WoW Kunyee: Apologies

A small, clear glass bottle is placed near Cael’s quarters, filled with a pretty, sparkling blue-ish liquid. A note is attached, written in truly horrible Common. While written in a elegant hand, it appears the writer gave up on spelling and went with phonetics, but it’s fairly legible. Barely. Helo, Sahry abowt tha kut to […]

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Letter to Amyntas

[Written in a poor hand, careful but still shaky, with the indents of other writing in the parchment, as if she had made more than one draft of this beforehand:] Sir, I am not good with writing because it is hard but I would like to apolgize for my behavir erlier. I do not know […]

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Letter to Keleosha

[Written in a shaky hand; fur has smeared the ink in some places. It is left folded and shoved under the paladin’s door.] Paladin Kaliosha,  I am verry [scratchout] sorry for how I acted erlier. [scratchout][scratchout] I did not meen to make you feel badly. I hope you are not unhappy with me. I apresheeate […]

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Aunne: After the Wish

(Just a side-story – written from Ari’s writing prompt.  This is things as they could have been, had Zenzorem been a little subtler… and Aunne gotten her wish.  It’s definitely written very quickly, and I’ll likely be revisiting it for edits – but I wanted to post it anyway.   Sorry, Zen, for borrowing the […]

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(WoW, Joilinn): A Letter to Templar Leadership –

Delivered via SI:7 dispatch, priority, arriving late (Sunday) night to the first person that can be pegged as an officer within the Templars that the courier – a gnome on a flying machine – can find… mostly likely through one of Acele’s orderlies or the Alliance officers at Greywatch. To the officers of the Templars […]

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Letter to Cael

*found on a small package of steaks, cheeses, and wine outside of Cael’s door left after the sound of a knock and the hasty clip-clop of hooves running away* Cael, Thank you for your letter. It is kind of you to apologize, but you have nothing to be sorry for. When you reacted how you […]

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[WoW] After (Idella)

Her figure far less gaunt than it was weeks prior, Idella was dressed in the fur-lined robes suited for Westguard. Cobblestone and permafrost walls surrounded her as she worked deep in the dungeon deeps of the stone keep. Pinching the wick between her fingers, Idella lit a single candle and set it on the floor. […]

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His limbs ached, reminding him of the agony he�d suffered though the torture had stopped hours before, the applications of pain spaced just far enough apart so that every blow felt new and fresh with none overlapping to dull the sense of the next.  Leering faces, hideous laughter, derisive taunts accompanying each new violation of […]

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Im nothing.

Warden Thelwater”s keys clanked heavily against his armor as he walked the halls of the stockade. With all the excitement in the last month, the cells of Stormwind’s prison were full of lunatics and scum. To the warden’s left, a deathknight shrouded in black pitted armor followed. His presence unnerved the inmates as he passed. […]

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[WoW] Campfire

Nightfall. The stars are out on a clear sky, shining and winking intermittently. A low breeze is blowing, accompanied by the sounds of waves crashing against a rocky shore. An abandoned campsite is seen on the cliffs; an unlit firepit dark with burned wood and ringed with flat stones. A small cave behind, ostensibly a […]

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Letter to Ryml

[The paper folded and sealed with wax, written very shakily, but sharply, ink dug deep into the parchment. There’s droplets of tears or rain, a smudge or two of ink, and a strange sickly smell to it just barely detectable, like old vomit and medicines. It gets significantly more shaky the longer it goes on.] […]

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Cael returns to Greywatch accompanied (read: carried) by Blackwald, with a small head injury, numerous scrapes and bruises, a busted eyebrow, battered armor, and what looks like a slashing dagger strike that skimmed her face, blessedly missed her eyeball, and continued down the dheek. But the edges of it are angry and oozing, and Cael […]

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Nightpetal: The Book of Shadows (2)

(ed. Note – this is an excerpt from Petal’s personal journal, research notes, and general doodle book.  It’s written in pandaren, and can be had ICly – just give me a nudge!) I’ve come to realize that there is a discrepancy in current Legion activity relative to the ‘fuel’ being gathered.   Hangon.  Start at […]

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(WoW) Special Delivery:

A small, wooden crate –  and just a crate –  makes its way into the hospital tent in Greywatch.  Bumping and hopping, it shoulders the tent flap aside (if it can be said to have shoulders) and crunches its way past the nurse at the door, with a low snarl at her surprised protest.  Point […]

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Wow Kunyee: CRAP

She flopped onto the bed and buried her head into the pillow.  Shit shit shit shit SHIT.  Her paws were shaking and her gut rumbled. She couldn’t let Petal know, of course. She meant to cut the yaogaui. The worgen thief. Oh she’d gotten into fights, she’d descended into the underground, she’d seen some things […]

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Letter to Ryml

[Written in a poor hand on a piece of plain parchment splattered with a few raindrops, and folded a little hastily.]  Ryml the Shifty- How did you know were I was? I am not good at letters or[scratchout] writing. I hop this letter finds you. I think it will if you want it to.  [scratchout] […]

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Aunne: Warmth

She put on a dress, the old one that Thsay said made her pretty, with the black and the silver and the way it flared when she turned and was straight when she didn’t.  She worked for an hour on her hair, then gave up like she usually did and brushed it so it at […]

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[WoW] [Keleosha] Defending Familiar Strangers

Keleosha’s breath recoiled against the helmet’s face plate and blew into her own eye making her squint. Her head turned side to side looking for the next draenei to rescue or the next demon to hit. She really hoped it would be a demon.  She had been in Dalaran when the word came – the […]

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[Mallory] The Moon Descends

Mallory walked the woods quietly, ever ready in case of an ambush, her priestly garb concealing her battlesuit. These were new sights for her. The forests of Val�sharah were idyllic, a downright paradise. It would be so easy for her to lie down in a field here and entirely forget the invasion that plagued the […]

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The gift

�Ace, get your fel damned parachute on!�   �Oh.  Right.�  Explosions rocked the boat, driving Etsi to her hands and knees.  Convenient for her since she was running towards Ace anyway.  Damn heroic fool was trying to stay stationary and guide the frightened sheep to the gyrocopters for escape instead of abandoning the ship.  The […]

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Settling In; Letter to Aunne

{{For ambiance:  For posterity, I have included Cael’s letter she wrote and Aunne’s frankly throws-papers-into-the-air-im-done.gif amazing reply because it deserves to be seen and screeched at. I have deleted the previous separate post.}} Cael finished taking off her boots and sat on the cot. The “door” to her tent was, of course, not a door at all, […]

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Nightpetal: The Book of Shadows

(These are excerpts from Petal’s Book of Shadows – her own personal spellbook and research notes.  That book’s in Petal’s hands, and you can get your claws on it by asking – but it is wholly in Pandaran.) On Tattoos: It was with some surprise that I managed to get close enough to a few […]

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A mother’s love

A package is delivered to the keep addressed to Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson.  Inside the package is a letter, a plain gold wedding band, a large gold ring with ancient Draenic runes, and 8 small gold rings, also with Draenic runes. Grand Marshal, I regret that I could not come to you in person to […]

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Frozen Light

A small, relatively heavy package is delivered to Aunne at the keep.  On the outside is a short note written in Draenic. We found this among Seella�s things.  From the note we found within its pages, we thought she would want you to have it. � Soulpriestess  Ereal Inside the package is a small, leather-bound, […]

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[WoW] [Aedeminar] Micromanagement

It took exactly one day after Aedeminar’s arrival at the camp before her druid nature overtook her. “Do not over hunt the local area,” She scolded one poor, beleaguered soul as he headed out to look food to sustain the encampment. “Go east, we have not been over there as much.” “You!” She pointed at […]

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