The Nine

Aunne chafed at the summons, when it came – it could not have been more inconvenient, more unwelcome; her search, crisscrossing over the broken hills of Stormheim, was paramount, and this… this was an irritation, a reminder of the wider war that she had no interest in until Etsiyona was found.  However, when the Highlord […]

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Fa Shon: Mud.

Nightpetal groaned. In her (admittedly sheltered, short) existence, she’d never felt quite so drained. Everything hurt. Her -fur- hurt. Plus, it was covered in sticky, red mud that abjectly refused to go anywhere, even when she subjected it to a solid hour of scrubbing in exceedingly, vindictively cold mountain brook water that gurgled in an […]

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Aunne: First Letter to Ygraine

Dearest Kuru’nai –  I am so very sorry I have been gone for so long, yes?  There is always something else, and it is not a good excuse, but I am doing good for now, and it is very hard to just stop.  I will come home again soon, when Etsiyona is found, but I […]

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A letter to Cael –

(The parchment this comes on is battered and water-stained, and looks like it’s been dragged through the mud at least once.  In fact, the Alliance messenger this was on fell to Vrykul in Stormheim, and his missives were delayed by some time.  This was tucked in among supply reports and overdue intelligence regarding action in […]

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The Trail –

The carved runes glowed only dimly there, in the rock, as Aunne, her piecemeal armor creaking with the motion, kneeled to touch them with gauntleted fingers, frost slowly spreading over the stone next to the dried, sluggish blood in the runes themselves. “Give him back.”  The Draenei’s hollow voice nearly whispered each word, considering each […]

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[WoW] The Legion Comes

Previously: Shattered Mind, Severed Soul, and the Long Road to Redemption ——————– Tick… Tock… Tick… To–… A knock at the door brought his thoughts back to reality. Jarrick looked at the door, his hands clasped behind his head.  The hour was late and he didn’t expect to have any visitors so late.  Regardless, he obliged. […]

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[WoW] Letters to the Coven

My brothers and sisters, Currently we stand at the precipice of our first challenge as a collective group. I will be direct so there are no misconceptions in what lies ahead. One of our own has gone rogue and turned to the Legion. I ask you to recall Kooth, the illiterate fellow tied to Mister […]

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Patriarch�s pledge [Zen]

To all those who bear the Fateshifter name. It�s rare I take time to write these days and given the threat we now face I fear I may not have an opportunity to do so in the future.  I take time now to write this message for my wife, my children and all future Fateshifters. […]

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[Jamethera] Demons Within

((Note: Salty language within.)) Jamethera�s primary thought during the battle on the Broken Shore: I love too many people.  —— The Legion. Again. What will you take from me now, assholes? Rage and despair both choked her. Her mother had died fighting these demons. Why couldn�t they just stay gone? She’d brought Schneeflocke with her […]

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[WoW] Unbroken

Demons were closing in on all sides. The retreat had been called as nothing more than words shouted against the Horde�s horn blaring in the distance. �FALL BACK!� The command had finally reached her position. �FALL BA-� A loud thump resonated in the area, shaking the ground as bone and skin popped. A demon, unlike […]

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Wow Ygraine: Fel Fire

She was happy. She remembered that much, at least, in those last, precious few moments. Her mind was wide open, free and clear. She could see love, and felt it, she could feel the sun on her face, and the laughing dance of sparks on her fingertips. The newly grown fire, banked and now burning […]

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[Brandy, Mallory] Arrival

Brandy walked down the sleepy main road leading through Westfall, toward the settlement at Sentinel Hill. She looked down at the letter in her hands one more time, wondering who this person might be…and whether she was walking into a trap. A warlock with her voidwalker out in the open would stand out like a […]

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Jurnal 1

JURNAL 1:  The Justicar told me to keep a jurnal from now on. I am [scratchout] not good with words. Spelling is hard. Reeding is hard. But she sez is it importint. So I will do it.  My name is Cael. I am a worgin and a fiter and a soljer in the TEMPLARS OF […]

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Jurnal 2

Jurnal 2: Why are things not spelled like they are spoken? It makes no sens. Silek is not Silek, he is SiElIC.  I talked to him.[scratchout]I volinteered to gard him from people who would hurt him. It was my shift today. I do not know if I helped. He reemimbers all the things he did. […]

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Jurnal 3

Jurnal 3:  Wood is WOULD, and cood is COULD, and shud is SHOULD.  WHY???????????????????????  [It is underscored several times.] I WOULD like to kill whoever invinted this sistem.  Way is WEI when it is my pandarin fren, but WAY when it is a path to go.  I am going to PANDARIA. I am spelling that […]

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Jurnal 4

Jurnal 4:  [Affixed to the page is a flyer from a doomsayer.]  I went to [scratchout] Stormwind today to look at monts. Evryone has a mont. I hav som monee now. I wanted to look.  None of them liked me. The man there sed it was becus I was a worgen. They are afrayd I will eat […]

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Jurnal 5

Jurnal 5:  I am happy.  I did not ever think I would be happy. But I am. I love the TEMPLARS. I promised to protect them all. That is all I want.  I must train more.  [scratchout] The Justicar and Kory and me are going to PANDARIA very soon.  I have left Mosur food. He needs to […]

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(Fa Shon): The Thief in the Stars

(Ed. Note: This is taken from an RP log, and as such is a little more rough than a usual journal entry. Probably see a lot of those with the Shon storyline, so there! FOrgive us, we thought it was too good not to share. 🙂 ) (Some (short) time ago:) The temple is certainly […]

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(Fa Shon): Time to Fly

(Ed. Note:  Again, another RP log remade into a journal entry.  Enjoy!) (Two days after the theft) A summer storm in the valley lashes the trees with water and wind. Thunder rolls and cracks; lightning arcs from cloud to cloud – it’s a bad night to be outdoors. In the mountains, it’s even worse, the […]

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(Fa Shon): Don’t Ask What She Smells Like

(Ed. Note – so… there was a backlog, and yet one more log to post.  Please let us know what ya think – and, again, forgive the roughness; this is, as usual, a converted RP log.) The meeting was at a little camp called Chillwind Point, just north of Taran Mill, where a nice man […]

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Aunne: Dying

Dying was not easy, not even the second time.  “Just a taste”, the Nazrethem said, and then he flew away, with a knowing smile.    “This could be yours.”  A dozen platitudes that meant nothing, until the moment she breathed again. It was cold.  She hadn’t felt cold in so long that it was a […]

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Aunne: Naming

The howl of the death gate was lost in the winds that constantly blew around the keep’s walls; she knew where to open it, where the sentries had trouble seeing at the outer wall, where the land sloped and a large boulder made an attack unlikely regardless.  But for one?  It was enough of a […]

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Elli�s nighttime prowls took her out of the keep and away from the grounds.  She couldn�t think properly being so close to humans and worrying about what they were doing or if they were safe.  Her paws carried her some distance, the ground disappearing rapidly beneath her silent strides.   Moonlight filtered through the forest, […]

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[WoW] Journal: I’m A Warlock

I’m a warlock. This is me accepting that. I like to use the word witch or even magi sometimes. I thought maybe because I can cast fire almost like a mage that that was okay. But my fire is redder, hotter, and not from arcane sources. At its hottest, my fire is green. It’s fel. […]

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WoW Ygraine: Sparks

She sat before the flames, kneeling by the coals, and watched as smoke and fire twisted through her fingertips. And smiled. This was a peat fire, so common amongst the lower classes. Banked and then stirred into life, filling the little cottage with the rich smell of smoke and earth. Cultivated flame, grown, blossoming from […]

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