[SWTOR] A Holomessage on Nar Shaddaa –

A holocom transmission is left for the Wildcat and her staff:  The figure in the holo is a well-dressed, cybernetically enhanced human female with a notable imperial accent.  Commcodes indicate that the transmission is local to the planet, however, and from somewhere upcity, where the rents are high and, as the ads say, life is worth […]

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[SWTOR] Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright (Vanessa/Tulson)

Vanessa centered herself on the floor and closed her eyes. Insulated from the beeping of the cockpit and whirring of the engine room, her Gunstar quarters were cozy. Far from the high ceilings and sweeping decor of her Coruscant bedroom, the ship wrapped tightly around her. Pipes, vents, and unpainted metal composed the cocoon, offset […]

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[WoW] Whiskey and Fire

No fires burned in the house that night or during the day when the black sky changed to the grey. Everything had gone cold, but she hadn�t bothered to leave her bed. Wounds from the night before ached so deeply that they kept her uselessly in place even after all of her tears had gone […]

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[WoW] A Letter To Nightpetal

Written in beautifully flowing Darnassian,  Dear Petal, Your aim sucks. I know that Victor is a thieving butthead, but I was an innocent bystander. Hitting me with fruit was very rude. -Mina Included with the letter is…a carefully carved wooden hand, sticking out its middle finger. What?

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To: Zetera

[A package for Zetera arrives. It’s… a vase, made out of… what looks like a demon’s heart, hardened and preserved. Sticking out of the various veins and arteries, and a hole carved in the top, are beautiful, magical, full roses. In her demonic sight, the manage to glow in shades of purple, matching Zetera’s tattoos. […]

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[WoW] Dispatches from the Front I

(Auth. note:  all items detailed here are intended as Current Events in and around the Templar activities on the broken shore and beyond.  These aren't really meant to be pure flavor – though they're hopefully that!  – but to also be potential rp hooks for small or large scenes, individual activity, or ideas for character intervention.  Feel […]

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[WoW][Kanta] Fevered Dreams

Blurred Vision. Kanta squinted almost, staring at the presence that claimed to be his father. ��_I have watched you over the years, I have watched you grow from a child, lost in the wilds to proving yourself to be a true warrior.��_ The apparition spoke, pacing in front of Kanta now and, glancing back at […]

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[WoW] Letter to Justicar Arialynn of the Templars

(the letter has a GM insignia styled wax seal on it) Justicar Arialynn, There were a disturbing series of events last night at Broken Shores that led to certain things coming to light. I have no choice but to put this in motion. Enclosed is a copy of the orders I signed and put into […]

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Cael is slow to recover.  And even though she makes progress, something is a little off, still. A little different. She eats and sleeps, plenty of both, considering how malnourished and broken her body is, how great the need for the nutrients and calories afforded her. (Snacks appeared, mysteriously, overnight, with a note that surprised […]

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[WoW] Shennanegans, pt. 2 – Heat and Fel

The heat was the part she couldn't quite get used to – and the itching.   "That shiny!  IT's /mine/!"  The snarl at her ear made her jump – and she remembered to snarl back. "Get yer own.  I found it first!" The thing bared teeth at her – and she bared hers back and […]

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WoW Ygraine: Light

She sat near the fireplace of the study room, deep within the cathedral. Safe, she had been told, blessed. This, thought Ygraine, was good, yes? Aunne had said so.  Very safe, kuru’nai. They are good here, yes?  Ygraine smiled,  a giggle as she cupped her hands in the flame’s light. A childlike sound from the […]

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[WoW] …but twice as pretty

She smells of fel. But we’ve seen their kind before, and not killed them. Well, we have killed one of them before. Their flesh tastes foul. Still, this one makes no aggressive moves. She crouches, watching. She is in my way. Step, step, drag. I bare my teeth. Move. — “This is the strangest thing […]

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[WoW][Ambrosine] Borrowing

“I’ve done what I can to adjust them for you, without messing up the runes.” Illyana handed over the blades hilt-first. “You’ll want to practice with them–they’ll still be heavier than Rue and Woe were. Ol’ Vee was a beast of a woman compared to you.” Ambrosine gave the hulking blacksmith a wryly amused look. […]

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[WoW] Stubborn As A Mule

Step, step, drag. Time was meaningless. He had plenty of it. Pain was meaningless. It was a warning system that no longer applied. Step, step, drag. Occasionally things harassed him. He still had teeth. He needed to get home. The idiot human he loved needed him. Step, step, drag.

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[WoW] Letter to the Coven (Large Image)

(( As an out of character note, the font is purposely hard to read. ))

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[Warcraft] Selection (Lannik)

     It hardly seemed as though it had been a year already. As he grew older, Lannik found that time was evermore fleeting. Passing weeks blended seamlessly into one-another as the sole resident of the Gorathian homestead worked diligently to maintain his home�s relatively clean nature. Whole seasons whipped by in an instant, observed […]

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Operation Panda Drop

She steeled her nerves as the gryphon flew nearer to the drop zone. She thought she would have more time, but circumstances only gave her a few hours to prepare for the mission. As the gryphon rider took a sharp turn and ascended it jostled her. Instinctively she clutched the satchel under her arm, careful […]

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According To Calculations

Dear Journal It was a recent hypothesis of mine that a mutual co-habitation arrangement could be created in which Iphram would come to live with me.  I began to postulate that the reasons why such an arrangement would be beneficial should far outweigh the demerits of the situation. After a few long nights running advanced […]

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Just Another Morning

((Alternately titled, Jarrick’ing. FYI, this is far more heroic-ish than most of my stories, but trying to get practice once more for writing action and making it flow correctly.)) Greywatch, hours before dawn. The horns sounded the alert, before choking off into stunned silence. Other sentries started and attempted to respond the alarm, only to […]

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Jamethera: Eyes in the Sky

“Be careful, Jam.” Jamethera rolled her eyes at her wife’s fussing. “Look, Illy. I’m just going to be standing here, okay? And Mina did an excellent job healing my ribs–it’s not her fault you hug like a maniac.  Seriously, you are more dangerous to me than a bit of scouting right now.” The huntress crouched […]

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Wolf on a Leash 2/2

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Graphic descriptions of sensory deprivation, violence and bloodshed. In-depth exploration of mental trauma. Graphic descriptions of torture.  x                 Maladaptive Coping Mechanism (mal__daptiv k_piNG mek__niz_m)            Noun             1- The opposite of normal (positive/adaptive/constructive) coping techniques; non-coping             2- Reduces […]

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[WOW] Shenanigans (Nightpetal)

"Sooooooooo… you're telling me this -isn't- an illusion." "Nope.  You'll really -be- the demon." "For a limited time.  And if they touch me, it'll break.  Or if they use truesight spells, it'll break.  Or if I hit a bad energy flow, it'll break.  Why are we doing this and not illusions again?" "'cause that's what […]

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[WoW] At A Glance (Evelin)

Months ago. There he is again, he doesn’t look any different than he did the last two years he showed up. No one else seems to notice him; he blends right in. I wonder if� “Evelin.” The commanding voice pulled her attention from the window she was staring out. “Evelin, what is the Law of […]

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Glacierfur: The Madness Place

(Concurrently with Aunne and Ambrosine’s Journals Music Inspiration The Funny Farm )) Together, the four of them rode. It was like being part of a pack again, for just the moment. Demons were cleaved and destroyed, trampled and torn apart as they charged into one of the sanctums of the Felborne invaders, annihilating in their path, until […]

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On Kun-Yi’s Bed

When she gets back home, Kun-Yi finds something very, very interesting on her bed: a bunch of assorted herbs native to Stormheim, and a note.  Hey Cutie-Yi Hanging out was fun. We should do it again. Don’t feel bad about the rejection, mood was all wrong for it anyways. I’m a romantic motherfucker so I […]

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