambrosine didn’t whine about the interruption as much as she could have. She’d been stoically plowing through her records for […]

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WANDED! Setraa The Voice (Contract Completed)

[[The following contains the official report on the first Crit List event, which took place on Friday, Feb. 24th. A copy of it is also viewable on the Crit List Wiki Page. Thanks again to everyone who attended the event!]] Name: Setraa the Voice Location: Northern coast of Bloodmyst Isle Wanted For: Mass Homicide, Conspiring With […]

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[WoW] Make A Wish (Idella)

Related: RP Prompt 1. Remember that how the character gets the wish and the consequences of the wish are up to you! This my take on the prompt though it won’t be considered in the running. )) —- Shop goers often deposited odd knick knacks or minor relics at Idella’s shop, to the point that the […]

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[WoW] Letter to Caelryn

A letter is found under her door when she returns home after being out.  The handwriting is surprisingly good with the words being written with long, elegant strokes. Caelryn. I�m not a good person for advice.  I don�t really understand people.  Sometimes they�re sheep and sometimes they�re wolves and I can never tell which one […]

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[WoW] A New Point of View (Zetera)

Zetera finds herself hanging around Westguard more frequently as she got more comfortable around the Templars. Taking time away from the endless battle against the Legion has helped to control her inner demon. It has also allowed her to keep an eye on everyone, particularly the injured or recovering who are vulnerable. She didn�t want […]

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[WoW] Old Friends (Arialynn)

OOC: This is a callback to an old storyline that was curated by Fil, a late founder and officer of Templars of the Rose. Fil created a story where his gnome mechanically and magically modified creatures commonly considered “vermin” — mice, rats, even bats and the like — to carry out vital tasks. Eventually these […]

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WoW Kun Yi: Eew

She gazed blearily at the mug set before her on the bar (see: plank over two rocks) and muttered to herself. “…ech….” Feelings. Yuck.  That weird draenei, talking like that to her about Cael and, and THINGS. Like all deep and stuff. Yuck. Slurp. Kun took a swig of the ale and then wiped her […]

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[Ambrosine] A Letter to Aunne

Ambrosine sat down to write a letter, seeing as how she had nothing else to do. Well, no. She had plenty of other things to do but her horse, Valiant, had laid down and refused to get up as soon as he saw the saddle. He was not enjoying being back in full work, demons […]

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[WoW] Contained (Idella)

Idella tapped the soaked tip of her quill against the lip of an ink pot. Bleeding away the excess ink, she put it to paper. The upper floor of her shop was as neatly kept as the main floor, sparsely furnished and containing a belongings of mostly bookish variety. Moonlight filtered into a single window, […]

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To Aunne

[A small parchment package contains a note, and… a strange piece of jewelry-?]  Aunne- I saw this after we talked on the beech by the oshin. It looked like the sunset and warm. It was part of one whole shell. I have seen older [scratchout] girl soldiers in Greywatch have matching things becus they are […]

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[SWTOR] Quod Nos Fieri quam P�nitet

The saber burned red, flaring and overcharged – she remembered specifically choosing exactly the right crystal to get the visual effect of the rippling blade, and distorting the plasma emitters to cause the regular pulsing – "like a heartbeat", Kei'dece had said, with that smile that meant she loved the idea.  It was a lightsaber […]

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A Letter To Zetera: Valentine’s Day

[Zetera finds a letter on her bed, artfully placed on her pillow, with… Valentine’s gifts?]

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