[Zetera Swiftraven] When Kindness turns to Darkness [WoW]

                Zetera sits with those who would hear her story. She stops a moment to collect her thoughts as if certain memories are affecting her. Eventually she takes a breath and begins to tell her story.                   �There was a time that I would have never found myself […]

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[Zetera Swiftraven] Welcome to the New World [WoW]

((These are several journal entries from Zetera and her travels since being freed)) Entry 1 When the Illidari were freed from their prison it seemed as if the world was already consumed by the Legion. Thrown right back into the fight without a moment to figure out how long it had been since we had […]

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[Zetera Swiftraven] In Search of Power: Part I [WoW]

                During a meeting with a few Templars, one of them called Blackwald mentioned that he was in search of a weapon to use against the Legion and more specifically the Dreadlord we are chasing. The weapon was Arakkoan in origin. A people almost forgotten in Outland, they are […]

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WoW Bootyclap: The Fight

Blood and fire, bone and sinew, with cries and fel abound Many have fallen, many have burned, many dream Of demons, demons in the air and whistling sound Of horror and blade and shield, in the air to scream Bootyclap took the moment to wipe her brow and readjust her helm, and then lept bodily […]

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[WoW] Taken (Idella)

Her mind was too muddled to take note of the escape from Outlands. Feebly, she batted her hands against the claws that held her. The Nathrezim paid no attention. Finally, after what seemed like days of flying, she was deposited in a damp cell and left, momentarily forgotten.  Though aware that time was relative, that […]

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[WoW] Caged (Idella)

She didn’t feel the hunger till the end of the second day. It was almost polite at first, a growling inquiry of when the next meal would be. By nightfall, or what Idella assumed to be nightfall, it became distracting. Demanding. She watched the winged demons come with plates of food, offer them to the […]

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Never Again

The dreadlord pointed to her, and Cael’s eyes, lit with battlefire and feral worgen just barely restrained, dimmed in absolute horror and understanding. The battle raged around her, but she barely felt it, barely saw it, as the world slowed in that moment.  Her. He wanted her.  He would use her, to terrible effect, to […]

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Aunne: Unbroken

It is inevetably a true statement that when something is unnecessary, it becomes a luxury – something to be savored, enjoyed.  Rather than a rote task, the actual doing of the thing becomes subject to intense focus, every sensation new every time it’s attempted.  Aunne knew, somehow, that that was how many humans approached chocolate. […]

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[WoW] In the Shadow of the Mountain

Previously: The Legion Comes ——————– Fel fire rained from the skies above Kharanos, illuminating the snow capped mountains in vivid detail.  Kharanos burned in the shadow of the mountain and its defenders were already on their last leg. He rode the ram hard through the snow covered plains but as the town came into sight, […]

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[WoW] [Aedeminar] Outpouring

Mina kicked off her boots and wiggled her feet into the fel-abused soil. “Watch my back, will you?” “Of course.” Unaara saluted with her mace. Both women were the worse for wear–armor in need of repair, faces smudged with blood and grime, injuries only three-quarters tended at best. But that’s just how things stood at […]

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[WoW] When It Rains

During a brief lull in between the excessively destructive, apocalyptic scale assaults from the Burning Legion, Janderius found himself sitting down in the dormant grass a few miles away from what remained of Sentinel Hill. Dark, ominous clouds continued to hang thick over the region, accompanied by hints of the sinister green hue which indicated […]

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WoW Kunyee: Distilled

She watched the drops fall from behind a thick pair of goggles and a thicker, but more flexible pair of gloves. A thin dropper in one hand, little scraps of paper laid out on the tray before her, and a series of glass tubes and burners beyond that on the table. A flicker of gas […]

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[WoW] Status (Idella + Dralia + Arialynn)

(( Haven’t written in a while. Quick status of these three ladies. )) Idella Surrounded by fires and screams, Idella struggled to regain her footing. The more experienced combatants swirled around her, moving as if driven by unspoken command. Without orders, they took up the high ground and rained hell upon their opponents. Scrambling back […]

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WoW Issy: The Trip

“Do ya ‘ave yer books?” “Aye…yes, miss Issy.”  “An’ yer wee sword?” “Yes, miss.” “An’ ya know what ta do if some bug…person tries to grab ya, or if a boy plays too rough?” “Yes, miss. I have to ask them to stop or scream and then kick ’em inna fork like you said.” Isolde […]

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Trouble and Troublemakers

In all the chaos of the Legion invasion, the murders are easily overlooked. After all, no one particularly liked the doomsayers. Trouble and troublemakers both, they are, rabblerousing at all hours of the night, muttered the townsfolk of Stormwind. True, the scene itself wasn’t pretty; lime decked the walls like a deranged painter thought they’d […]

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Missives to Greywatch:

A series of dispatches arrives at Greywatch together, in the hands of a young highmountain Tauren who spends a day recovering and resupplying before leaving again. [To Arialynn]: Arialynn –  The Grand Marshall was with the Feltotem, but the demons have taken him.  I am trying to learn where it is they are going now, […]

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[Wow] [Ambrosine/Aedeminar] Fine

“If you are going to disassociate every time you fight now, this is going to get awfully difficult.” Mina was proud that she’d found the word for it. The druid was perched on the fence at Ambrosine’s farm, watching the horses graze. Even Justice wandered around and casually lipped at the grass, not that he […]

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[Wow] [Ambrosine] The Scars that Remain

There was only one thing for it, really. There could be no holding back here. At least I don’t feel the least bit guilty about killing demons. Ambrosine drew her runeblades, Rue and Woe. They were truly named, those swords: she did, in fact, bitterly regret and mourn every time she had to wield them. […]

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WoW Ygraine: Dreamless

She sat, staring at nothing.  There was no cloud this time, no golden light, no warmth. But there was a type of bliss, lost in ignorance, safety within the thick folds of madness. She was safe, here. The scars on her mind had been ripped anew, and it was too scary, too raw, too…terrifying for […]

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WoW Bootyclap: Hellfire

thump. thump.  CRACKBOOMRATTLE  “FUCK!!” She rattled off the bench and table she’d been draped over, bounced off the floor, swore (because godsdammit she’d fallen asleep in her plate AGAIN, well, drunkenly fallen asleep) and then crashed in a pile against a chair as the screams and the crashing and the rattling of pint mugs tumbled […]

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Letter to Sielic

[Carefully written on thick parchment, with perhaps more care than other letters:] Dear Sielic Your name is verry hard to spell. I spelled it Silek for the first cupl of times. [scratchout] I am not good at spelling or writing. But the JUSTICAR says I need praktis. Like wepons. You must do it to get […]

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Letter to Mosur

[In Cael’s usual poor handwriting, on thick, unfamiliar parchment:] Dear Mosur Hello. I am in PANDARIA now. IT IS SO PRITTY HERE. Mosur you need to see how pritty it is here. Wei was rite. The pandarin are very frenly and keep[scratchout] trying to feed me things. I do not know how to tell them […]

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Letter To Etsiyona

[Written in a careful, unpracticed hand; the paper looks like it got crinkled once then as straightened out.]  [scratchout scratchout]  Dear Etsiona:  I am sorree I ran away from you. You scarred me. I can not think very well when I am scarred. I am confussed. I do not know what I did to make […]

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Letter to Blackwald

[Written on half a sheet of parchment in black ink, with the occasional smear:] Dear [scratchout] Blackwald  I am in PANDARIA. It is SO PRITTY here. There are pink flowers evry where. The whole trees are pink flowers. It is green and warm. I have seen TIGERS. They are cats with orinj and [scratchout] black furr. They […]

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Letter to Esreiella

[This letter is written on a clean, unwrinkled sheet of parchment, likely not the first draft, judging from the very careful wording.]  Dear [scratchout][scratchout][scratchout] Ezreella I an verry sorry I do not know how to spell your name properly. I am not good with reading or writing. I am verry sorry. I [scratchout] should of asked befor I went […]

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