Aunne: Time and Tide

Green fire lit the heavens – or, at least as much of the heavens as she could see.  She could probably see more heavens if the giant, green-rock-but-not-rock tower with its glowing column of fel energy wasn’t in the way. Or if she were standing up. Or if that alliance soldier wan’t on her face, […]

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Aunne: The Broken Blade

Metal made interesting sounds; unforgettable sounds.  When it was forged, it rang like a bell – she’d been told, once, that the sound of a metal being forged told the smith all they needed to know about the metal they were working.  Purity, strength, power – it was all in the ringing of the steel […]

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[WoW] The End of Martial Law (Arialynn)

(( Related: Snapped. )) Within the Westguard keep, amid the surroundings of stone, lit torches, and scent of burning oil, Arialynn Dawnfield stood at the war council table, a single document laid out before her. Its letterhead was the undeniable motif of a rose inked in precise dark shapes, stamped at the bottom was a […]

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[WoW] Damned

To kill a friend and colleague because they are �beyond redemption� is a concept that is all too familiar with me. However, this Seilic fellow had the option of mercy, one that was never granted to warlocks that were �too far gone� within my coven. This has, in part, fueled a certain fear of my […]

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Internal dilemmas

Assured he was sleeping, Etsiyona rose from the bed and out of the room.  As she walked her body warned her she shouldn�t be moving; the two near misses with the toss and nearly going over the edge of the tree wrenched her back pretty badly.  Ignoring the warning, she wandered around the compound.  She […]

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[SWTOR] Efficiency (Tevaria)

(( Related: Boarding Party. The following is on Tevaria, my SWTOR Agent. )) Soldering the last of the delicate wires, Tevaria rose from beneath the command console. Outside the viewport, countless stars indicated no point in time, yet from an approaching fatigue she felt both physically and mentally, the hour was late and day long. Wiping her forehead of […]

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[WoW] Rites (Idella)

(( Related: Coven of the Black Rose. The following is on my WoW warlock, Idella VanBelle. )) Lit by a single candle, Idella VanBelle chewed on her lip as she worked. Spread across the library table were several maps, each of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, or both. She scratched notes into parchment with her ink-stained fingers: key […]

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�Fuck,� came the first waking word from the vindicator beneath the too-thin sheets of his bed in Westguard. He�d come to be fond of that short, sharp expression over his time on Azeroth. It was so very good at communicating his mindset. Gripping the edge of the bed frame with a calloused palm, Zaanthe pushed […]

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[WoW] Unbreakable

The Marshal finished making his rounds through the infirmary and started back towards his quarters.  As he walked, his mind retraced the battle which had concluded just hours prior. ———– “Shield wall!” He roared, his unit collapsing in and raising a protective barrier.  The sound of a thousand arrows rained down upon their shields like […]

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SWTOR Dareia: Training

Eyes narrowed in the faint dimness of her small barracks quarters. The light level was perfect here, she found. Agent Tevaria’s arrangements were far better then she had come to expect back on Dromund Kaas. She could adjust the light levels however she chose, avoiding the sharp glare that would often pain her sensitive pupils.  […]

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Trust Issues

Cael gingerly, very gingerly, took the new sword in her hand.  It was nothing special, just another replacement for her old one. Her armor was still being worked on, but the sword was ready.  Good thing one of us is.  The memory of Zaanthe, how very close she had come to outright killing him had […]

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The Story of Fa Shon:

“It is said, my child – ”  Lorekeeper Xai began, “that in the dark days before the Emperor freed us all, there were great ones, male and female, that laid the path that the Emperor would one day follow.  We all stand on the shoulders of those that came before us; we grow in wisdom […]

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[SWTOR] Ties (Vanessa)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Break (Jacqueline). The following is on Vanessa Rees, the estranged daughter of my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Little feet ran through the metal halls of the Dreadnaught�s decks. Armored feet of her escort kept pace behind her. Bidden by a sense of pain, a growing urgency that wasn�t her own yet was […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Desert III

The ache was returning. She sat in the calm, the centre of the storm, the pure and undivided Force flowing around, in, above and below her. Such clarity. Such grace. Perfection… But she was still human. Mortal, yet, and the pains she had run from wafted in on the desert winds once again.  There had […]

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[SWTOR] Break (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) He left, the blast door hissing closed. She hurled one last insult at him, the words echoing off the pristine steel panels and angular walls. The Sith was gone, and though he struck no physical blow, detonated no blast in his wake, […]

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Koryander took Cael to her room, instead of the barracks. Cael did not resist. She was barely capable of putting one foot in front of the other. The paladin gently helped her get her gore-encrusted armor off, and with a few buckets of water and determination, helped get most of the blood out of her […]

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Aunne: The Seven Stitches

She eyed the wardrobe suspiciously – and then the note.  Note.  Wardrobe.  Wardrobe.  Note.  Package.   The package was pretty, bedecked in red paper with a shiny golden bow, suspciously heavy and wooshy and tasted just a little of magic. The boy who’d delivered it was not terribly suspicious, but then, they never were, were […]

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[WoW] Attrition (Arialynn)

The fires of Westguard burned late into the night. Kvaldir bodies draped and piled on the cliff edge as men and women worked to remove them. They did so with little fanfare, opting to simply push them from a section of cliffside that hung high over the seas below. The frigid ocean swallowed the bodies […]

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WoW Wallaroo: What We Do

Wei nudged the door open quietly, carrying a tray. She peeked inside, still dozy eyed, still slightly floury, but better rested then she had been. She had to be. There was so much to do…so much the others did, so much that they *needed*. That everyone did. She saw Kory, leaning against a wall, eyeballing […]

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WoW Wallaroo: Aftermath

Wallaroo gently guided Janderius into the keep, her own footsteps plodding and heavy. The mage had expended far too much energy, she thought. She had too. The three-spirit manouver was tricky at the best of times, and it had drained her to move those ladders. She could barely think. Certainly not enough to find the […]

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Night watch 2

Elli prowled the ground, growling, snarling, and snapping at nothing in frustration.  Didn�t her new pack understand?  You didn�t let a diseased member back in if it was trying to kill the members.  No wolf liked killing one of their own, but they did what needed to be done to keep the pack safe.  Why […]

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[SWTOR] Grounded III (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Grounded II (Jacqueline) and SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Uncertain Star. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Present Day, Shadowstar’s Training Chamber “All right, now try this one. Ready?” “Ready!” The two sat on the pristine dark floor of the Shadowstar training chamber. Jacqueline rested with her bandaged leg stretched out, her […]

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Rescue and Recovery

Kanta and Anarial had returned to Moonglade after some Traveling. After the Mage Janderius had taken the three back to Ashenvale from the Grizzly Hills, the two hunkered back down in their home. Anarial, having been grounded due to the injuries she had taken in her flank had issues even shapeshifting back to her elven […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Desert II

Fire. Heat. The first day was the worst. The journey through the deep sands, in no particular direction but…deeper, and deeper, into the whispering dune sea. She walked and followed the Force, but the walking took her mind away from her centre, and the heat began to seep into her very bones. She used her […]

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[WoW] Step Two: Serve Cold

Acid colored flames guided Abathor through the rest of the frozen wasteland. Though it was a small campfire, it was enough to illuminate two figures waiting patiently next to a set of unearthed drake bones arranged in order. One was very obviously Esreiella, but the other was no one he could recognize. Largely because of […]

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